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The Sun King Resource Pack

A pack of my RESOURCES.

Rise of the Sin'dorei=Blood Elves/Sin'dorei
The New Dalaran=Dalaran Faction
Conquest of Gilneas=Gilneans Faction
The Survivors of Argus=Dreanai
The Lord of Outland=Illidan Forces
Rage of the Gnolls=Gnolls
Rage,Vengeance and Hatred=Scarlet Crusaders
The Sun Blessed=High Elves
Rage of the Depths=Naga

Added The Sun Blessed

Here is an icon pack for u to download icons made by me includes many icons:
Note one icon is made by Mr.Goblin the Phoenix call because it does not work i made a working one credits to him.:vw_death:


U can download this now

Altered Melee,Melee,Map
16:03, 17th Jul 2015 Orcnet: Pack re-approved.
Level 16
May 25, 2004
The Blood Elf race, Gnoll race, Dalaran race, and Lords of Outland race would fit just under 12MBs including the maps as well, if you try just one maps (which is about 200kb tops) plus try using the wc3 map optimizer to make the maps even smaller, you should get it under the 8MB Limit!
Just a thought!

You could also change the custom races to be:
  • Humans = Dalaran
  • Orcs = Gnolls
  • Night Elves = Blood Elves (minus custom UI)
  • Undead = Illdari (Lords of Outland)
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
It took me days to browse back here guys, thanks for pointing it out. As much as this pack has been approved recently and it also just uploaded new resources yet it got problems in the undergo.

I would set it to "Needs Fix" for now, until all of the stuff is good to go!
Level 6
Jan 11, 2008
So far have only tried the Burning Crusade and Draenei

The naaru flying unit and gunship are rather strong for their food-costs. You're clearly missing a few building models to complete the set but the ones that aren't recolored models look really great!

The defensive options for grabbing 12 units back home free of charge without a manacost on towers doesn't allow players to do something against it So even manaburn doesn't break it. So it's really strong. Perhaps consider that the building can't be under attack in order to use it. You could lower the base hp on the towers and give it a manashield and the unit teleport skill perhaps this would also work to make choices of how to defend. As to balance it out a bit. Unless you lost a skirmish it's near impossible to lose your base while you yourself are even on the offensive in someone else's base and considering the price of tp scrolls it's really strong. The huntress glaives and permanent for a very small fee on auto-cast is also very strong and easy to play for a big benefit.

The color-scheme of the icon's are a bit "confusing". Blizzard tended to follow a color scheme with icons but the usage of those colors also served a subliminal purpose. Having 4 yellow icon's might be improved upon on using different tones for the healing spells and the damage spells you can play around with inverse background/icon coloring etc. Just for friendliness/accessibility. Normal elek's have warstomp which is very usefull but their big Elek knights have a chance to stun on attack sure the other stats are part of it but maybe give them a straight direction charge and stun/eathclap everything on their way on the Elek knights might make them more interesting.

The basic item that requires the units to die is something i really liked, but it might be a bit to strong. Even though it excludes hero's/mechanic/flying units it's still pretty good. Their orb is something odd, if you go triple hero and all of their orbs proc in the same fight especially in a 2 v2 is fightwinning in their own right. So overal the draenei are way to strong. But really cool setup. I'm trying to keep them at 80% handicap when i play to even them out a bit.

Burning Crusade:
It's an interesting take on the human buildings and the hallowed ground kinda works like an inverse blight int terms of regen. Interesting concept.
They lack decent front liners until you get to t3 with paladins which you can run into enemy bases with divine shield wreak havoc and tp out. On cast self-heal on the footman felt a bit underwhelming to defend ability in terms of usefulness. And compared to the towerguards are just way better then them. The prayer suicide hero skill makes it really easy to ensure he levels up sure he dies but that usually worth it to have him die off 2-3 fight to reach lvl 6 nearly every match., the crossbow units being basically another siege unit and that almost gives them 3 siege units kinda makes them rather odd. The 4 targets javelins make a good counter to mass air.
But being able to just build up 20 towers and rush their bases with the guards and creep with them is really to strong if you just tower up you're strong both offensively and defensively. It might need some tweaking, a longer lasting duration in a trade of with a max distance from the base or something might be an interesting way to look at it.
Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
So far have only tried the Burning Crusade and Draenei

The naaru flying unit and gunship are rather strong for their food-costs. You're clearly missing a few building models to complete the set but the ones that aren't recolored models look really great!

