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The Quick Start Guide To Installing Lua to a map.
First make sure you have NewGen installed (Setting up NewGen WE (with pictures))
Step 1 (installating Lua framework, necessary for all maps)
Copy and paste this into the map (must be done for any map wanting to use Lua).
Change FILE_NAME in "FILE_NAME" (line 2) to the name of your map.
The name can't contain spaces or special characters.
Once done, hit save.
Step 2 (finishing installation of Lua framework)
Delete the code and then copy and paste this into the map.
Find this line
And change the FILE_NAME portion to the name you decided for your map.
Find this line
And change FILE_NAME to what you decided for your map.
Then hit save.
Step 3 (installing recommended Lua systems)
Lua systems only need to be installed on a given computer one time. Once it is installed, it will work across all maps.
Copy and paste this script into the map
Hit save. Then delete the script. Now the above script will work in any map that has the Lua framework installed in it.
Copy and paste this script into the map
Hit save. Then delete the script. Now the above script will work in any map that has the Lua framework installed in it.
Copy and paste this script into the map
Hit save. Then delete the script. Now the above script will work in any map that has the Lua framework installed in it.
Step 4 (installing popular vjass scripts)
A vjass script that has an installation script like the one for UnitIndexer
Must be installed into each map that wants to use that vjass system.
All vjass installation scripts that generate objects, like the one for UnitIndexer, are installed exactly the same way.
Example (Revive Unit)-
Copy and paste this script into the map (Lua installation script)
Hit save. Close the map. Open the map. Delete the script.
Copy and paste this script into the map (the actual vJASS script)
Hit save. ReviveUnit is now ready to be used.
Try this code to see that it can be used (cnp into map, hit save, then hit test map)-
First make sure you have NewGen installed (Setting up NewGen WE (with pictures))
Step 1 (installating Lua framework, necessary for all maps)
Copy and paste this into the map (must be done for any map wanting to use Lua).
//! externalblock extension=lua FileExporter $FILENAME$
//! i local FILENAME = "FILE_NAME"
//! runtextmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER()
//! i initmap()
//! endexternalblock
//! textmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER
//! i do
//! i local PATH_LUA_p = "grimext\\luadir"
//! i local PATH_JASS_p = PATH_LUA_p .. "\\" .. FILENAME .. "_dir"
//! i local PATH_LUA = PATH_LUA_p .. "\\"
//! i local PATH_JASS = PATH_JASS_p .. "\\"
//! i local JASS_HUB = "jass\\luajass." .. FILENAME .. ".j"
//! i function initmap()
//! i os.execute("if not exist " .. PATH_LUA .. " (mkdir " .. PATH_LUA .. ")")
//! i os.execute("if not exist " .. PATH_JASS .. " (mkdir " .. PATH_JASS .. ")")
//! i local file = io.open(JASS_HUB, "r")
//! i if (file == nil) then
//! i file = io.open(JASS_HUB, "w")
//! i file:write("")
//! i file:close()
//! i else
//! i file:close()
//! i end
//! i os.execute("if not exist grimext\\luadir\\" .. FILENAME .. "_dir (mkdir grimext\\luadir\\" .. FILENAME .. "_dir)")
//! i end
//! i end
//! endtextmacro
Change FILE_NAME in "FILE_NAME" (line 2) to the name of your map.
//! i local FILENAME = "FILE_NAME"
//! i local FILENAME = "MY_RANDOM_MAP"
The name can't contain spaces or special characters.
Once done, hit save.
Delete the code and then copy and paste this into the map.
