Tigran (Tiger people) models

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I am submitting this request in the hopes that someone would be willing to create some Tigran models. The Tigrans (in case of some people not knowing) are Tiger people. I am very interested in creating a race of them for a fantasy world mod I am creating.

If someone is willing to help me out here, I would be most thankful. I will also go into more depth as to what I want for the models.
But of course. My project is a mix of old ideas for a fantasy world involving many races and inspired ideas of the Godfall Chronicles project by Mechanical Man and Em!. What I want to accomplish is a series of different scenarios in the form of a campaign where the player will be one of many races with set objectives and the likes. As for the future of the project, I am hoping to include maps in which you may choose your race and play in a 'melee' battle against AI.

So far the entire project is planned out to be single-player only, but considerations for a multi-player aspect will be made. However, there are going to be a lot of imports as I want a unqiue look and feel for every race. Will this be enough information? If you want more, just let me know ;)
Well, I've seen these models before, but they don't exactly fit with the look I was hoping for (although the Tigris Blademaster could be useful :D).
What I'm hoping to create for the look is sort of a Arabic/Nomadic feel for them, maybe a little more Persian than anything else (the societies that had and still have palaces and such). The Tigrans will be very well-travelled in my project.

And thankyou for the good luck :D
Well you know Wazzz, you can't always expect that a modeler would pop from the sky and say "Hey sure I will help you even if many other people already helped you and gave you many options.".

The people from THW forums already helped you and gave tons of optional models/skins which could be used instantly since they are already done unlike if demand one to made then it would take approximately 2 to 3 weeks or even more.

I actually don't understand why can you not accept any of the given models/skins. They look terrific. (I checked them my self) Most are also already posted here in THW to avoid any difficulties.

Here's a skin from Wc3 Campaigns that looks very nice and could be very useful. If you reject it then you are just too ungrateful.


Hope I helped. Thankyou.

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