Model file: Dreadlord.
Blood sucktion: Removes X% of units hp and returns half of it to bane.
Absolute Darkness: Blocks the sun causing total darkness, it reduces every units movement and attack speed by X for Y seconds dealing Z damage.
Z would have to be a small number btw.And it shouldent last more than 5 seconds tops.
Offering of blood and flesh:
Bane sacrifices 50% of his maximum hp to the almight (whoever vampires warship) and bane gains a huge atatck increase by X% for Y seconds. If bane dies from this he loses 50% of his attack power for Y seconds.
-Ultimate- Vampire strength(perminant):
Increases hp by: X%
Mp by: X%
Damage by: Y%
Attack speed by: Z%
Movement speed by: S%
Model file: Mannoroth
Blood loss:
Garren slashes his foe with his sword stunning the unit, and casuing blood loss. Blood loss causes a unit to lose 1% of his maximum hp for 50 seconds, after the 50 second duration the units hp is deducted by 49%.
Incarnate of (whoever vampires warship):
When garren dies he is reincarnated after ten seconds, however he comes back with resurection sickness losing 50% of all his stats for X seconeds.
When the sickness is done garren's stats become normal.
Blood curtain:
Creates a barrier around garren for X seconds, any unit who touches it loses 50% movement speed and takes 10 damage untill they move away.
-Ultimate-Summon lesser demons.
X seconds Y demons are created, the last Z seconds and do S damage and have M attack speed and 35% of garrens overall hp.