The defensive options for grabbing 12 units back home free of charge without a manacost on towers doesn't allow players to do something against it So even manaburn doesn't break it. So it's really strong. Perhaps consider that the building can't be under attack in order to use it. You could lower the base hp on the towers and give it a manashield and the unit teleport skill perhaps this would also work to make choices of how to defend. As to balance it out a bit. Unless you lost a skirmish it's near impossible to lose your base while you yourself are even on the offensive in someone else's base and considering the price of tp scrolls it's really strong. The huntress glaives and permanent for a very small fee on auto-cast is also very strong and easy to play for a big benefit.

The color-scheme of the icon's are a bit "confusing". Blizzard tended to follow a color scheme with icons but the usage of those colors also served a subliminal purpose. Having 4 yellow icon's might be improved upon on using different tones for the healing spells and the damage spells you can play around with inverse background/icon coloring etc. Just for friendliness/accessibility. Normal elek's have warstomp which is very usefull but their big Elek knights have a chance to stun on attack sure the other stats are part of it but maybe give them a straight direction charge and stun/eathclap everything on their way on the Elek knights might make them more interesting.

The basic item that requires the units to die is something i really liked, but it might be a bit to strong. Even though it excludes hero's/mechanic/flying units it's still pretty good. Their orb is something odd, if you go triple hero and all of their orbs proc in the same fight especially in a 2 v2 is fightwinning in their own right. So overal the draenei are way to strong. But really cool setup. I'm trying to keep them at 80% handicap when i play to even them out a bit.

Burning Crusade:
It's an interesting take on the human buildings and the hallowed ground kinda works like an inverse blight int terms of regen. Interesting concept.
They lack decent front liners until you get to t3 with paladins which you can run into enemy bases with divine shield wreak havoc and tp out. On cast self-heal on the footman felt a bit underwhelming to defend ability in terms of usefulness. And compared to the towerguards are just way better then them. The prayer suicide hero skill makes it really easy to ensure he levels up sure he dies but that usually worth it to have him die off 2-3 fight to reach lvl 6 nearly every match., the crossbow units being basically another siege unit and that almost gives them 3 siege units kinda makes them rather odd. The 4 targets javelins make a good counter to mass air.
But being able to just build up 20 towers and rush their bases with the guards and creep with them is really to strong if you just tower up you're strong both offensively and defensively. It might need some tweaking, a longer lasting duration in a trade of with a max distance from the base or something might be an interesting way to look at it.
Don't have time to edit my maps edit if u like, check my other newer maps as well.
Level 6
Jan 11, 2008
Gilnean Brigade
Very well made visually in terms of coherency and use of buildings. It really feels like one set. In terms of shape and lightning maybe you're able to tell the buildings apart a little bit better but it's solid. The units need some serious tweaking. Low cost gryphons with 5s storm bolt are ridiculously strong and considering they are nearly as expensive as the much weaker hippogryphs and only are 4 food equal to their worgen knights. Their towers are very good defensively and also from the ivory tower they are up during battle which makes it near impossible to win against it during early skirmishes. And scout tower - archer towers at least gives some time for the opponents. Comparing them to the famously strong orc burrow/orc towers they are very strong in damage output with a free built in true-sight on top of it. Cleric buffing up units with up to 8 armor and a lvl 1 holy light are insanely strong for value. The same applies to raw damage output increase the sorcerer provides. Perhaps spice up their skill set a bit.
Druid of the pack is an excellent control unit that i don't really tend to favor to walk around in wolf form for the entangle is just to strong to ignore 8s entangle is very long. But the druid of the pack wolf form is still much stronger than the raid hunter if you don't aim to pillage a lot of buildings.

