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LotR - The Fellowship of the Ring Campain

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I would be kinda cool if there was a complete campain of the Fellowship of the Ring, so I thought, why not make it my self? But that to much work on my own. But if others would like to work on a project like this that would be really cool. And I can skin and make maps, I don't think it would be that hard to make a really good Fellowship campain, and a lot of models allready exist.
Level 1
Jan 6, 2005
Yea Warcraft 3 is perfect for Lotr but it wud have to be accurate with a crapload of work put into but good luck man
Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
i'm already starting a LOTR campaign... its going very slowly :( however most of the maps i'm making are going to be converted to multiplayer maps when finished.
so far i'v done most of a helms deep map, a 'flight to rivendell' map, and the hobbits journey from hobbitown to weathertop.

good luck on yours tho :) we'll compare when we're finished ey?

Level 5
Sep 22, 2004
Hmm...your project is realy interestin! I didn't saw great LOTR campaign or map in my life...rely!
I would help you, but I'm creating one campaign at the moment so I'm too busy. Put on this topic your email, and I may contact you if I will be able to help.
I don't promise anything ok? :)

Level 10
Jul 14, 2004
Already in work!

Hi you guys!
I'm working on such a campaign for about one and a half year already. I have some friends to help me, but they often don't get on very fast because of school and that stuff. :?
I have already 14 maps in the campaign, but really finished is at last the intro-movie. PM or e-mail me if you are interested in helping us. We need new ideas and ressources/maps, too!
Making a campaign really needs much work and ideas and experience. I think I have most of the experience with the WE now; now I should get on with the maps! :wink:
There may be a language problem... Until now, it's all in German. We plan to release also an English version, but for work it's easier for us to use our native language. But if you're really interested, this mustn't become a very big problem, I think, must it?

I look forward to get a new worker who is not only interested but works much, too! :)
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Good luck. I hope you can do better than those cr@ppy maps I see everyday (which saddens me as a LotR fan :cry: )

Eusira said:
Why not just base it on the LOTR RTS they recently released?

Not much of an effect. The Battle for Middle Earth has too many gameplay that I don't think the World Editor can cover.
Level 10
Jul 14, 2004
It's right, there are many LotR maps out there, but very few of them are interesting to play, design is often only insulting for J.R.R. Tolkien.
They also are mostly Helms Deep and Minas Tirith maps, which are sometimes only usual defense maps. I'd like to begin with the first part, The Fellowship, and not with the end of the second. :)
I hope my campaign will be worth to be called "TLotR - The Fellowship of the Ring" but there remains still much work to do... so if there's anyone who's interested to help in design or triggers or who can do models, PM me.
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