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][ Titan Land ][ - Version 5

Like god land, but a little different. I tried to make it better, and I hope you'll enjoy! ^^

Added many features like Quests for players (not for Titan), an Arena, creeps in the battlefield, more creeps / bosses for the Titan, more items. (End of the world and End of time events). Restored the Creator (Angel of creation). Added new items (Legendary Scrolls and others). Added requests hero (Etrak and Itachi).

Fixed End of the World event. Added item (Death Note).

Fixed End of the World event once and for all. Balanced some things.

Fixed lot of things
Added Shadowbind scroll
Added Muradin Bronzebeard as well as Uther the Light Bringer
Added a custom Blood Elf race

Fixed the Blood Elves Race.
Replaced Priest (Blood Elves) unit by Templar (Blood Elves) unit.
Added spell Devour Magic and Obliterate for Templar (Blood Elves) unit.
Added the Quest : Restless Ghost
Talk to the priest in the town west from Blue's Empire.

That's it... I had a great deal of fun making/testing/hosting this map. I'm thinking about retreating to other things or other projects for some time now.

When I returned on BNet, saw that my account was taken away XD. It's been a while so my currently new account is "TranceRaveLover" (Though it may change often...). I also got into a edited version of my map, and I decided to let others come up with their own versions. That way it'll give me a break XD and I'll be able to see some interesting updates maybe. Anyway, I got to tell you I had awesome players/testers with me when I tried it on Battle Net, and I'd like to thanks everyone. Because without you I would never have bothered to make this (^.^).

-(God Land ripoff issue)

I am the one that created Titan Land. And many others will probably notice that this game looks exactly or in some ways like another known game called God Land.
Yes I admit I took the Idea from God Land and some credits should be given to God Land and its multiple makers and editors.
Well I played the game called God Land many times and I liked it. Beside it had a boring reputation on the Battle Net and it became hard to host.
So I tried to make a "better god land" that I would call Titan Land! So yes the game is a ripoff in some sort of way.
Still I played my game "Titan Land" with many player and most of them liked it. And for those who still hate me; I am sorry for trying to make a game better than it's original idea.

Titan God Land

][ Titan Land ][ - Version 5 (Map)

Earth-Fury: Crap. Absolute crap. The terrain is boring, the purpose of having teal start iwth a few extra buildings is lost on me... and generally a bad map. Its a gods land ripoff. IT seems to work, so "approved"




Earth-Fury: Crap. Absolute crap. The terrain is boring, the purpose of having teal start iwth a few extra buildings is lost on me... and generally a bad map. Its a gods land ripoff. IT seems to work, so "approved"
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Gods Land SUCKED I MEAN COMPLETELY AND UTHERLY SUCKED. So if you want to take a idea and (try) to improve it more power to ya.

I say great job not for the map but for the try.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Thanks you very much for the comment, really. It's nice that someone actually see I made effort into doing this. And actually I play this often on Battle Net and a lot of people like that... Notice tht a lot of people like DotA but it doen'T mean everyone does... Everything depends on which kind of player you are and what kind of map you like. It is hard to make a great map that will be hosted on Battle Net oftenly. Thanks again for the comment!
Level 3
Jun 13, 2007
does anyone on this site actualy base comments and ratings on unbiased quality of the map and the effort that goes into it?

i'm certainly suprized at you earth-fury, theres aload of comments and constructive critisium you could have given without blasting his effort.
i rather like gods land and its variations and i stress, with the right people it can be great fun, i often play it with friends. so i say good effort mate :)
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Thanks rococho, your comment is appreciated. It makes me glad that you understand that I put effort in making this map. Even tough Earth-Fury didn't liked my map, it's ok. I suppose it isn't his kind of map and I respect his opinion.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Jessica Smith... Notice that there are many maps that exist. And if you can't create a map based on something else that already exist, then it will become impossible to create anything.

By exemple, every Tower Defense, would be a rip off of the first TD. Every AoS, would be a rip off of the first AoS. Every RPG, would be a rip off of the first RPG.

In conclusion:
I have, I think, every right to do a map based on another one with a new system.

