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Thor The Thundergod.

Path: Textures\Arthas.blp

Arthas, Thor, Thundergod, Lightning, Thunder

Thor (Texture)

camel's_hump: kinda weird looking, but good enough.
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Thor would be better for the paladin model, though if you gonna have the real Mjölner (the name of his hammer) it needs a whole new model. He is often represented as a red or blonde bearded super muscular guy. Grey hair is what is father, Odin has.

Still great skin. I would turn the hammer sign upside down though.
Level 16
Jul 19, 2004
the paladin models wraping is wierd thats why i choose arthas, i don't know about the redbeard thing i looked at some paintings and he had this color.
Mjölner is not an twohanded hammer but like you said that would need an model.

i thought about making an Oden skin but that would need an model, couse if i'm not wrong Oden only has 1 eye, and he has he's crows hugin and munin on his shoulders.
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
...Too many mythologies to know uhh...
but when i hear odin i dont think of the vikings and him being thor father i see ODIN LORD OF DEATH CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION... like in FF8 they got that odin from the god of choas(cant remember the mytholoy)
and it is like Loki, he is an angel of death, a lord of chaos under odin, and he is some gay pixy god...

edit: and this looks a bit more like odin w/o the cap and the braids(dont know how it's spelled)
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
Juice, the screenshot is too large in height!
chest is too complicated/complex, make it simple, thats the best for ingame, making microscopic details next to each other is most likely to be hard to see, really hard. his beard is heavily texturated, it looks like his beard is thick and make of myriads of strong hairs. a regular beard would be somewhat opaque, since you still see the skin easily.

pants are nicely done, altho the folds are a bit randomly generated. best parts are boots.
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
metabee,, dont be an idiot, sorry if i seem mean but i said looks MORE LIKE not is odin

basically he looks a hella lot more like odin than thor, if u ever played the game RUNE for ps2 you would see and know the viking version of odin grey har a horned cap, braided hair and beard, i say again looks more like odin than thor
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
Crap.... I just GOTTA correct this (mythology geek) First: The FF8 Odin IS the Odin from the Northern Mythology, (and has been in every FF game, hence the SPEAR in FF7 and the MTF 8 legged horse SLEIPNER in FF8 - and don't say shit like "but oooh, he evolves into another god, which just HAS to be from the same mythology" cause then, im gonna hunt you down, and slay you myself - Gilgamesh and Odin are nothing alike, and Gilgamesh has nothing to do with Excalibur, except in the game .... it has to do with a term called "free fantasy") Nuff said, just don't mess around with my countrys history and religious history :evil: and btw. the RUNE ver. is also flawed (christ, do you LIVE in games?) look it up in a book instead!
Basicly, Odin is both warrior and wise, god of the SPEAR (not hammer, gnaf) but most often (by far) he was the wise counsil, "who traded his eye in the Well of Mimer, for a drink of the waters in the well, which was said to grant intelligence and wisdom."
Im sorry, I gotta continue this assault - LOKE is not an ANGEL of death. Actually, he has only his daughter to do with death! (Hel) He is a half breed god/ogre (i think that is the english translation for "jætte" - gotta look it up) and is sly and sneaky, and loathes direct combat or anything were he could get hurt. He is the "Trickster" who caused so much trouble in Valhalla, (through persuasive skills and magic, not death and destruction) that he was finally chased to the bank of the outskirts waters, were he turned himself into a fish to escape - he was caught by Thor, and imprisoned in a rock formation, were poisones venom from snakes, dripped on him - when Ragnarok begins he shall escape and have his revenge (which involves freing the Fenrirwolf and such... not by mighty powers of destruction, so basicly, no angel of death!)

Skin is awesome, yet I gotta agree with wormie hermie skullie wollie - details are too many and small on chest :? oh hell, other than that tiny flaw, this is a 4/5 :D

on the side note; get a moddeler to do some extra legs on the Dark Knight mount, and attach a spear instead of Frostmourne. - Then make the model a little less - armoured, and do the hair black - woohaa, and there is Odin!
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Jätte = Giant ;) Ogres are of english mythology.

Loki= God of Trickery. I think he actually was half god half troll, but some experts say giant.

Odin= The mightiest of gods, wisest of them all and knows everything due to that he sacrificied his eye.

Thor= The god of thunder and light.

Rexfist Malice is right, and I know this. Im swede, and nordic & brittish mythology is a hobby of mine. Nuff' said.
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
wow hey read my post LOKI(SPELLED LIKE THAT) and ODIN are in ALOT of mythologies i stated my FAVORITE mythologies they were in aka. (cant remember mythology, I READ A BOOK ABOUT IT IN THE LIBRARY) but in THIS mythology not ANY OTHER ONE, ODIN is the GOD OF CHAOS and his underling is LOKI the ANGEL OF DEATH geez if you wanna say somthin smart read my entire comment before you spout off shit from greek mythology when i am talking about a whole different mythology and trust me we just did a report on your favorite mythology and i have seen PLENTY with odin and loki, teh name a few, GREEK, NORSE, ROMAN, ETC!