//! import "luajass.FILE_NAME.j"
//! textmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER
//! i do
//! i local FILENAME = "FILE_NAME"
//! i function getfilename()
//! i return FILENAME
//! i end
//! i local PATH_LUA_p = "grimext\\luadir"
//! i local PATH_JASS_p = PATH_LUA_p .. "\\" .. FILENAME .. "_dir"
//! i local PATH_LUA = PATH_LUA_p .. "\\"
//! i local PATH_JASS = PATH_JASS_p .. "\\"
//! i local JASS_HUB = "jass\\luajass." .. FILENAME .. ".j"
//! i local olddofile = dofile
//! i local oldrequire = require
//! i local oldloadfile = loadfile
//! i function dofile(name)
//! i oldrequire("luadir\\" .. name)
//! i end
//! i function require(name)
//! i dofile(name)
//! i end
//! i function loadfile(name)
//! i dofile(name)
//! i end
//! i local function getluapath(name)
//! i return (PATH_LUA .. name .. ".lua")
//! i end
//! i local function getjasspath(name)
//! i return (PATH_JASS .. name .. ".luajass.j")
//! i end
//! i local function getjassimport(name)
//! i return ("\/\/! import \"..\\" .. getjasspath(name) .. "\"")
//! i end
//! i local function del(name)
//! i os.remove(name)
//! i end
//! i local function read(path)
//! i local file = io.open(path, "r")
//! i code = nil
//! i if (file ~= nil) then
//! i code = file:read("*all")
//! i file:close()
//! i end
//! i return code
//! i end
//! i local function write(path, code)
//! i file = io.open(path, "w")
//! i file:write(code)
//! i file:close()
//! i end
//! i local function import(name)
//! i local code = read(JASS_HUB)
//! i local line = getjassimport(name) .. "\n"
//! i local s,k = code:find(line)
//! i if (s == nil) then
//! i write(JASS_HUB, code .. line)
//! i end
//! i end
//! i function readlua(name)
//! i return read(getluapath(name))
//! i end
//! i function writelua(name, code)
//! i write(getluapath(name), code)
//! i end
//! i function readjass(name)
//! i return read(getjasspath(name))
//! i end
//! i function writejass(name, code)
//! i write(getjasspath(name), code)
//! i import(name)
//! i end
//! i function deletelua(name)
//! i del(getluapath(name))
//! i end
//! i function deletejass(name)
//! i del(getjasspath(name))
//! i local line = getjassimport(name) .. "\n"
//! i local code = read(JASS_HUB)
//! i local s,k = code:find(line)
//! i if (s ~= nil) then
//! i write(JASS_HUB, code:sub(1,s-1) .. code:sub(k+1))
//! i end
//! i end
//! i end
//! endtextmacro
Find this line
//! import "luajass.FILE_NAME.j"
And change the FILE_NAME portion to the name you decided for your map.
//! import "luajass.FILE_NAME.j"
//! import "luajass.MY_RANDOM_MAP.j"
Find this line
//! i local FILENAME = "FILE_NAME"
And change FILE_NAME to what you decided for your map.
//! i local FILENAME = "FILE_NAME"
//! i local FILENAME = "MY_RANDOM_MAP"
Then hit save.
Lua systems only need to be installed on a given computer one time. Once it is installed, it will work across all maps.
Copy and paste this script into the map
//! externalblock extension=lua FileExporter $FILENAME$
//! runtextmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER()
//! i writelua("GetObjectId", [[
//! i function getobjectid(obj, objecttype)
//! i if (currentobjecttype() ~= objecttype) then
//! i setobjecttype(objecttype)
//! i end
//! i local object = generateid(obj)
//! i while (
//! i objectexists(object) or
//! i string.find(object, "'", 1, true) ~= nil or
//! i string.find(object, '\\', 1, true) ~= nil or
//! i string.find(object, ',', 1, true) ~= nil or
//! i string.find(object, '/', 1, true) ~= nil) do
//! i object = generateid(obj)
//! i end
//! i return object
//! i end
//! i ]])
//! endexternalblock
Hit save. Then delete the script. Now the above script will work in any map that has the Lua framework installed in it.
Copy and paste this script into the map
//! externalblock extension=lua FileExporter $FILENAME$
//! runtextmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER()
//! i writelua("GetVarObject", [[
//! i local filename = "JassGlobals"
//! i local filename_lua = getfilename() .. "_VAR_OBJECT_JassGlobals1"
//! i dofile("GetObjectId")
//! i local vars = readlua(filename_lua)
//! i local vars2 = readjass(filename)
//! i local varsdata
//! i local newvars = ""
//! i if (vars == nil) then
//! i vars = {}
//! i vars2 = ""
//! i varsdata = ""
//! i else
//! i if (vars ~= "return {}") then
//! i varsdata = vars:sub(9,vars:len()-1)
//! i vars = loadstring(vars)()
//! i else
//! i varsdata = ""
//! i vars = {}
//! i end
//! i if (vars2 == nil) then
//! i vars2 = ""
//! i else
//! i vars2 = vars2:sub(string.len("globals")+1, vars2:len()-string.len("\nendglobals"))
//! i end
//! i end
//! i local imports = {}
