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- Jul 10, 2009
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This resource has been moved here from the old Code forum. You can find the old discussion in this thread.
-- TimerQueue:callDelayed(delayInSeconds, function, ...)
-- will call the specified function after the specified delay with the specified arguments (...)
--print "Hello World" after 5 seconds delay
TimerQueue:callDelayed(5., print, "Hello World")
--create a footman after 3 seconds delay (i.e. 2 seconds before printing "Hello World")
TimerQueue:callDelayed(3., CreateUnit, Player(0), FourCC('hfoo'), 0, 0,0)
--It also works well with anonymous functions
TimerQueue:callDelayed(2., function() print("Hello") end)
-method and the TimerQueue will handle the rest.:callPeriodically
method for periodic execution:-- TimerQueue:callPeriodically(delayInSeconds, stopCondition, func, ...)
-- will periodicaly call func(...), until stopCondition(...) resolves to true.
-- This example adds 10 to the gold of Player Red every two seconds, until his gold reaches 1000.
---Adds 10 to the specified player's gold.
---@param p player
local function add10ToPlayerGold(p)
AdjustPlayerStateBJ( 10, p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD )
---Returns true, if the specified player's gold is at least 1000.
---@param p player
---@return boolean
local function stopAt1000(p)
return GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) >= 1000
TimerQueue:callPeriodically(2., stopAt1000, add10ToPlayerGold, Player(0))
function printPeriodically(x)
if <condition> then TimerQueue:callDelayed(2., printPeriodically, x) end
printPeriodically("Hello") --prints "Hello" every 2 seconds as long as the specified condition is met.
directly on the TimerQueue
class.tq = TimerQueue.create()
tq:callDelayed(5., print, "tq is a separate TimerQueue instance")
, :resume()
, :reset()
and :destroy()
the instance as a whole.:reset()
.--We create a dedicated TimerQueue to queue the boss abilities and another one for the player abilities
bossTQ = TimerQueue.create()
playerTQ = TimerQueue.create() --in reality, we might actually want to create a separate queue per player to be able to cancel their effects upon death individually
--As the battle progresses, more and more delayed calls are added to the queue
bossTQ:callDelayed(delay, letBossDoSomething, ...)
playerTQ:callDelayed(delay, resolveSomePlayerEffect, ...)
--Finally the boss dies and you want to cancel all executions of boss effects that are still waiting in the queue
bossTQ:reset() --discards all waiting executions from the queue. You can still add new callbacks afterwards.
--The player timerqueue is not affected and will continue to resolve all waiting executions
execution:--You can save the TimerQueueElement resulting from callDelayed into a local variable
local someTQElement = TimerQueue:callDelayed(2., function() print("Hello World") end) ---@type TimerQueueElement
--some time later
someTQElement:disable() --prevents the callback from executing on timeout.
a TimerQueueElement after disabling, if you changed your mind. This will (quite obviously) not have any effect on callbacks after timeout, even if they were disabled at that time (it's too late).TimerQueue:callPeriodically
doesn't return a TimerQueueElement, so you can't disable it. This is a security measure to prevent dead periodic callbacks to sit in your TimerQueue forever. If you want to cancel or pause a periodic callback, either choose an appropriate stop-condition (and re-queue manually if desired) or create a dedicated TimerQueue that you can :reset()
or :pause()
property, which - in case true - lets all TimerQueues print error messages upon executing erroneous function calls. This can save a lot of frustration and time, as bugs within delayed function calls are rather hard to spot and debug.TimerQueue.debugMode
is set to true by default. It's wise to turn it off before releasing your map to the public.sw
via sw = Stopwatch.create()
, start it with sw:start()
and receive the current elapsed time via sw:getElapsed()
, :resume()
and :destroy()
a stopwatch. Please refer to the Documentation & Code tab for further information.if Debug and Debug.beginFile then Debug.beginFile("TimerQueue") end
* --------------------------------
* | TimerQueue and Stopwatch 1.2 |
* --------------------------------
* - by Eikonium and AGD
* -> https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/timerqueue-stopwatch.353718/
* - This is basically the enhanced and instancifiable version of ExecuteDelayed 1.0.4 by AGD https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/lua-delayedaction.321072/
* --------------------
* | TimerQueue class |
* --------------------
* - A TimerQueue is an object used to execute delayed function calls. It can queue any number of function calls at the same time, while being based on a single timer. This offers much better performance than starting many separate timers.
