The adventures of Fred and flo is a basic two player game I'm developing where the two space explorers f.r.e.d and f.l.o board a ship and go on an adventure. Have fun exploring.
Ps: I plan to replace the name Fred with something better when/if a better option shows up.
This game is my first ever and I've only been working on it for two days so don't expect anything remotely as good as rubbish. But atleast pretend it's a good one
I'll probably post a file when it's done
Ps: I plan to replace the name Fred with something better when/if a better option shows up.
This game is my first ever and I've only been working on it for two days so don't expect anything remotely as good as rubbish. But atleast pretend it's a good one
I'll probably post a file when it's done