This is turning in to a flameing war which is not
1. Kind (might upset some people)
2. Setting a good example (Look there are enough flamers on wc3 already i do not want to see more)
3. Showing your smart (People who can use a language use it to bring accross ideas in a kind and civilized way and do not just shout abuse because people do not play WoW)
Now back to the topic.
Why the **** does everyone complain about fees? If you don't like capitalism, then shut up and actually work with money.
Are you awear that the amount of money needed to play WoW per month is more than some people have to feed their families on per year? And do not think they are unemployed since some people get paied less than 15£ a year for working 18/7/52. Also 15£ a month could go towards permanitly improving a country than sending it to some people so you can play a game for only a month. And by no means is 15£ a month a small amount of money since that 15£ if used right could be turned into 30£ or more. 15€ in the right hands can buy a 100€ coffie machine (and I realy do mean that).
Then it wouldn't be an MMORPG, retard. Again, shut up.
No need so start calling people names. It is possiable to have a single player supporting "MMORPG" or does your brain not think that far? One mode called singleplayer another called multiplayer. It would not effect multiplayer at all and thus it will still be known as a "MMORPG".
Read the response I made to Mechanical Man. Read WoWWiki and tell me how the quests aren't storyline.
Does WoW feture a action pacted invasion of an entire contenint story line with 10000s of people being slaughtered by endless numbers of demons? Does it feature a defend a magical object or else the world will be turned into a demon outpost? Does it feature you having to stop an almighty being from destroying the planet that WC is featured on? I do not think so! Quests are some plot but NOTHING compaired to WC3 + TFT! I was expecting to see the lich king go on a night elf killing spree or something but I do not think The lich king is even featured in WoW from what I have read. Thus the overall plotline that happens goes from extreemly major (wc3 ROC) to still very major (wc3 TFT) to virtualy non existent (WoW).
Ignorant tard. Ever noticed the labels "normal" and "PvP" servers? If you're still clinging on the PvP server, boo **** hoo PvP'd on a PvP server.
Again I see you strugle to give your thoughs across in a kind non annoying way. People called "flamming (some rude word)" will probably shout at people on non PvP servers making it unenjoyable. Also everyone likes a bit of PvP but all the people who swear and call people rude words will always rune PvP and I do not want any of that especialy if im going to pay to play per month!
Or it's that you don't know how to protect your damn identity.
All I can say is LOL you know nothing!
There are people called "hackers" that actualy hack your account data even though you reveal none of it and have the best fire walls! Also there are banks of computers just churning out passwords for "high leveled (5+*lvl 60) charcters" untill they get the right one so that all that work can be sold off for a huge profit and the owner not seeing a since piece of it. And im sure blizzard does not care since the more they play the more they pay as they proably say.
Good thing. I have a life to deal with too, and there's nothing wrong with only having 2 hours to play WoW with me.
For over all fun per £ the Empire Earth chain (not II) was the best. I played that 3-4 hours a day for almost 2 years and only gave up to play its upgrade EDotMW and that was quite good considering the combined set of EE + expansion cost only 30£ when 2 months of WoW cost the same. To me It is just not worth paying per moth to play only 2 hours a day. And nothing you can flame at me will change that!
Or it's because you're the victim. Shut up. Haven't learn to control your balance with life? Start learning.
Is english your first language? I was refering to OVERALL and not to me! Obvousily I will not do such a thing but the effects of WoW proably are noticable in some asian schools (I can not say about schools here since most of the kids are so busy shopping or footballing but that is techinaly as bad).
The idiots that bother to. Let them play what they will. You have no say in what they get to do.
Well there are enough of theses so called "idiots" to keep thousands of chines employed and many people making proffet from them while claiming unemployment!
Again, you have no control over the peep's interests. And for the info, Darky has a REAL LIFE! *gasp* That's why he can't attend to the site that much. And yes it's why VG is here.
Orignaly it was WoW who took darky away if I remember and thats why there is even a WoW section! VG although does his/her job well can not replace Darky since only Darky can change the scripts (some of which realy need fixing). I can not say more since it probably will be rhomurs that are lies or true.
Majority of the folks I play with are married, have jobs, and kids.
WoW caused quite a few splits of stable realationships by "uncomplete conversion" or "He/She falling in love with a Charcter" Uncomplete conversion is when the wife or husband spends most of his / her time on WoW when the other does not spend any time on WoW. Blizzard lost quite a few million to cases of this and children being stupid and ruining their life from playing WoW.
Actually, I have a right to flame you. You STILL sound like those hardass anti-WoW fanatics making ignorant comments.
Yeah, go on. I'm open for bashing or comments. I'm just tired when I hear all these anti-WoW statements based on ignorance.
I am well inforemed about WoW but im a fanatic hatter of it because i like games like Wc3 and not second quality Rpgs that try to drain money away from the foolish consumer!
And i think flaming is agains the fourm rules? but anyway Flaming shows a lack of language skills and should not be used on an open fourm of this standard!