* - The class also provides methods to pause, resume, reset and destroy a TimerQueue - and even includes error handling.
* - As such, you can create as many independent TimerQueues as you like, which you can individually use, pause, reset, etc.
* - All methods can also be called on the class directly, which frees you from needing to create a TimerQueue object in the first place. You still need colon-notation!
* TimerQueue.create() --> TimerQueue
* - Creates a new TimerQueue with its own independent timer and function queue.
* <TimerQueue>:callDelayed(number delay, function callback, ...) --> TimerQueueElement
* - Calls the specified function (or callable table) after the specified delay (in seconds) with the specified arguments (...). Does not delay the following lines of codes.
* - The returned TimerQueueElement can usually be discarded. Saving it to a local var allows you to :disable() or re-:enable() it later.
* <TimerQueue>:callPeriodically(number delay, function|nil stopCondition, function callback, ...)
* - Periodically calls the specified function (or callable table) after the specified delay (in seconds) with the specified arguments (...). Stops, when the specified condition resolves to true.
* - The stop-condition must be a function returning a boolean. It is checked after each callback execution and is passed the same arguments as the callback (...) (which you can still ignore).
* - You can pass nil instead of a function to let the periodic execution repeat forever.
* - Resetting the TimerQueue will stop all periodic executions, even if the reset happened within the periodic callback.
* - Doesn't return a TimerQueueElement, so disabling a periodic callback is only possible via either meeting the stop-condition or resetting the queue.
* <TimerQueue>:reset()
* - Discards all queued function calls from the Timer Queue. Discarded function calls are not executed.
* - You can continue to use <TimerQueue>:callDelayed after resetting it.
* <TimerQueue>:pause()
* - Pauses the TimerQueue at its current point in time, effectively freezing all delayed function calls that it currently holds, until the queue is resumed.
* - Using <TimerQueue>:callDelayed on a paused queue will correctly add the new callback to the queue, but time will start ticking only after resuming the queue.
* <TimerQueue>:isPaused() --> boolean
* - Returns true, if the TimerQueue is paused, and false otherwise.
* <TimerQueue>:resume()
* - Resumes a TimerQueue that was previously paused. Has no effect on TimerQueues that are not paused.
* <TimerQueue>:destroy()
* - Destroys the Timer Queue. Remaining function calls are discarded and not being executed.
* <TimerQueue>:tostring() --> string
* - Represents a TimerQueue as a list of its tasks. For debugging purposes.
* <TimerQueue>.debugMode : boolean
* - TimerQueues come with their own error handling in case you are not using DebugUtils (https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/debug-utils-ingame-console-etc.330758/).
* - Set to true to let erroneous function calls through <TimerQueue>:callDelayed print error messages on screen (only takes effect, if Debug Utils is not present. Otherwise you get Debug Utils error handling, which is even better).
* - Set to false to not trigger error messages after erroneous callbacks. Do this before map release.
* - Default: true.
* <TimerQueueElement>:disable()
* - Disables this TimerQueueElement (as returned by TimerQueue:callDelayed), making the callback not execute upon timeout.
* - Use this to cancel a future callback, when resetting the whole queue is not a suitable solution.
* - The disabled TimerQueue-Element will continue to tick, but will forward to the next callback upon timeout instead of executing itself.
* <TimerQueueElement>:enable()
* - Enables this TimerQueueElement after you have previously disabled it, making the callback again execute normally upon timer expiration.
* - Enabling a TimerQueueElement after its timeout has already passed (which happens even while disabled) will not have any effect.
* -------------------
* | Stopwatch class |
* -------------------
* - Stopwatches count upwards, i.e. they measure the time passed since you've started them. Thus, they can't trigger any callbacks (use normal timers or TimerQueues for that).
