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Table of Contents
Why should I use JASS/Lua
How do I switch from JASS to Lua?
What do I type?
Extras - Lua Hashtables
Extras - Compartmentalization
Knowing how to use GUI.
Sick of selecting everything from a drop-box? Want to code like a real coder (tm)? Look no further than JASS/Lua!
This guide serves two purposes: to illustrate why you should transition to Lua/JASS, and how to easily do so.
This is not a guide on how to be a super coder or something like that. There are a thousand other guides on how to do stuff like that. Besides, you should already know some basic programming concepts like if/else and loops, given that they are literally in GUI.
You will not require any programming background aside from your experience tinkering with Warcraft III GUI Triggering.
Why should I use JASS/Lua?
Say you want to make a bleed stat which scales off your technology transfer stat, both of which does not exist in Warcraft III. By using JASS/Lua, you can easily hook up some update function which updates your technology transfer stat while simultaneously updating your bleed stat. This allows you to just type the function name instead of copy-pasting the actions every single time.
Also, something about typing speed, efficiency, lag, 32768 array limits, BJs, etc.
You just look muh cool and professional while typing in your code like a real man, okay? Also, now, you too can join the JASS/Lua club!
How do I switch from JASS to Lua?
Why should I use JASS/Lua
How do I switch from JASS to Lua?
What do I type?
Extras - Lua Hashtables
Extras - Compartmentalization
Knowing how to use GUI.
Sick of selecting everything from a drop-box? Want to code like a real coder (tm)? Look no further than JASS/Lua!
This guide serves two purposes: to illustrate why you should transition to Lua/JASS, and how to easily do so.
This is not a guide on how to be a super coder or something like that. There are a thousand other guides on how to do stuff like that. Besides, you should already know some basic programming concepts like if/else and loops, given that they are literally in GUI.
You will not require any programming background aside from your experience tinkering with Warcraft III GUI Triggering.
Why should I use JASS/Lua?
Say you want to make a bleed stat which scales off your technology transfer stat, both of which does not exist in Warcraft III. By using JASS/Lua, you can easily hook up some update function which updates your technology transfer stat while simultaneously updating your bleed stat. This allows you to just type the function name instead of copy-pasting the actions every single time.
Also, something about typing speed, efficiency, lag, 32768 array limits, BJs, etc.
You just look muh cool and professional while typing in your code like a real man, okay? Also, now, you too can join the JASS/Lua club!
How do I switch from JASS to Lua?
What do I type?
There are three answers to this:
1). Use an API lol git gud
2). Do it in a new trigger in GUI, right click your trigger, click "Convert to Custom Script". Unavailable to LUA users.
3). Type "ASD" in anywhere you can enter custom script, and scour the error message for the code.
Triggers are literally just functions that get called at certain times. I'll teach you how to give it an event later.
Functions are basically just Triggers, but with just things you can put in "Actions", may take in information to process, and may give you an output.
To create a function,
1). Use an API lol git gud
2). Do it in a new trigger in GUI, right click your trigger, click "Convert to Custom Script". Unavailable to LUA users.
3). Type "ASD" in anywhere you can enter custom script, and scour the error message for the code.
Triggers are literally just functions that get called at certain times. I'll teach you how to give it an event later.
Functions are basically just Triggers, but with just things you can put in "Actions", may take in information to process, and may give you an output.
To create a function,
function YOUR_FUNCTION (whatever)
--put actions here
--example: whatever = whatever + 2
--example: DisplayTextToPlayer(Player(0), 0, 0, I2S(whatever))
--maybe put "return X" here, replace X with whatever variable you want to return. NOT FOR TRIGGERS!
--example: return whatever
function YOUR_FUNCTION takes whatever returns type //usually "whatever" is nothing, but it really depends. "type" can be any type.
//put actions here
//example: whatever = whatever + 2
//example: call DisplayTextToPlayer(Player(0), 0, 0, I2S(whatever))
//maybe put "return X" here, replace X with whatever variable you want to return. NOT FOR TRIGGERS!
//example: return whatever
To use (call) a function,
YOUR_FUNCTION (whatever) --I just wanna call a function. You don't actually have to put something in whatever
local VARIABLE = YOUR_FUNCTION(whatever) --I want something out of the function because the function is how I find out the square root of two pi x times the player's score and the height of his character times the number of trees or whatever
call YOUR_FUNCTION (whatever) //I just wanna call a function. You don't actually have to put something in whatever
set tree = YOUR_FUNCTION (whatever) //I want something out of the function because the function is how I find out the square root of two pi x times the player's score and the height of his character times the number of trees or whatever
Actions are literally function calls. Don't believe me? Right-click your trigger, click "Convert to Custom Script". You will get a function call.
What does a function call look like?
function_name(args) or function_name()
(will have a call in front if you are using JASS)
That's literally your action. Just a function call.
Example: Melee Initialization actions:
What does a function call look like?
function_name(args) or function_name()
(will have a call in front if you are using JASS)
That's literally your action. Just a function call.
Example: Melee Initialization actions:
function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions()
function Trig_Melee_Initialization_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call MeleeStartingVisibility()
call MeleeStartingHeroLimit()
call MeleeGrantHeroItems()
call MeleeStartingResources()
call MeleeClearExcessUnits()
call MeleeStartingUnits()
call MeleeStartingAI()
call MeleeInitVictoryDefeat()
For Map Initialization, just do it in GUI and use Custom Scripts to call functions lol, I'm not going to teach you how to metatable and detect changes to a variable.