//! i do
//! i local s,k = vars2:find("constant integer ")
//! i local s2,k2
//! i while (s ~= nil) do
//! i s2,k2 = vars2:find("=", k)
//! i imports[vars2:sub(k+1, s2-1)] = true
//! i s,k = vars2:find("constant integer ", k2)
//! i end
//! i end
//! i function getvarobject(base, objtype, varname, import)
//! i local value = vars[varname]
//! i local imported
//! i if (import == nil) then
//! i import = false
//! i end
//! i if (value == nil) then
//! i imported = false
//! i value = getobjectid(base, objtype)
//! i while (vars["1" .. value] ~= nil) do
//! i value = getobjectid(base, objtype)
//! i end
//! i vars[varname] = value
//! i vars["1" .. value] = varname
//! i if (newvars == "") then
//! i newvars = "['" .. varname .. "']='" .. vars[varname] .. "',['1" .. value .. "']='" .. varname .. "'"
//! i else
//! i newvars = newvars .. ",['" .. varname .. "']='" .. vars[varname] .. "',['1" .. value .. "']='" .. varname .. "'"
//! i end
//! i else
//! i imported = imports[varname] or false
//! i if (currentobjecttype() ~= objtype) then
//! i setobjecttype(objtype)
//! i end
//! i end
//! i if (import ~= imported) then
//! i if (not imported) then
//! i vars2 = vars2 .. "\nconstant integer " .. varname .. "='" .. value .. "'"
//! i elseif (imported) then
//! i local s,k = string.find(vars2, "\nconstant integer " .. varname .. "='" .. value .. "'")
//! i vars2 = vars2:sub(1,s-1) .. vars2:sub(k+1, vars2:len())
//! i end
//! i imports[varname] = import
//! i end
//! i return value
//! i end
//! i function getvarobjectname(value)
//! i return vars["1" .. value]
//! i end
//! i function getvarobjectvalue(objectname)
//! i return vars[objectname]
//! i end
//! i function updateobjects()
//! i writejass(filename, "globals" .. vars2 .. "\nendglobals")
//! i if (varsdata == "") then
//! i varsdata = newvars
//! i elseif (newvars ~= "") then
//! i varsdata = varsdata .. "," .. newvars
//! i end
//! i newvars = ""
//! i writelua(filename_lua, "return {" .. varsdata .. "}")
//! i end
//! i ]])
//! endexternalblock
Hit save. Then delete the script. Now the above script will work in any map that has the Lua framework installed in it.
Copy and paste this script into the map
//! externalblock extension=lua FileExporter $FILENAME$
//! runtextmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER()
//! i writelua("DummyPhysicalAbility", [[
//! i dofile("GetVarObject")
//! i function getdummyphysicalability(name, levels, import)
//! i local buffs = {}
//! i local buffcount = 0
//! i do
//! i local cur = levels
//! i local curstr
//! i while (cur > 0) do
//! i curstr = tostring(cur)
//! i buffs[cur] = getvarobject("BNva", "buffs", "BUFFS_" .. name .. curstr .. "_DUMMY", false)
//! i createobject("BNva", buffs[cur])
//! i makechange(current, "fnam", name .. "_DUMMY" .. curstr)
//! i cur = cur - 1
//! i end
//! i end
//! i local ability = getvarobject("AIob", "abilities", "ABILITIES_" .. name .. "_DUMMY", import)
//! i createobject("AIob", ability)
//! i makechange(current, "anam", name .. "_DUMMY")
//! i makechange(current, "amat", "")
//! i makechange(current, "asat", "")
//! i makechange(current, "aspt", "")
//! i makechange(current, "atat", "")
//! i makechange(current, "ata0", "")
//! i makechange(current, "alev", tostring(levels))
//! i makechange(current, "Idam", "1", "0")
//! i makechange(current, "ahdu", "1", "0")
//! i makechange(current, "adur", "1", "0")
//! i makechange(current, "atar", "1", "")
//! i do
//! i local cur = levels
//! i local curstr
//! i while (cur > 0) do
//! i curstr = tostring(cur)
//! i makechange(current, "abuf", curstr, buffs[cur])
//! i makechange(current, "Iob5", curstr, "2")
//! i cur = cur - 1
//! i end
//! i end
//! i local ability2 = getvarobject("Afrb", "abilities", "ABILITIES_" .. name .. "_DUMMY_2", import)
//! i createobject("Afrb", ability2)
//! i makechange(current, "anam", name .. "_DUMMY_2")
//! i makechange(current, "amat", "")
//! i makechange(current, "amho", "1")
//! i makechange(current, "achd", "0")
//! i makechange(current, "alev", tostring(levels))
//! i makechange(current, "atar", "1", "")
//! i makechange(current, "ahdu", "1", "0")
//! i makechange(current, "adur", "1", "0")
//! i do
//! i local cur = levels
//! i local curstr
//! i while (cur > 0) do
//! i curstr = tostring(cur)
//! i makechange(current, "abuf", curstr, buffs[cur])
//! i cur = cur - 1
//! i end
//! i end
//! i return {buffs = buffs, ability = ability, ability2 = ability2}
//! i end
//! i ]])
//! endexternalblock
Hit save. Then delete the script. Now the above script will work in any map that has the Lua framework installed in it.
