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TFOD v.1.19c

Thorn Forest Outpost Defense
General Information

  • The map is set in a fictional location "Thorn Forest" created by me.
  • The main areas of the map is the Outpost and the 4 paths, where the assaulting units come from.
  • The main goal is to defend the Outpost through various types of attackers.
  • Items are essential in the game, Using proper items guarantees winning.
  • Each level gives new challenges and requires few strategies and team work to defeat.
  • The game can be played solo or with other players. Providing that the difficulty rises according to the player count.
  • The maximum number of players that the map can hold is 8.

Map Features

  • A large cast of heroes. (10 and increasing)
  • Multiple arrays of abilities, supports and buffs.
  • Helpful quests & rewards. (More will come)
  • Secrets.
  • Collection of items that supports heroes.
  • Currently, There are no game modes but I will put up some after a short period of time.
  • Host Detection System.
  • Damage Detection System or DDS.
  • You can choose difficulty ranging from Beginner, Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane, Extreme.


50% HP
75% HP
100% HP
125% HP
150% HP
200% HP

  • Simple commands like /ms, /level, /cam and /name.



Checks your hero's movement speed.
Checks the current level you are playing.
Changes your camera height from 0 - 900.
Allows you to alter your name.

  • A Control Menu for the host, Click the buttons to interact.
  • This is a sample of the Control Menu:

Control Menu

[broke=Pauses the Countdown Timer]Pause[/broke]
[broke=Resume the Countdown Timer]Resume[/broke]
[broke=Skips the Countdown Timer]Skip[/broke]

  • Hard-worked terrain and setting.









  • The Hive Workshop - for the great tutorials.
  • Cozythrias - for the awesome Map preview, Loading screen and Ideas.
  • CyberDuelX16 - for the early beta testing. (even if we failed alot XD)
  • Cweener - for his reviewing skills.
  • -Kobas- - for the epic description tutorial.


Change log

  • Fixed typos.
  • Changed Rage Fist's item requirements.
  • Reduced Captain's Battle Cry bonus damage from 25/50/75/100 to 18/36/54/72.

  • Fixed unnoticed typos.
  • Modified the Captain's Mithril Shield ability. (Changed chance from 4/8/12/16% to 14/18/22/26% and changed the reduced damage from 100% to 28/56/84/112.
  • Added a Select Active Path Menu for single player.
  • Added Repair ability to the Outpost.
  • Added Call Reinforcements ability to the Outpost.
  • Added the Quest Master. (Currently no actions)

  • Maximum number of players is now 8.
  • Modified terrain.
  • Added 10 whole quests to the Quest Master.
  • Changed all creep units and abilities.
  • Added a new hero, "Lore Keeper".
  • Added an upgrade box. (See in game)
  • Balanced heroes and units.
  • Improved story line.

  • Made a quick fix on quests.

  • Really fixed the final 3 quests.
  • Fixed some tooltips.

  • Changed the windy weather effect.
  • Added the speak ability to the Quest Master, So the quests will not trigger when accidentally bumping into him.
  • Cleaned up quest dialogues so that players understand the storyline.


Author's Note
  • This map is protected.
  • Do not redistribute without my permission.

-HellBreed-, Hell, Breed, TFOD, Thorn, Forest, Outpost, Defense, Hero, Creeps, Wars

TFOD v.1.19c (Map)

18:52, 11th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 4
Jan 29, 2010
Looks like a super sexy use of default doodads.. I'm gonna have to test this. :D

That's a good way to put it. Although the white fog/moving smoke weather doodad thingy kinda annoys me.

EDIT: It kinda annoys me how many of the recipes end up losing some effects of their components. Like how the tier 4 item that requires the bash item doesn't have bash.
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Level 8
Dec 12, 2010
I played this map with a friend on normal and looked like a well made map but after about wave 8 or 9 there where so many creeps coming we were overwhelmed. There were like 50 creeps against 2 heros. Even with the reinforcements it was death at about wave 13.

If you would decrease the number of creeps for less players (could be done with your creep spawn triggers) gamplay would be possible for a 1 or 2 players.

With 4 or more players its probably a good slugfest.

One more thing I thought the quests just slowed the game down. They were really easy and a small reward.

