Texture: Do you have any idea to improve this?

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Level 7
Jul 22, 2009
Hi i am working on this skin. But i dont know how to finish it and reach the *Free handed* rule to make it acceptable. Do you have any idea how to improve it? (Sorry for my english)

Any answer would be helpful and +rep

Edit: I am training the burn/ Dogde highlight-midtones-shadows tools and i understands now how the midtones-shadows and highlight works and se the diffrents between them.
still there is some more details that needs to improve.

Edit: HAHA! YES!! Now i got it =) now when i have repeat these tutorial i now finaly got it :D now lets see whats happens to my skin if there will be any changes.

The Left Picture is Before and the right picture is After.


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Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
IMO it's better now, but there is still much work left. The "robe" for example needs much more shadin, and the "head" cap, is still very blurry. also, that white-grey stripe at the bottom right corner is way to blurry and undefined.
But don't sharpen the skin too much with the sharpen tool. Work on the blurry things I mentioned now freehandly, it will work out better.

Like I already said, I don't know a heck about skinning and my first and only attempts failed horribly, so I might be totally wrong, I just tell you my op.
looks to me that this isn't exactly more than 75% freehand... The body is just recolour and the only things you Did do with freehand are quite messy and not well done. You need to have some kind of texture and definition in regards to what you want that section of the skin to look like. Say, if its clothing, make it look like clothing by giving it a texture to it. When i say this, I don't mean use a texture filter, but try to create the texture yourself. It really helps give a good feel of realism and it can help give the skin volume and detail. Which is what is needed to be able for me to approve in the skin section. Also, you need to add more shading and highlights to the skin. to give it a good look of depth and make it stand out. Having a skin that is "flat" ends up looking very boring on a model. Try Reading some tutorials on how to do most of the things i have just told you. They can be incredibly useful and they can help improve skills a whole lot. But all the best, and good luck in your skinning.

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