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Trigger Ability: Referring to Auto-Casts

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Level 2
Aug 16, 2007
So here is how my trigger looks:

unit - a unit (begins casting an ability/begins the effect of an ability/finishes casting an ability) <--- ive tried all three with no luck

ability being cast = ability_01

special effect on (target unit of ability being cast)
destroy special effect
unit - (casting unit) causes damange to (target unit of ability being cast)

I've referred to other abilities with triggers using either unit begins casting an ability or unit begins the effect of an ability, but with this ability the trigger will not go off. Im assuming it is because its my first auto-cast trigger ability (using searing arrow template), but I could be wrong. Any help would be awesome. Credit on my map, ofc :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 5
Apr 16, 2005
I've had experiences before where if you use a autocast ability, it will not turn the trigger on if you use the autocast effect. The player actually has to target the target.
Level 2
Aug 16, 2007
I tried clicking the button and clicking the target manually with the trigger still not going off. :-(

I know DotA style maps use auto-casts in trigger abilities (panda is one I can think of) so I know its possible

If anyone could help me out with this it would be great, thanks.
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
I dont think you can detect when a unit casts searing arrows because it's kind of an attack skill. The only way I can think of (using searing arrows, you might be able to do it with another auto-cast) would be to detect when searing arrows is turned off/on, record it and then when the unit attacks check if searing arrows is on if so do the actions.
Level 2
Aug 16, 2007
I dont think you can detect when a unit casts searing arrows because it's kind of an attack skill. The only way I can think of (using searing arrows, you might be able to do it with another auto-cast) would be to detect when searing arrows is turned off/on, record it and then when the unit attacks check if searing arrows is on if so do the actions.

Thats actually a real good idea. Can you track when an ability has had autocast enabled/disabled? I'm going to have to mess around with that as soon as I get home from work. Thanks for the idea :wink:

EDIT: Or, I could just make it a summon-type ability that summons a dummy. When that dummy enters the game it is removed, and the damage modifier is applied every time the said unit attacks. Then just use the ability again to turn it off. Man, even if your idea doesn't work you just sparked an infallible work-around lol thanks a lot. A+++
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Thats actually a real good idea. Can you track when an ability has had autocast enabled/disabled? I'm going to have to mess around with that as soon as I get home from work. Thanks for the idea :wink:

EDIT: Or, I could just make it a summon-type ability that summons a dummy. When that dummy enters the game it is removed, and the damage modifier is applied every time the said unit attacks. Then just use the ability again to turn it off. Man, even if your idea doesn't work you just sparked an infallible work-around lol thanks a lot. A+++
Actually you can detect when an autocast is turned on/off.

Event: A unit is issued an order with no target
Condition: Issued order is equal to 'Enable Searing Arrows' (or something)
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