here is an interesting theory i found in that great pinnacle of knowledge and truth,
Murphys law states that if something can go wrong, it will.
so, if you drop a piece of buttered toast, it will land butter side down.
another important law of physics, is that cats always land on their feet.
now, stick a piece of buttered toast, butter side up, to a cats back.
now drop the cat of a building.
observe as both sides attempt to hit the ground, but cancel each other out.
theoretically, the cat should just hover an inch from the ground and spin constantly, creating antigravity.
imagine the limitless power! the possibilities! (Antigravity kitten powered spacecraft, antigravity kitten power plant)
(cal is not responsible to any damage done to kittens in testing this theory)
Murphys law states that if something can go wrong, it will.
so, if you drop a piece of buttered toast, it will land butter side down.
another important law of physics, is that cats always land on their feet.
now, stick a piece of buttered toast, butter side up, to a cats back.
now drop the cat of a building.
observe as both sides attempt to hit the ground, but cancel each other out.
theoretically, the cat should just hover an inch from the ground and spin constantly, creating antigravity.
imagine the limitless power! the possibilities! (Antigravity kitten powered spacecraft, antigravity kitten power plant)
(cal is not responsible to any damage done to kittens in testing this theory)