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The Perfect Army

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Level 13
Mar 11, 2004
Think about the most powerful army that uses characters from WarCraft: Orcs and Humans - World of WarCraft. You may have normal 25 units, 3 Siege units, and two Heroes. (i.e. 13 Archers, 12 Footmen, one siege engine, 2 balistae, and Lothar)
My Ideal army is:

  • Heroes: Magni Bronzebeard and Aurius the Pure.
  • Units: 5 Paladins, 10 Archers, and 10 Footmen.
  • Siege: Two balistae, and one Gryphon Rider.
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
how bout' upgrades? :lol: If we assume that everything has been upgraded, I choose;

10 Human, Gryphon Rider (if you really think that the Gryphon is Siege, then I choose 5 more Huntress and 5 Undead, Necromancer)
10 Night Elf, Huntress
1 Orc, Troll Witchdoctor
1 Night Elf, Druid of the Claw
3 Human, Priest

2 Orc, Troll Bat Rider
1 Human, Siege Tank

Tauren Chieftain
Priestess of the Moon

Booyoka, ranged units fire away, hitting targets beyond the first, and enhanced in both damage and speed due to hero aura's. Furthermore buffed with Roar and Inner Fire, and the Witchdoctor casting Healing Totem and Stasis Trap at will, and I need not even fear air, since the majority of my units are ranged, and I have a Barrage unit - the only thing I need from PotM, is her aura, I have no auguements against not using her Starfall (that strictly counts as a bonus, as in optional), as my TC stands in the middle of it all, increasing friendly speed and attack rate, and stuns at will - Booyoka! ^^
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
or you could do this

20 Undead, Necromancer
5 Orc, Troll Witchdoctor

3 Night Elf, Chimeara

Keeper of the Grove

if you like the idea of infinite units :wink: it counts skeleton warriors and mages, water elemental and treants - so like, use the summoned units and Chimearas and Blizzard spell to create a hole in the enemy army (watch out for the anti air), and let your necromancers do thier thing ^^ as soon as it starts accelerating, you'll be delighted to see how your own army grows as your enemy weakens - keep the KotG near the melee to add thorns to the skeletons, and archmage provides mana for the necromancers, witchdoctors and kotg heals - another reason for KotG to be close, btw.
Level 13
May 5, 2004
Sry for not fitting the rules, Konblade, but this is my perfect army :wink:

Archmage, Mountain King

6 Priests
2 Sorceress
2 Knights
4 Sniper

12 (or even more) Mortar Teams

And some towers to play with the enemy while the strike-group hits the enemies main.
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