* Stopwatch.create(boolean startImmediately_yn) --> Stopwatch
* - Creates a Stopwatch. Set boolean param to true to start it immediately.
* <Stopwatch>:start()
* - Starts or restarts a Stopwatch, i.e. resets the elapsed time of the Stopwatch to zero and starts counting upwards.
* <Stopwatch>:getElapsed() --> number
* - Returns the time in seconds that a Stopwatch is currently running, i.e. the elapsed time since start.
* <Stopwatch>:pause()
* - Pauses a Stopwatch, so it will retain its current elapsed time, until resumed.
* <Stopwatch>:resume()
* - Resumes a Stopwatch after having been paused.
* <Stopwatch>:destroy()
* - Destroys a Stopwatch. Maybe necessary to prevent memory leaks. Not sure, if lua garbage collection also collects warcraft objects...
---@class TimerQueueElement
---@field [integer] any arguments to be passed to callback
TimerQueueElement = {
next = nil ---@type TimerQueueElement next TimerQueueElement to expire after this one
, timeout = 0. ---@type number time between previous callback and this one
, callback = function() end ---@type function callback to be executed
, n = 0 ---@type integer number of arguments passed
, enabled = true ---@type boolean defines whether the callback shall be executed on timeout or not.
TimerQueueElement.__index = TimerQueueElement
TimerQueueElement.__name = 'TimerQueueElement'
---Creates a new TimerQueueElement, which points to itself.
---@param timeout? number
---@param callback? function
---@param ... any arguments for callback
---@return TimerQueueElement
function TimerQueueElement.create(timeout, callback, ...)
local new = setmetatable({timeout = timeout, callback = callback, n = select('#', ...), ...}, TimerQueueElement)
new.next = new
return new
---Disables this TimerQueueElement, making the callback not execute upon timer expiration.
---Use this to cancel a future callback, when resetting the whole queue is not suitable.
---The disabled TimerQueue-Element will technically still be part of the queue, but will just forward to the next callback instead of executing itself.
function TimerQueueElement:disable()
self.enabled = false
---Enables this TimerQueueElement after you have previously disabled it, making the callback again execute normally upon timer expiration.
function TimerQueueElement:enable()
self.enabled = true
---@class TimerQueue
TimerQueue = {
timer = nil ---@type timer the single timer this system is based on (one per instance of course)
, queue = TimerQueueElement.create() -- queue of waiting callbacks to be executed in the future
, n = 0 ---@type integer number of elements in the queue
, on_expire = function() end ---@type function callback to be executed upon timer expiration (defined further below).
, debugMode = true ---@type boolean setting this to true will print error messages, when the input function couldn't be executed properly. Set this to false before releasing your map.
, paused = false ---@type boolean whether the queue is paused or not
TimerQueue.__index = TimerQueue
TimerQueue.__name = 'TimerQueue'
--Creates a timer on first access of the static TimerQueue:callDelayed method. Avoids timer creation inside the Lua root.
setmetatable(TimerQueue, {__index = function(t,k) if k == 'timer' then t[k] = CreateTimer() end; return rawget(t,k) end})
local unpack, max, timerStart, timerGetElapsed, pauseTimer = table.unpack, math.max, TimerStart, TimerGetElapsed, PauseTimer
---@param timerQueue TimerQueue
local function on_expire(timerQueue)
local queue, timer = timerQueue.queue, timerQueue.timer
local topOfQueue = queue.next
queue.next = topOfQueue.next
timerQueue.n = timerQueue.n - 1
if timerQueue.n > 0 then
timerStart(timer, queue.next.timeout, false, timerQueue.on_expire)
-- These two functions below may not be necessary
timerStart(timer, 0, false, nil) --don't put in on_expire as handlerFunc, because it can still expire and reduce n to a value < 0.
