My idea of how the once squaded bunker in Denmark might look in 50 years.
War has raged and a small group of squaders has returned, though together with them has the nazis and the police returned, ancient enemys of the squaders. But there is also strange new creatures, the zombies and the aliens.
Every player of that team can choose one of the following heroes:
Punker, Gothic, Hibbie, Kiddie, Emo and the new Vietnamese Fisherman.
Control a great army with 100 food and a flying undead ship.
Strong creatures that has arrived on a meteor from outerspace, a army with 30 food, but is able to gain more.
Returning Police: A small group of units, that has many strategic units.
Returning Nazis: A small group of units, that has many strategic units.
Secret heroes, secret items and many unknown dangers lies in the ruined city of Aarhus in Denmark