wow hey read my post LOKI(SPELLED LIKE THAT) and ODIN are in ALOT of mythologies i stated my FAVORITE mythologies they were in aka. (cant remember mythology, I READ A BOOK ABOUT IT IN THE LIBRARY) but in THIS mythology not ANY OTHER ONE, ODIN is the GOD OF CHAOS and his underling is LOKI the ANGEL OF DEATH geez if you wanna say somthin smart read my entire comment before you spout off shit from greek mythology when i am talking about a whole different mythology and trust me we just did a report on your favorite mythology and i have seen PLENTY with odin and loki, teh name a few, GREEK, NORSE, ROMAN, ETC!
so STFU with that usless info, now if i have to do a report on gay ass greek mythology then i will refer to your comment
oh and if you even ever played FF8 you would know Gligamesh doesn't do anything with excaliber, + I dont know what the hell a mythological Gligamesh is, the swords he had was
excaliPOOR excaliBRE(spelled correctly they changed up those letters) MUSAMANE(ff7 fans galore) and ZANTEZUTESKEN(Odin's sword)
but yeah Rexfists is right about GREEK mythology not the one i like, going to look it up
oh yea and rexfists i aint a nerd like you who probably read 10 books everyday weres glasses for staying up to late under the covers with a flashlight i acctually get out and no i dont live in games i just play games when i have nothing to do that day or i go outside
I need someone to make me an Abel the Wicked MODEL, no skin will work, from Star Ocean: Till the end of time
and back off the real issue...
rexfist books kill, excersise owns
, and i would like to know how old you are because if you say 14-15 then you need to get out, I am 19 in college and dont know shit bout mythology, and dont say well they taught you it in high scholl, no not mine we did mainly gay poetry from shakespear and american government, politics, blowing shit up in the lab, and simple geometry...