Overall not a bad map I give it 3/5. V1.19c

If you improve the map I will change my rating.
Level 4
Jan 29, 2010
No worries. I've got new plans for the map. :)
Thanks for giving the time to comment on it.
I'll also add 2 more menus that allows you to select paths if you have 2 or 3 players.

aww sweet.

IMO, the quests give a sense of depth to the game itself, and not just some mindless creep attack and hero defense. Even though the story via quest master isn't the best out there.
Level 1
Jan 1, 2011
awesome hero defense!. hahaha YEAH! :goblin_yeah:
I loved every inch of it. :ogre_love:
finished it with captain; solo beginner. XD

I give this map 5/5 :thumbs_up: *cheers!* (v1.19c)
-didn't find any bug while I was playing :)

still waiting for updates... :pwink:
Level 11
May 17, 2010
awesome hero defense!. hahaha YEAH! :goblin_yeah:
I loved every inch of it. :ogre_love:
finished it with captain; solo beginner. XD

I give this map 5/5 :thumbs_up: *cheers!* (v1.19c)
-didn't find any bug while I was playing :)

still waiting for updates... :pwink:

Thank you for your feedback, I see there are no more quests bugs. :)
I will be updating this during some time in February.
Keep an eye on it. It'll be a lot better I promise. :D
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Level 1
Jan 1, 2011
HURRAY! Im keeping an eye on it, literally. hahaha I'm checking this thread everyday, waiting for updates. :ogre_hurrhurr:
hope to see the update before the end of february. :goblin_good_job:
anyways, keep it up! :goblin_good_job:




Haven't played this since the disasters we had testing, I'll check it out and see what's new =)
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
hey dude! sorry for the late reply, well this is my first time to make a review of your game since I'm so bored and wanted to try these cool critique reply to hive-members, well here it goes:

Thorn Forest Outpost Defense [TFOD] v.1.18d
Originality [3.5/5]
[-] I notice some of the items and mostly the tavern area exactly have the same names to DotA's original one.
Difficulty [4.2/5]
[+] The way you made the difficulty system is good, and perfect for both newbie and professional players to choose there way of gaming. although its too hard to fight alone in Extreme, I might give it a try when I have the time to do so, no bugs found for now.
[-] The murloc and salamander (I forgot their names :csad:) deals single stuns that is too annoying to avoid when your playing the game by yourself, I'm guessing the spell cooldown is 3 seconds? try increasing it my friend.
Gameplay [3/5]
[-] The game is awesome, but I found a really bad managing that makes the score low, its the ending of the game, I mean I was waiting for the level 46 to pop out but nothing happens, so does that mean its the final wave of the game? if so, then make a good ending like saying "Congratulations you won blah blah blah" or make an ending cinematic that fits the last wave.
Triggering [4/5]
[+] The triggering was brilliant! I adore your countdown trigger system is just wow! especially the placing of everything that is needed for a hero defense, good job by taking your time to accomplish this map.
[+] The floating text is totally great, I like it more when your engaging in combat, here's a good screenshot:


Terraining [4/5]
[+] The terrain is good, nothing bad to see, I really like the greenish forest theme, and how you combined it in a better way. especially the moving green glow. just excellent!
[-] The yellow butterfly is too big! its like the "Butterfly of Doom" for some reasons LOL! try minimizing its size so it will look good. oh btw the wandering critters from your map, give them the locust ability so they can fit the role of a moving doodad than the revealing one, well just a suggestion. :cgrin:

Synergy [5/5]
[+] The Heroes are superb! I don't see anything bad for now, all heroes are bug-free! which makes the score perfect!.
[+] The Item shop is great, simple and promised! the raw materials used for the final product is good, somehow the combined item "Essence of Life" doesn't work, fix it since that item is a core use for tank players.
[+] When boredom takes places, the quest giver comes in, nice idea in creating a quest for a hero defense, I'm not sure if I already seen a similarity with your creation, just being curious.

here are some bugs I have discovered in v1.1.18d:


when I was looking at the recipe shop, I ticked the cancel button(the hotkey is ESC) and the control menu pops out, can you do some changes for the next update of your map? the countdown trigger system is really good but somehow try making it a command or some modifications you desire.

and another one that I'm hoping for some better updates:


I tried the Quest system, when I was in the cinematic scene, I spammed the ESC button to skip the cinematic and I was looking for a bug to appear, and yes there is one. after the cinematic, my countdown timer somehow stopped and won't move anymore, its a bad bug, just want to show this one since its in dire need of fixing.