But I respect your opinion. The originality in maps is by far one of the greatest points it can have!
Thanks for your comment.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
I guess I will try the new version if it is a new version. looks different anyway.... I never gave you a rating before I guess I will give you 5/10
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Well I won't prevent you from trying it XD

However, I am currently making some resquests from ppl that asked me to had some things. I added Gaara from someone who asked me, and now I have a Mario and a starcraft unit requests. So if you want something XD just ask, I also take opinions and tips for my map.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Well maybe with a few more triggers and extra buildins/units this map could become pretty popular. 6/10
A bit of a better terrain
Extra systems Eg Kill talley
A lot of stuff like that

That's kinda it, I don't stop making upgrades to my map, so those thing you mentionned might come soon... I saw that my terrain is a bit small and that it isn't really nice (just a plain). I don't plan to stop now, I'll continu to add a lot of things.

hey..when u make new version can u pls sy what updates u made? btw great map :D

Hum, yes, I could. I will for the next updates!
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Ok, since I'm tired, that I don't want to mess with my studies, and that I lack motivation, the next version will take a lot of time before coming out (even tough 1/2 is done).

Just to tell you, This version isn't quite new, I just didn't had the feeling to just login and update it. Yeah I'm quite depressed for stuff in my own life and I might not update soon.

However, I am not quitting Wc3, not quitting mapping, not quitting Titan Land and have no interest in suicide. So don't worry if you're a fan of my map, and if you're not, then sorry for that wasted time of yours on reading this message.

Have a good day/night!
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
lol... ok man i know what you mean by that messing with the studies...i have the same problem and for that i cant play much wc3, but if it comes to a point to chose betwen studing and wc3,.. chose studing it brings the best in life :D:D however DONT MAKE A SUECIDE :D:D cos its dumb to kill yourself..hahaha :D:D
Level 2
Aug 22, 2007

ITS AWSOME its mind blowing i love that time stop trigger
And also if you get mad becuz this is a rip off well ALL bnet games come from somewhere like Angel areana n all of these other arenas like look at the origonal gods land then people started editing it and adding chars of there own thats EXACTLY what mtal is doing except he started from scratch soo if you think that changing al il and changing the name is bad then look at all the games on B net and all the movies being made in the world just remakes with better stuff oww my hands hurt from typing
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Thanks you both.
It's nice to have support, now that the next version is something new I'm trying to add to the map, I hope it won't turn out to be a bad thing, be we'll see.
It's 90% done. My exams are over so I'm getting on it to finish the job as soon as possible to offer you the
][ Titan Land ][ - Version 4.5
ASAP (as soon as possible)

I won't try to hurry it though and I'll check out for possible bugs and things like that.
Level 3
Mar 11, 2008
like 3.3mb download what a waste i don't think anyone would wanna play this map, i mean seriously, I'd rather play God's Land... there's a couple of good version that only takes up to 500kb of space.. reduce the map size.
To greatly decrease the map size, reduce the texture quality of all skins using Warcraft 3 Viewer, this would be a smart idea. GL with the editing sorry if I'd been too harsh. =)
Level 2
May 6, 2008
In my opinion the size doesn't matter too much,what concernes me more is,what happened to the -open base cmd?I cant open the base so the arena is kinda..useless...
Edit: Okay found that out by myself,but I still got some questions.
1. The deathnote item doesn't seem to work
2. That new legendary scroll removes both heros from the game completely and forever?And the Titan loses control of the goddess of souls as she dissappears after the spell was casted,is it supposed to be like that?
3. Also one question I've always asked myself,why is the whole map revealed for EVERYONE? I mean that the titan sees it is fine, but why the mortals? And why blue and teal? Blue and teal can easily see whenever a mortal is weak for a moment and crush them without any effort,and they can counter eachother pretty well. Just my opinion,I dunno why you made it that way but I guess there's a reason for it.
Last edited:
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
In my opinion the size doesn't matter too much,what concernes me more is,what happened to the -open base cmd?I cant open the base so the arena is kinda..useless...
Edit: Okay found that out by myself,but I still got some questions.
1. The deathnote item doesn't seem to work
2. That new legendary scroll removes both heros from the game completely and forever?And the Titan loses control of the goddess of souls as she dissappears after the spell was casted,is it supposed to be like that?
3. Also one question I've always asked myself,why is the whole map revealed for EVERYONE? I mean that the titan sees it is fine, but why the mortals? And why blue and teal? Blue and teal can easily see whenever a mortal is weak for a moment and crush them without any effort,and they can counter eachother pretty well. Just my opinion,I dunno why you made it that way but I guess there's a reason for it.

1. The Death Note works 33% of the time, I'm working on that to fix it.
2. It takes away the control of the owner of the goddess of soul during the effect and warp it to the caster's position. Once the spell ended, it give her back to the player and warp her back the the position she was.
3.I must say that you're right, maybe I should make it an option.

