A part of the light from the Trees is also saved in two orbs, which are placed in the heavens to make the Moon and the Sun.
Hot in pursuit of Melkor, the smith Elf and many of his kin (four types of Elves) left for Middle Earth. There they started setting up a fortress, and they met their first human. They were amazed at how frail and fragile they were, how easily killed, how weak, how how inept they were in general. When an Elf dies, their soul journeys to the Hall of Eternity, and can even be reborn if so desired. Yet the fate of mankind is known only to Ao.
After several minor skirmishes (decades later) the Elves learn of another interesting fact about humanity. The first one they met (sorry I forgot his name) dies, not of battle, not of posion, or hapstance, he simply dies of old age. This baffled the Elves, who were ageless and unchanging, making them realize that there is something more to this Race than they know.
Melkor fastens the Silmirils into a black iron crown that he wears.
Eventually Melkor kidnaps Luthien, who is half Elf and half Maiar. She is fairer than any other Elf from all of time, the stars themselves shine brighter when she walked under them. Her lover, Beren, comes to rescue her from the clutches of the Black Lord. He came not with sword, nor spell, nor bow, but with his harp and voice. He sang his way into the heart of the Deep Mountain and came before the Dark King. His song was one of longing, yearning for his beloved, and of the heart ache he felt within his soul. The song was so touching that Melkor wept a single tear, released Luthien, and even crowned her with one of the Silmirils.
When they left Luthien decided to do something that was unprecendted at the time, and which only one other has done since then; she decided to become mortal. She thought it would be too tragic if Beren died and she could not join him in whatever eternity awaits his kind, so she joined him in his unkown destiny. When they returned to her lands her father, who was king, knew of what had happened, yet his wife was too overjoyed to notice. He let them leave, and never bothered them again, leaving them in each others company and joy for the rest of their short lives.
This is the end of story time yet again, I will finish soon enough.