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Trigger for ability help please!

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Level 5
Mar 17, 2005
Ok, this ability is really fustrating me and i can't figure out why it will not work. When you cast it, the ability (acid bomb) takes away defence and the triggers i set up will remove strength and agility based on the ability level.

My problem: i can't figure out how to add the stats back to the hero after 15 seconds or whenever the modified acid bomb wears off.

Here is my trigger setup:

Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Rabies
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads |CFFFF0000-Strength... at (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast)) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 8.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
Hero - Modify Strength of (Target unit of ability being cast): Subtract (5 x (Integer((Real((Level of Rabies for (Triggering unit)))))))
Hero - Modify Agility of (Target unit of ability being cast): Subtract (5 x (Integer((Real((Level of Rabies for (Triggering unit)))))))
Wait 2.00 seconds
Floating Text - Destroy (Last created floating text)
Hero - Modify Strength of (Target unit of ability being cast): Add (5 x (Integer((Real((Level of Rabies for (Triggering unit)))))))
Hero - Modify Agility of (Target unit of ability being cast): Add (5 x (Integer((Real((Level of Rabies for (Triggering unit)))))))
Level 5
Jun 17, 2006
you will need variables to store the amount of strength and agility removed, and also a variable to store the unit that lost the stats. after the 15 seconds are up you give rabiesTarget(player number of [owner of triggering unit)] rabiesStatsTaken[player number of (owner of triggering unit)] strength and agility. these two variables are arrays of units and integers respectively. notice how you can use the player number to access the correct variables in the array and how each player has exactly variable in each array.

one thing to watch out for is accidentally giving the targeted unit additional stats if his origanal strength or agility was 15 or below (heroes cannot have 0 of any attribute so if a hero had 15 strength he would lose 14 but gain 15 back).
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
I actually think he came up with the strength/agility idea and then made a name he thought that could fit this ability... at least that's how I make ailities... I get an idea and then make a name, instead of having a name and making the ability (if I'd do that, I would only make abilities that already exist...)

anyway, let's not get off topic... so does it work now?
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