For literally everything else,
1). Create a Trigger
2). Call a function that adds an event to the trigger
3). Link it to function of choice
For literally everything else,
1). Create a Trigger
2). Call a function that adds an event to the trigger
3). Link it to function of choice
function InitTrig_everyxsecs()
local gg_trg_everyxsecs = CreateTrigger() -- Create a Trigger
TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic(gg_trg_everyxsecs, 2) -- Call a function that adds an event to the trigger. In this case it's the Time - Periodic Event event.
TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_everyxsecs, Trig_everyxsecs_Actions) --Link it to function of choice
function Trig_everyxsecs_Actions()
-- Go back to Actions to find out how to put actions in here
InitTrig_everyxsecs() -- Create the trigger
function InitTrig_everyxsecs takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger gg_trg_everyxsecs = CreateTrigger() // Create a Trigger
call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic(gg_trg_everyxsecs, 2) // Call a function that adds an event to the trigger. In this case it's the Time - Periodic Event event.
call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_everyxsecs, Trig_everyxsecs_Actions) // Link it to function of choice
function Trig_everyxsecs_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
// Go back to Actions to find out how to put actions in here
call InitTrig_everyxsecs () // Create the trigger
Conditions in Lua/JASS are, well, if-conditions. Except that you put them in Actions and you put the Actions inside them. Applies to If-Then-Else (Multiple Conditions)
Conditions in Lua/JASS are, well, if-conditions. Except that you put them in Actions and you put the Actions inside them. Applies to If-Then-Else (Multiple Conditions)
if (CONDITION) then
elseif (CONDITION) then --if you don't have other actions don't type this
--Other actions
else --if you don't have other actions don't type this
--Other actions 2
elseif CONDITION then //if you don't have other actions don't type this
//Other actions 2
else //if you don't have other actions don't type this
//Other actions 2
Now, you might be wondering: I've looked up the API and can't find an "equals" function! How do I do basic additions and comparisons? Where is the "Equals To" analog?
--[[ Conditions ]]--
== -- Equals To
~= -- Not Equals To
<= -- Less Than or Equals To
>= -- Greater Than or Equals To
< -- Less Than
> -- Greater Than Than
--[[ Actions ]]--
= -- Set Variable
+ -- +
- -- -
* -- *
/ -- /
% -- modulo
^ -- power
/* Conditions */
== // Equals To
!= // Not Equals To
<= // Less Than or Equals To
>= // Greater Than or Equals To
< // Less Than
> // Greater Than Than
/* Actions */
= // Set Variable
+ // +
- // -
* // *
/ // /
+= // add to self
-= // subtract from self
*= // multiply self
/= // divide self
for A=a,b do
-- actions
local integer A = a
exitwhen A > b
// actions
set i = i + 1
BONUS: While Loops, while not found in GUI, will repeat itself until the condition is fulfilled.
while CONDITION do
exitwhen CONDITION
// actions
The Variables in GUI are Global Variables - that means everything can access them. Not very good if you just want to run 3 spells at once and they all rely on the same actions and triggers and such.
Here is how you make a Global Variable:
The Variables in GUI are Global Variables - that means everything can access them. Not very good if you just want to run 3 spells at once and they all rely on the same actions and triggers and such.
Here is how you make a Global Variable:
VARIABLE_NAME = whatever --put outside functions!
type Your variable = whatever --Go search up the API for types!
Now, here is how you add a local variable!
local VARIABLE_NAME = whatever --put inside functions!
local type Your variable = whatever //Go search up the API for types!
Here is how you add an array:
local VARIABLE_NAME = {} -- can be global too
local type array Your variable = whatever //Go search up the API for types!
Congratulations, that should be literally everything that you can do in GUI!
Extras - Lua Hashtables
Lua arrays can have their own variables, including arrays. This allows you to store your data in data. For example:
variable = a, --no need local, it's already specific to this
variable2 = { b = 100 }, --no need local, it's already specific to this
To access the nested variable,
VARIABLE_NAME.variable2.b --100
VARIABLE_NAME.variable --whatever a is
VARIABLE_NAME --hashtable containing variable and variable2[/LEFT]
VARIABLE_NAME["variable2"]["b"] --100
asd = "b"
VARIABLE_NAME["variable2"][asd] --100
Additionally, you can set the variable name of Lua table variables to whatever you want - even a literal unit. Not a string, mind you, a literal unit.
Health = {}
Health[Player(0)] = 2
Health[GetEventTargetUnit()] = 10
Extras - Compartmentalization
So, remember what I said about being able to add stats to whatever unit and have it auto-update?
For this example, I will only be using LUA, because with LUA it is pretty brain-dead to do it. JASS, being a data-oriented programming language, requires far more skill to achieve the same goal.
There are better ways to do it, such as with metatables, but I will only use things I taught in this tutorial.
my_stats = {}
function init_stats(unit)
if not my_stats[unit] then --check if exists
my_stats[unit] = { --create the stats for the unit
bleed = 0,
tech_transfer = 0,
function updateTechTransfer(unit, newValue) --call when updating stat to new value, like if you get armor or something
init_stats(unit) --to init custom data if nonexistent
my_stats[unit].tech_transfer = newValue --the set
calculateBleed(unit) --the update
function calculateBleed(unit) --calculation
local unit_stats = my_stats[unit]
unit_stats.bleed = unit_stats.tech_transfer ^ 3
Now you can do whatever you want with it. To prove that it works, I'm going to use a trigger every X seconds mockup to test this:
- Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
- Conditions
- Custom script: updateTechTransfer(Player(0), 10)
- Custom script: DisplayTextToPlayer(Player(0),0,0,my_stats[Player(0)].bleed)
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