For others, I'm working hard on it to fix things, I'll also be adding heroes from Wc3 (Muradin and Uther). I will also add new races such as Draenai, High Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Elementals and Fulborg. I'm not sure about adding all of them but the high elves and Draenai are 100% sure to be in the next version.

(Oh and by the way, I do think size is not important. It is a good thing since most of people who don't want to wait for a simple dl, are leavers ingame as well.)
Level 2
May 6, 2008
2. It takes away the control of the owner of the goddess of soul during the effect and warp it to the caster's position. Once the spell ended, it give her back to the player and warp her back the the position she was.

Can't say that's true,after the spell ended(I guess that's when she absorbed both heros) she dissappears from the game and the titan player can't use her anymore,try it out.

And another bug I forgot to mention:The quest next to the titan's base in the top left can't be reached by players,the way through that forest is too small,titan needs to remove it all the time ..just a small fix.

Looking forward to seeing the new races =)
Level 1
Feb 11, 2008
Me and a few of my friends LOVE this game. Yeah, it's of the God's Land type, which makes you need to lower your expectations.
But there are so many possibilities of games like this that I love to mess with them. ;P

Contact me on Bnet, Azeroth server Specter_Armada is my name. I want to talk to you more about this map.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Hi, I fixed the Blood Elf race, however, the site won't let me update my map, I don,t know why yet and I'll wait until the problem is solved. So yeah, I'm saying to be cautious with the blood elf race of this version. And yeah, there is a boss with the soul pact, I'll fix it too soon.
Level 5
Sep 6, 2008
I agree with Valor, the map is much better than any god's land. But teal and blue need more purpose, they just sit there. Well, mainly blue. Also, fix up the events.
Level 1
Jul 11, 2009
Thank you for shareing.

This map is so close to what I was looking for. Just to keep this reply short, thank you. The release that I'm currently playing works well enough for me. So again, thank you.

Actually, I guess if I can list what I'm currently having some fun with in this map and what I was looking for before I came across this, it would be some kindof incentive, either for myself or other map makers that weren't sure what to create.
The, "What I was looking for" part is below the line.

-Basicialy a kindof hero sand box of "Godlike" porportions. Something similiar to defender of the ancients(In a general sense), where ai is set up to run a majority of the world around the player.

-The inclusion of gods among mortals (like the titans that you added in this map.)

-A choice of Including additional ai??(dunno what the word for it is, but in this map it was the option of adding a nation into the play ground, an undead legion and several mortals)

-Many items and other trinkets were added to this just to allow more customization in-game with the non-titan heroes.

I guess that's it, alot of ideas that I had for something I wanted to play with were already included in this map, buuuuut if anything I guess a future release of similiar proportions in a map would allow the player to choose to play as a mortal in single player just for the hell of it, nothing to big of a deal.

One last thing that would be awesome to see in a map like this would be the inclusion of alternate dimensions (Something that was done in the map called Phase Killer.)

Again, everything below the line is really not that big of a deal, this map is entertaining, thank you for shareing.
Level 5
Nov 30, 2008
Thanks you very much for the comment, really. It's nice that someone actually see I made effort into doing this. And actually I play this often on Battle Net and a lot of people like that... Notice tht a lot of people like DotA but it doen'T mean everyone does... Everything depends on which kind of player you are and what kind of map you like. It is hard to make a great map that will be hosted on Battle Net oftenly. Thanks again for the comment!

i love this game well...the recent updates i mean XD
Level 1
Jul 7, 2010
it's a fun map. btw which version was it that had alien meteor. was it yours or someone elses? I've been looking for it for days
Level 2
Jul 4, 2010
this map is nice for people who like to rp always when played people needs to rp so
its not realy a fight map
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
I love this game, I've played it for a long while and I love it.
I see that many people attempt to edit this game simply to make it OP or to add things, which in the end simply end up in the long pile of edits only few people play, that to find the actual origonal version is rare.

I would like to take part and edit the terrain, mabye make a dungeon.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2009
After the first 15 minutes of a game, the end of the world can be issued by the player red slot. But using it causes server splits on battle.net.

This map is one of the first maps I ever played on Battle.net. I host and join it alot. it was the first RP map i have played with warcraft. 10/5

Earth-fury you will never understand its awesomeness. You are looking at the standard things that make a map a map. Think outside the box. (newer versions like rp edition allow you to make the terrain.