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[Trigger] Trigger problems

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Level 3
Jun 30, 2008
In my map, the character starts out with three units: two hero's and one support caster. The first thing you fight is a lich that, at 75% life, flee's to the other side of the map and begins spawning undead like mad. This much is working, however, the next part the lich is supposed to flee again into a mausoleum. He flees and is gone, but all the undead he spawned aren't dying like I've specified and the triggers for the spawns aren't turning off either. My entire trigger think looks like this (because idk how to take a screenshot of it):

Map Initialization - Special Effect: Sword (just an attachment is in this trigger)
Nightfall Guardian
- Damage 1
- Events - Unit Necromancer004 <gen> takes damage
- Conditions - (life of Necromancer004 <gen>) less than or equal to 7500
- Actions - Quest - Display to (all players) the Warning message: Nightfall Guardian flees!
- Special Effect - Create a special effect at (center of region 000 <gen>) using war3mapimported\darkpillar.mdx
- Unit - move Necromancer004 <gen> instantly to (center of region 001 <gen>)
- Unit - make Necromancer 004 invulnerable (this is so your hero's stop chasing him. I would just issue them to stop, but im lazy)
- Wait 2 seconds
- Unit - make Necromancer 004 vulnerable
- Trigger - Turn on Undead spawn <gen>
- Trigger - Turn on Undead spawn 2 <gen> (this spawns a different type of undead)
- Trigger - Turn off Damage 1
- Undead Spawn
- Events
- Time - Every 20 seconds of game time
- Actions
- Unit - Create 1 Putrid Horror for Player 6 (orange) at (center of region 002)
- Unit Group - Order (Units of type Putrid Horror) to attack Harvester 0005 <gen>
- Special Effect - Create a special Effect at (center of region 002) using Abilities\Spells\Orc\Devour\DevourEffectArt.mdl
- Undead Spawn 2 (its just the same as undead spawn 1 except using a ghoul and at region 003)
- Damage 2
- Events
- Unit - Necromancer 004 <gen> takes damage
- Conditions
- (life of Necromancer004 <gen> less than or equal to 2500
- Actions
- Quest - Display to (all players) the Warning message: Nightfall Guardian flees into the mausoleum!
- Unit - make Necromancer004 <gen> invulnerable
- Unit - move Necromancer004 <gen> instantly to (center of region 005)
- Trigger - Turn on Nightfall Guardian <gen>
- Trigger - Turn off damage 2
Ending Cinimatic
- Nightfall Guardian
- Events
- Unit - A unit enters Region 005
- Conditions
- (triggering unit) Equal to Necromancer 004 <gen>
- Actions
- Unit - hide Necromancer 004 <gen>
- Unit - Remove Necromancer 004 <gen> from the game
- Special Effect - Create a special effect at (center of region 005) using war3mapimported\DarkPillar.mdx
- Trigger - Turn on Cinimatic <gen>
- Trigger - Turn off Undead spawn 2
- Trigger - Turn off Undead spawn
- Cinimatic
- Actions
- Unit Group - Pick every unit in (units of type Putrid Horror) and do (kill(triggering Unit))
- Unit Group - pick every unit in (units of type (Swamp zombie)) and do (kill(triggering Unit))

I realize in the Cinimatic trigger that it needs an action, but I moved them out of the Nightfall Guardian trigger because they didnt work there either and I thought something like this would fix it. obviously not.
Level 4
Oct 12, 2008
Wrong place to post dude, Ur lookin for triggers and jass forum

A common mistake with the world editor forum dont worry.
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
Yes, you will find better results by posting in the right section. and wrap trigger tags around it. and do kill picked unit, not triggering unit for last part.
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