so STFU with that usless info, now if i have to do a report on gay ass greek mythology then i will refer to your comment

oh and if you even ever played FF8 you would know Gligamesh doesn't do anything with excaliber, + I dont know what the hell a mythological Gligamesh is, the swords he had was

excaliPOOR excaliBRE(spelled correctly they changed up those letters) MUSAMANE(ff7 fans galore) and ZANTEZUTESKEN(Odin's sword)

but yeah Rexfists is right about GREEK mythology not the one i like, going to look it up

oh yea and rexfists i aint a nerd like you who probably read 10 books everyday weres glasses for staying up to late under the covers with a flashlight i acctually get out and no i dont live in games i just play games when i have nothing to do that day or i go outside


I need someone to make me an Abel the Wicked MODEL, no skin will work, from Star Ocean: Till the end of time

and back off the real issue...

rexfist books kill, excersise owns :), and i would like to know how old you are because if you say 14-15 then you need to get out, I am 19 in college and dont know shit bout mythology, and dont say well they taught you it in high scholl, no not mine we did mainly gay poetry from shakespear and american government, politics, blowing shit up in the lab, and simple geometry...
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Final_Fantasies-7: You have read of those crap books that are not allowed to be published in most countries because the theories are crappy and cannot be proven? :roll:

I know my mythology. Its is spelled Oden in scandinavian languanges and Loki is Loke, but has been changed in english so it is easier to say.
Gilgamesh is a legendary figure in the Sumerian (was it sumerian? not really sure). Gilgamesh is said to be a figure that has exsisted in reality as a great leader, but the legends are probably untrue, since he couldnt kill a 50 headed giant, right? :wink:

Anyways, this discussion isnt going anywhere. Close it before it goes too far.
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Atlerik: Yup.

Btw, how could Odin be the god of chaos when he is friend to Tyr, the god of justice and order, and if he now was the god of chaos, then he would share that role with Hel.
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
but you realise that you dont get what i am saying, you are talking about a totally different mythology than me, there is not jsut one all grand mythology there are billions, stop talking about one and correct me on that one when i am talking about another, you may know you mythology, but no offense, yours gets boring, and it sux, the one I read is the one I like, i undestand, in YOUR mythology odin is whoever, and loki is a gay pixie, forest fag, but look at catholic dogma, Loki- gods angel of death, Odin- was not in catholic dogma, gilgamesh- wow now i know what it is, and finnally i am out, and yea names of gods can be changed, and what do you mean that i read one of those books that cant be proven, nothing of what you said can be proven that it is why they call it MYTHOLOGY, lemee break it down,

Myth- well ya know a myth, fiction stories about gods and other shit

ology- study of

MYTHOLOGY- study of myths

Mythology- study of stories about gods and shit
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Final_Fantasies-7: So you use statements like "gay pixie loki" to make me feel taunted, but how can you taunt me with something I dont say, and say I did? Very childish. Christian version of the mythologies are demonised, and suck bigtime. The real mythology is of course the one used by the VIKINGS, and the norsemen before them. Before norse mythology there was sun mythology in the north, from norway to finland, to sweden to denmark. You didnt know this, infact, you have become corrupt by your own I-must-be-right feeling that you have entirely turned to the dark side- insanity. Yup, Im overdoing it, feel like home now, ey? Loki is the god of trickery, well, not really god (half god half troll or giant) Dont stupidize others, it all falls back onto yourself.

I hate fights, especially when Im at these grades... Seriously, read books like "The tree of Yggdrasil" (original languange; swedish) "The Old Myths" (original languange: norweigan) and some others. Scandinavians got all the writings in their hands, they know what they speak about. Another one is the danish comic books I cant remember the name of, they are enchanced with humour, but portraits very well mythology. Age of Mythology also made me astounded by the knowledge they have, never seen an american production with so much knowledge! Also, christian versions of mythology suck. They all differ, because they all want to demonize more than the others, so they fight about who can turn what legendary hero the most into a demon.

Dont pick a fight with me, please, its way beyond your league. Seriously.
Level 1
Jan 23, 2005
to cyberatog.. the hammer sign IS supposed to sit in that way. believe me. it is.. er.. cut in stone like that on a 1500 year old stone in denmark. (the first time the name denmark has ever been written)....

and denmark is the home of the vikings, and the northern mythology.. :)

and btw. hel is not the god of chaos. she is the god of death, and she lives in.. hell..

odin is the god of wisdom

loki is not a god. he is a "jätte". he just represents trickery..

lol, sry for giving ye challenge here
Level 3
Jul 30, 2006
Please can somebody make Oden/Wotan on sleipnr with gugner or Mimung.

Btw kan en svensk eller någon annan Nord göra den för vi vet hur han ska se ut...

Please gör honom grå hårig och inte blond jag vill göra honom när Loke stal Iduns äpplen...thx
Level 1
Jun 23, 2010
Odin and Thor and Loki are from Norse Mythology. The guy who was trying to prove you wrong didn't even understand what he was talking about. Odin, Loki, and Thor are NOT in the Greek and Roman mythologies. When I was like eleven I was really into Greek Mythology and I can tell you Odin and Loki aren't in there. Roman Mythology is mainly Greek Mythology with the names changed. Final_Fantasies-7, books do not kill, books are how we learn important things and how we "exercise" our brains. Obviously you really believe that books kill, because it is VERY embarressing to be a Nineteen-Year-Old and not be able to spell.