if topOfQueue.enabled then
if Debug and Debug.try then
Debug.try(topOfQueue.callback, unpack(topOfQueue, 1, topOfQueue.n))
local errorStatus, errorMessage = pcall(topOfQueue.callback, unpack(topOfQueue, 1, topOfQueue.n))
if timerQueue.debugMode and not errorStatus then
print("|cffff5555ERROR during TimerQueue callback: " .. errorMessage .. "|r")
TimerQueue.on_expire = function() on_expire(TimerQueue) end
---@return TimerQueue
function TimerQueue.create()
local new = {}
setmetatable(new, TimerQueue)
new.timer = CreateTimer()
new.queue = TimerQueueElement.create()
new.on_expire = function() on_expire(new) end
return new
---Calls a function (or callable table) after the specified timeout (in seconds) with all specified arguments (...). Does not delay the following lines of codes.
---@param timeout number
---@param callback function|table if table, must be callable
---@param ... any arguments of the callback function
---@return TimerQueueElement queuedTask usually discarded. Can be saved to local var to :disable() or re-:enable() later.
function TimerQueue:callDelayed(timeout, callback, ...)
timeout = math.max(timeout, 0.)
local queue = self.queue
self.n = self.n + 1
-- Sort timeouts in descending order
local current = queue
local current_timeout = current.next.timeout - max(timerGetElapsed(self.timer), 0.) -- don't use TimerGetRemaining to prevent bugs for expired and previously paused timers.
while current.next ~= queue and timeout >= current_timeout do --there is another element in the queue and the new element shall be executed later than the current
timeout = timeout - current_timeout
current = current.next
current_timeout = current.next.timeout
-- after loop, current is the element that executes right before the new callback. If the new is the front of the queue, current is the root element (queue).
local new = TimerQueueElement.create(timeout, callback, ...)
new.next = current.next
current.next = new
-- if the new callback is the next to expire, restart timer with new timeout
if current == queue then --New callback is the next to expire
new.next.timeout = max(current_timeout - timeout, 0.) --adapt element that was previously on top. Subtract new timeout and subtract timer elapsed time to get new timeout.
timerStart(self.timer, timeout, false, self.on_expire)
if self.paused then
new.next.timeout = max(new.next.timeout - timeout, 0.) --current.next might be the root element (queue), so prevent that from dropping below 0. (although it doesn't really matter)
return new
---Calls the specified callback with the specified argumets (...) every <timeout> seconds, until the specified stop-condition holds.
---The stop-condition must be a function returning a boolean. It is checked after every callback execution. All arguments (...) are also passed to the stop-conditon (you can still ignore them).
---Resetting the TimerQueue will stop all periodic executions, even if the reset happened within the periodic callback.
---Doesn't return a TimerQueue-Element, so disabling is only possible by either meeting the stop-condition or resetting the queue.
---@param timeout number time between calls
---@param stopCondition? fun(...):boolean callback will stop to repeat, when this condition holds. You can pass nil to skip the condition (i.e. the periodic execution will run forever).
---@param callback fun(...) the callback to be executed
---@param ... any arguments for the callback
function TimerQueue:callPeriodically(timeout, stopCondition, callback, ...)
local func
func = function(...)
local queue = self.queue --memorize queue element to check later, whether TimerQueue:reset has been called in the meantime.
callback(...) --execute callback first
--re-queue, if stopCondition doesn't hold and the TimerQueue has not been reset during the callback (checked via queue == self.queue)
if queue == self.queue and not (stopCondition and stopCondition(...)) then
self:callDelayed(timeout, func, ...)
self:callDelayed(timeout, func, ...)
---Removes all queued calls from the Timer Queue, so any remaining actions will not be executed.
---Using <TimerQueue>:callDelayed afterwards will still work.
function TimerQueue:reset()
timerStart(self.timer, 0., false, nil) --dont't put in on_expire as handlerFunc. callback can still expire after pausing and resuming the empty queue, which would set n to a value < 0.
self.n = 0
self.queue = TimerQueueElement.create()
---Pauses the TimerQueue at its current point in time, preventing all queued callbacks from being executed, until the queue is resumed.
---Using <TimerQueue>:callDelayed on a paused queue will correctly add the new callback to the queue, but time will start ticking only after the queue is being resumed.
function TimerQueue:pause()
self.paused = true
---Returns true, if the timer queue is paused, and false otherwise.