While the raid hunter isn't really all that useful also both siege units are a bit to much no need for both of them. Raiders have ensnare for example so even during skirmishes they have a secondary use. I didn't really see much use for the siege unit at all with all the other way stronger alternatives. I also found it kinda odd that the town hall defensive grants a melee only unit with siege damage which kinda makes them very bad defenders mechanically.

The 700 gold scroll of restoration although very expensive is still way to good during fights. Perhaps lower it to half the price and half the benefits this way it at least takes up 2 inventory slots and 2 hero's.

Heroes, Genn although slightly boring but he works but he kinda lacks anything like a controlling spell to be favored over any of the others. Mainly due to the real reason you want him is his vamp aura which can be obtained from an allied undead or the marketplace in the middle. So he's a bit underwhelming compared to the other 3. The deathknight's ultimate is ridiculously strong against anything but a nightelf. And 2 of his 3 spells require corpses so he has carrion swarm and his ultimate this might be an okay trade of but perhaps consider adding critter to their shop to actually make use of him a bit earlier. The mage has a 5s stun which is very long. Perhaps give one of the spellcaster units the option to give him an autocast spell that heals through cannibalizing for other units. .

Their custom orb is expensive and not that strong. But a conceptually great idea so just lower it's cost to 350 and it's good. Blood claws doesn't say for how long the stun duration lasts i'm thinking it's 1s on heroes. Pretty cheap and usefull item. The potion of stealth doesn't do much early for 100 gold other than scouting without risks but we tend to scouts with worker units most of the time anyway so it's not really all that helpful i find.

All in all solid but it just needs some tweaking to balance them out against other races. You're mainly focussed quite linair in your unit design but allow yourself to use units in more than one direction. It fleshes them out and allows for more diverse game experiences with the same race. a armor buff and another armor buff on the same unit kinda makes the 2nd armor buff much less interesting.

The mana huntress is really good with powerfull spells but you basically only get to cast 2/3 with their small manapool. Perhaps change manaburn to manadrain this allows you to keep using them. And also take away their insane burst when you drop them from a zeppelin and go full blown hero focus. The coralfang Tidehunter is a really nice model but if you grab 3/4 of them you can wipe out enemies with ease before actually engaging in combat. And that for the price of a knight. The dragonhawks are also really strong compared to enemies.

Tombworm hatchery and black temple models are really cool!. Caster units are well flashed out lots of variety in useage fun to play with well done there. number might be a bit of here and but nothing extreme. Heroes seem okay not extremely overpowered but strong in their own rights for sure.


Custom rally point is really cool, getting the crater below every building isn't needed imho. Names for buildings are good especially liked the fleamarket. the map did crash my Warcraft III on the first and 2nd try so maybe i'm on the wrong patch here?
Last edited:
Level 6
Jan 11, 2008
Dark iron clan.
The mines go negative instead of emptying out and you don't acutally need units to mine it so no real need to get 3 air spirits, and 1 wood revenant. Rather get 3 revenants and 1 air spirit. Druids of the flame are way stronger than than most of the 5 costs units. And there's a lot of big bulky units. I like the rampage ogre because it looks funny but all in all big tanky dude is all the flavor to most. The visuals sure grant their own aesthetic but it's a thing of flavor i suppose. The flying drake ultimate on a hero is really way to strong for anything serious imho. Their custom orb is well done. I like the vanishing potion but in general there is a serious lack of regeneration on their race unless you keep sacrificing those wood revenants but you can't really train enough to sustain it. Overal synergy is somewhat lacking between the units of this race i find. But it's fun to play around with the different units all the same.