Testing, Testing, 1 2 3?!

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Level 4
May 2, 2008
Beta Testing for Battle Of The Ages

Alright guys, its plain and simple, soon a completed test version of my game Battle Of The Ages will be out and im requesting some good ole beta testers to help me out, heres some details...

-Heres what the base of the map will look like, (or not, its still goin through some editing..) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps.php?id=6haaj4
-I can't host, so I will also need to find a designated host
-Testing will be on May 28th (maybe, ill update if not) 4:00-9:00 p.m, possibly also on that weekend
-Remember after beta testing to tell me what u think and what changes should happen (or tell me in the game, ur choice, XD)
-Lastly, if u like footmen frenzy and war of azeroth, u will enjoy my game!

So if ur interested, POST POST POST

Updated now, sry
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