things i needed

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Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Hello guys I need some things for my project,I hoped someone could help me.
1st can someone animate this like the other animated grass that I've seen here View attachment grass005.mdx

2nd does anyone had this things in the picture I only need the mound buildings, you know those chocolate hills like buildings I think its a farm. I need those very much and if possible can someone change the texture of it too village rough dirt pls.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Hello guys I need some things for my project,I hoped someone could help me.
1st can someone animate this like the other animated grass that I've seen here View attachment 140064

2nd does anyone had this things in the picture I only need the mound buildings, you know those chocolate hills like buildings I think its a farm. I need those very much and if possible can someone change the texture of it too village rough dirt pls.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Yes I already know how to extract things in the mpq, however I'm having troubles with tools. Magos and model editor I've got a lot of errors with them both that I can't fix except having a better computer. That's why I'm asking nicely with some guys to do this for me I hoped you understand me guys.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014



View attachment grass008.mdx

Hello guys I need another grass to be animated like the other.

Can someone change the skin of the grass 5 same as the river rushes so I can change its color to whatever I want? I tried changing its color in WE but in only turn to dark green,more dark green and bright green.

And the pictures,have anyone saw this model I really like it. It has a tauren base model but it is treant and wields a giant tree instead of a totem
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
View attachment 140166

View attachment 140167

View attachment 140168

View attachment 140169

Hello guys I need another grass to be animated like the other.

Can someone change the skin of the grass 5 same as the river rushes so I can change its color to whatever I want? I tried changing its color in WE but in only turn to dark green,more dark green and bright green.

And the pictures,have anyone saw this model I really like it. It has a tauren base model but it is treant and wields a giant tree instead of a totem

Need help here guys.
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