Terraining Through Triggering?

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Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
I've noticed that a lot of terraining is done by handwork and takes a great deal of time to develop truly exceptional and beautiful terrain, but is there a method of learning to create terrain by use of triggers? No not by using a system that will generate random terrain everytime to activate it, I mean by crafting terrain via pure triggering say you have a 32 x 32 blank lordaeron map thats just dirt tileset, and you do all the terrain changes in trigger so that such effects will activate at the start of the game, although it may pause for a good moment at the start would it be prudent to craft terrain using a method like this? Don't just dismiss this thread as useless I would actually like to here some input on this, as in editor terraining you only have a certain number of tilesets to work with, whereas using the trigger to create it allows you to use any tiles you want even if they're not in the map to begin with.
Level 9
May 28, 2007
In most maps, you can break the tileset limit to a point where you can have multiple tilesets in a map.

Doing this kind of work through triggering is an awful idea for a terrainer. Not only is it harder, but would require the terrainer to test the map for every single change they make. It's time consuming, not worth it, adds more time to the Map Initialization, and is straight-up hard.

This thread IS useless.
It is interesting, yeah. But there is a lot of object editor work to be done since you can't add doodads via triggers. You can always use special effects with doodad models, but those cause leaks and can add up if too many are on the map. Thus, the only way is to do it with destructibles. It is interesting though. It would also help protect against clueless hackers who like to fiddle with the terrain a bit. It would take a lot of effort though...
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Meant Tiling I guess, not the whole doodad/destructible/SFX deal, as I have found it interesting to attempt to make a map that holds multiple themes, for example snow/desert/forest/jungle/village/city and hence I could only come to the conclusion that the tilesets of such themes were unable to be added onto the map in-editor, rather it had to be done via triggers instead. The purpose of this thread is to receive input on the idea of using this method to bypass the tileset restrictions placed on adding tiles. And I'm sorry if I mislead you to think this was useless overload119 but I wouldn't make a thread like this otherwise, it's something I hope can actually be done, though the thread title might have been misleading. To be absolutely clear I meant tiling, ignore the idea of adding doodads/destructibles/embellishment in general as such things don't require a bypass via triggers like tiles do.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Sry, if this is a little bit offtopic, but how can you do that?

What he said is limited in use, you can get the tiles you're looking for with enough work, but there is a definitive limit to how many you can place in editor, you can do this by adding but that only goes up to one or 2 additional tiles and even then the editor is picky about which ones you choose, after that it requires you either replace or delete the other tiles so the ones you want can get in. The action to do this in editor is right under Advanced -> Modify Tilesets.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Yea, I know that, but as you say you can mostly add one tile, at some tilesets even no more tiles, so it won't help you that much!

Exactly why I started this thread, in the hopes of getting some input of expanding the number of tiles a person will be able to apply to a map, which can be a big deal for people who feel like they're restricted by editor limits and can't use certain doodads/destructibles/cinematics/general themes because they have used up all the tiles they can and the things they wanted to add wouldn't fit with their current settings.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Isn't in the one I have, and I got it a at the start of Feb., still this could help those who don't wish to put their maps on ice simply to wait on something that may or may not be included in a new version of JNGP.
If you put too many tiles in a map through triggering, it gets to the point where it cannot add any more and just takes what your trying to put in and substitutes something you have already used.

Raising terrain height via triggers generates no pathing, so anything you create on it (things like trees and such) won't go with the height, thus they will either float over a pit or be underground.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Yes I realized the limit a little while ago, that was the main purpose of this thread to begin with, however with that idea gone this thread no longer serves a purpose.
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