A vjass script that has an installation script like the one for UnitIndexer
//! externalblock extension=lua ObjectMerger $FILENAME$
//! runtextmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER()
//! i dofile("GetVarObject")
//! i local id = getvarobject("Adef", "abilities", "ABILITIES_UNIT_INDEXER", true)
//! i createobject("Adef", id)
//! i makechange(current, "anam", "Unit Indexing")
//! i makechange(current, "ansf", "(Unit Indexing)")
//! i makechange(current, "aart", "")
//! i makechange(current, "arac", "0")
//! i updateobjects()
//! endexternalblock
Must be installed into each map that wants to use that vjass system.
- Copy and paste the Lua installation script into the map (like the one shown above)
- Hit save
- Close the map
- Open the map
- Delete the script
- Copy and paste the vJASS script into the map (the actual system)
- Hit save
All vjass installation scripts that generate objects, like the one for UnitIndexer, are installed exactly the same way.
Example (Revive Unit)-
Copy and paste this script into the map (Lua installation script)
//! externalblock extension=lua ObjectMerger $FILENAME$
//! runtextmacro LUA_FILE_HEADER()
//! i dofile("GetVarObject")
//! i local rez = getvarobject("AHre", "abilities", "ABILITIES_REVIVE_UNIT_RESURRECTION", true)
//! i createobject("AHre",rez)
//! i makechange(current,"anam","DumResurrection")
//! i makechange(current,"aher","0")
//! i makechange(current,"acat","")
//! i makechange(current,"atat","")
//! i makechange(current,"Hre1","1","1")
//! i makechange(current,"aare","1","0")
//! i makechange(current,"aran","1","0")
//! i makechange(current,"acdn","1","0")
//! i makechange(current,"amcs","1","0")
//! i makechange(current,"atar","1","Air,Dead,Enemy,Friend,Ground,Neutral")
//! i local dummy = getvarobject("ushd", "units", "UNITS_REVIVE_UNIT_DUMMY", true)
//! i createobject("ushd",dummy)
//! i makechange(current,"unam","Dummy")
//! i makechange(current,"uabi",rez .. ",Aloc,Avul")
//! i makechange(current,"ucbs","0")
//! i makechange(current,"ucpt","0")
//! i makechange(current,"umdl","none.mdl")
//! i makechange(current,"usca","0.01")
//! i makechange(current,"ushu","None")
//! i makechange(current,"umvh","0")
//! i makechange(current,"umvs","0")
//! i makechange(current,"ufoo","0")
//! i makechange(current,"umpi","100000")
//! i makechange(current,"umpm","100000")
//! i makechange(current,"umpr","1000")
//! i updateobjects()
//! endexternalblock
Hit save. Close the map. Open the map. Delete the script.
Copy and paste this script into the map (the actual vJASS script)
library ReviveUnit
private unit reviver
private real rx
private real ry
private module ReviveInitialization
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set rx = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-1
set ry = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-1
set reviver = CreateUnit(Player(15),UNITS_REVIVE_UNIT_DUMMY,rx,ry,0)
struct Revive extends array
static method Unit takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
local real x = GetUnitX(whichUnit)
local real y = GetUnitY(whichUnit)
local boolean bb = true
if IsUnitType(whichUnit,UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == true then
call ReviveHero(whichUnit,x,y,false)
call SetUnitX(whichUnit,rx)
call SetUnitY(whichUnit,ry)
set bb = IssueImmediateOrderById(reviver,852094)
call SetUnitX(whichUnit,x)
call SetUnitY(whichUnit,y)
return bb
implement ReviveInitialization
Hit save. ReviveUnit is now ready to be used.
Try this code to see that it can be used (cnp into map, hit save, then hit test map)-
struct TestReviveUnit extends array
private static real x
private static real y
private static rect world
private static unit u
private static method r3 takes nothing returns nothing
call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "Reviving Peasant")
call Revive.Unit(u)
private static method r2 takes nothing returns nothing
call TimerStart(GetExpiredTimer(), 2, false, function thistype.r3)
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "Killing Peasant")
call KillUnit(u)
private static method r takes nothing returns nothing
local fogmodifier fo = CreateFogModifierRect(Player(0), FOG_OF_WAR_VISIBLE, world, true, true)
call FogModifierStart(fo)
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "Creating Peasant")
set u = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hpea', x, y, 0)
call PanCameraToTimed(x,y,0)
call TimerStart(GetExpiredTimer(), 2, false, function thistype.r2)
set fo = null
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set world = GetWorldBounds()
set x = (GetRectMaxX(world)+GetRectMinX(world))/2
set y = (GetRectMaxY(world)+GetRectMinY(world))/2
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0, false, function thistype.r)
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