Total Score [23.7/30]

well that's all I can say dude, I really like this map, especially the heroes you made, and the game is challenging and hard to compete. anyways good luck with your new changes from the map. I'm still waiting for more :crazz:

Level 11
May 17, 2010
Thanks for your time.

Actually, The countdown timer pauses when you do quests.
There should also be a message indicating it. I dunno what happened. lol.

And when you finish wave 45, You need to go the Quest Master and finish all the quests.
Then there's the "Final Wave".
Level 1
Jul 16, 2010
I finished game in wave 42

I really like this game ( Too bad that many are bored of play )
You could put more things on the map
he still has many useful spaces
waiting next update same this game
Level 1
Jul 16, 2010
The game ended

The message appeared to get out of the game after of wave 42 because i get the quest final

more , in other game ( i own replay )
the game stop after of 2°second wave 45

the button ESC It did not work
Before he worked, after that wave 2 of the 45 game stopped
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
Just wanted to drop by and briefly mention that this map was fun to play! Good job :)
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
Suggestions/Comments/Feedback (i typed this up while I was playing with 1 other player, so I apologize for it's lack of being well written):

when the game is paused, should the bonus gold over time be turned off? like you can pause at the beginning of the game and you'll still get gold over time.

should health/mana regen be paused if the timer is paused? should reinforcements and repair cooldown be paused during ?

allow to skip quest text completely (for players who have already played)

instead of only allowing 1 player the option to manipulate lanes, implement commands that can open/close specific lanes. useful if the amount of players is <4 for example.

moon crystal says moon staff is level 2 recipe when it is actually level 3 recipe.

pendant of soul tooltip: mana regeneration is spelled incorrectly

transmute gold text appears jumbled sometimes, when cast on the stronger of the creeps in the waves.

tooltip item total costs would be helpful

ability descriptions after the ability lanes would be helpful

moon crystal says scepter of wisdom is in hermit when its actually level 3 recipe

make sure the outpost guards walk back to base so they can get healed. also, sometimes only some of the guards notice the enemies and the other arches/guards just stand back.

doom horn recipe: it says phattest lewt is level 1 recipe, when it's acutally from Treasures shop
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Level 11
May 17, 2010
• Well, I wouldn't care about the tooltips anymore as I've fixed them in the upcoming version.

• The jumbled numbers while using transmute can't be helped, They're always like that in other maps with transmute abilities.

• Cooldowns can't be paused. lol. I also removed the "pause" and "resume" in the upcoming version, That means you can now only skip waves and there wouldn't be an anomaly with gold over time.

• You will be able to give the guards orders whenever you select them.

• About the lanes, I've already said that I was gonna make a path manu for players less than 4. I also don't like the idea of giving all the players power to open/close lanes, Heroes will progressively become powerful enough to dominate more than a single lane.

• I almost forgot, Skipping the cinematics is quite unfair you see. When a first-timer plays the map, of course he wants to know what's the game about. Another thing, If they can skip the cinematic and return to play, their hero would not be able to move. Either way they're bound to do the quest at the same time, so it's quite useless for pro players to skip the cinematics.

That's all I have to say, I've read what you wrote and I took some ideas from it. Thank you for your time. Have a nice day! :)
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
What's your opinion on the current state of intelligence-type heroes? They seem to be extremely underpowered, given superbly high mana costs and relative lack of mana regen effectiveness (even when the mana regen is highly stacked). This is compounded by the wave of salamanders that can mana burn 100 points with low cooldown; further, respawn only gives like 300 of the total mana, which is insignificant compared to how much spells cost.

I have only played in 2 player, which may explain the superb weakness of intel heroes anyway.
Level 11
May 17, 2010
I am very sad to say that I've lost all of my work and files. I will not continue TFOD anymore. All of it due to simple hardware problems. My back up files were also erased. If by chance I get to make new maps, I will assure all of you they will be greater than this unfinished project.

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