Actually I would say it would be less noobish to create them with triggers, but what you actually want to do is use both. The data editor is well used and the best if what you want to do is inside its limits, since it will then be a part of the game and not risk leaks for instance (besides most "triggered" abilities are still based on a edit to the data editor).
So summation: The triggers is a part of the ability, allowing for unique ideas and effects not possible with the old system, just make certain you avoid all the problems it can cause, such as before mentioned leaks (creating locations without deleting them and so forth), also make sure that if multiple people have the same ability that it is possible for them to actually use it at the same time. For instance if you use an ability where its making use of one specific unit to cast the spell (besides the caster of course) then it will fuck up if another was to cast the same ability around the same time. Also be certain that the event trigger for the ability is correctly matched with the ability you intend to use, a common mistake is to use the event such that the ability is not yet activated hence doesn't trigger (referring to cast / target of a spell so forth).
If this made any sense to you so far then moving on: if you want to be really sure your doing it right then you should use the data editor (using your term here, since I would call it the object editor) and the trigger editor in combination, then you will want to use not the GUI triggers (which is the simple ones in some way), but instead use JASS as the coding language allows a lot more freedom (and room for errors), but also for a more smooth coding if the bugs are avoided (which returns me to the point that if you can do it with the "data editor" then do it, since it won't have the same impact on system resources.
Hope that made some sense.
And once again: Its not noobish to create abilities with triggers, in fact I wished more people did so in their maps to make them more interesting.