---@return boolean
function TimerQueue:isPaused()
return self.paused
---Resumes a TimerQueue that was paused previously. Has no effect on running TimerQueues.
function TimerQueue:resume()
if self.paused then
self.paused = false
self.queue.next.timeout = self.queue.next.timeout - timerGetElapsed(self.timer) --need to restart from 0, because TimerGetElapsed(resumedTimer) is doing so as well after a timer is resumed.
---Destroys the timer object behind the TimerQueue. The Lua object will be automatically garbage collected once you ensure that there is no more reference to it.
function TimerQueue:destroy()
pauseTimer(self.timer) --https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/issues-with-timer-functions.309433/ suggests that non-paused destroyed timers can still execute their callback
---Prints the queued callbacks within the TimerQueue. For debugging purposes.
---@return string
function TimerQueue:tostring()
local current, result, i = self.queue.next, {}, 0
local args = {}
while current ~= self.queue do
i = i + 1
for j = 1, current.n do
args[j] = tostring(current[j])
result[i] = '(i=' .. i .. ',timeout=' .. current.timeout .. ',enabled = ' .. tostring(current.enabled) .. ',f=' .. tostring(current.callback) .. ',args={' .. table.concat(args, ',',1,current.n) .. '})'
current = current.next
return '{n = ' .. self.n .. ',queue=(' .. table.concat(result, ',', 1, i) .. ')}'
---@class Stopwatch
Stopwatch = {
timer = {} ---@type timer the countdown-timer permanently cycling
, elapsed = 0. ---@type number the number of times the timer reached 0 and restarted
, increaseElapsed = function() end ---@type function timer callback function to increase numCycles by 1 for a specific Stopwatch.
Stopwatch.__index = Stopwatch
local CYCLE_LENGTH = 3600. --time in seconds that a timer needs for one cycle. doesn't really matter.
---Creates a Stopwatch.
---@param startImmediately_yn boolean Set to true to start immediately. If not specified or set to false, the Stopwatch will not start to count upwards.
function Stopwatch.create(startImmediately_yn)
local new = {}
setmetatable(new, Stopwatch)
new.timer = CreateTimer()
new.elapsed = 0.
new.increaseElapsed = function() new.elapsed = new.elapsed + CYCLE_LENGTH end
if startImmediately_yn then
return new
---Starts or restarts a Stopwatch, i.e. resets the elapsed time of the Stopwatch to zero and starts counting upwards.
function Stopwatch:start()
self.elapsed = 0.
TimerStart(self.timer, CYCLE_LENGTH, true, self.increaseElapsed)
---Returns the time in seconds that a Stopwatch is currently running, i.e. the elapsed time since start.
---@return number
function Stopwatch:getElapsed()
return self.elapsed + TimerGetElapsed(self.timer)
---Pauses a Stopwatch, so it will retain its current elapsed time, until resumed.
function Stopwatch:pause()
---Resumes a Stopwatch after having been paused.
function Stopwatch:resume()
self.elapsed = self.elapsed + TimerGetElapsed(self.timer)
TimerStart(self.timer, CYCLE_LENGTH, true, self.increaseElapsed) --not using ResumeTimer here, as it actually starts timer from new with the remaining time and thus screws up TimerGetElapsed().
---Destroys the timer object behind the Stopwatch. The Lua object will be automatically garbage collected once you ensure that there is no more reference to it.
function Stopwatch:destroy()
if Debug and Debug.endFile then Debug.endFile() end
, :resume()
, [ icode=Lua]:reset()[/icode], :destroy()
and error handling for erroneous callbacks.TimerQueue:callDelayed
.TimerQueue:printPeriodically(timeout, stopCondition, callback, ...)
, :isPaused()
and TimerQueue:tostring()
on a paused empty TimerQueue would unintentionally resume the Queue. Thanks to @Insanity_AI for reporting this.:disable()
and :enable()
for TimerQueueElements. Thanks @maddeem for the suggestion.