I'm gonna give it a shot
EDIT: Tested it. I couldn't even complete the first quest, as i couldn't find a bridge to get to the second island... (using cheats, ehum)
LOTS of bugs, im gonna say em. Can't say i can do too much better but still ;
-Cinematics. bit laggy, and odd when the cameras changed over time from normal gameplay, odd. Also the optional quest was.... easy, as the orcs weren't attacking, they froze after the cinematic.
-I dunno if this is supposed to follow real wc3 lore, but this didn't. Nazgrel is in fact a Raider (unit), not a Far Seer, and he is for sure not the Warchief, for that is Thrall. And can you really find Voidwalker creeps in the Barrens? And why do the orcs do as they do, i thought Thrall united them? Oo
-Terrain wasn't too epic and the height variations were just too big some times.
-Dialogues was pretty bad aswell. My english isn't great either, but you have to work harder on those.
Well really you have to work muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch harder on this, right now it ain't worth playing, sry :S
But some good things.... Cool triggers back and forth i must say, hehe
kinda light but nothing you see too often
EDIT2: Hehe, better version ^^ still some things yo point out though, will write it while testing (I still mean what i said before though):
-The Warlock orcs are still frozen after cinematic (they do attack, but animations are none). To change this use the trigger "Animation - Reset unit animations"
-When you get to the first Orc Village and the cinematic about demon attack starts, you can still be attacked by creeps... And this happens more than one time ^^
-I lol'ed at the "Tower Defence"
Kind of funny thought to implent it, but no, it wasn't fun, it was too easy and very buggy. For example, the mobs never ran to attack the Fortresss (I think they were suppused to) instead they went to a Region close to the Fortress and then started attacking the other units.
-On the TD... I tried blocking the entrance with towers.... well, the creeps just went back and then came again, without doing anything^^ so this can easily be cheated through.
-Nazgrel the Far Seer dissapeared during this event aswell ^^ think it was supposed to, but it was odd when he stood in the water gaining level
- When i had completed the Defend the Base quest, it started sapmming that i had completed it several times ^^
-After this i had no idea what to do... I tried go there, buy that, chnage that, kill that everything but i didn't find a way :'(
Well, i think you should test this yourself and correct the bugs ^^