[terrain] TD terrain for Paintball TD

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I am currently working on a map, Paintball TD, and I have the following special request for the map:

I need someone to create for me the terrain for my map. The map size can be whatever you feel necessary, but no going over the limits. I need it to accommodate 8 players, each with a lane (about 1 size 8 brush wide leading to the centre of the map (like 2 players on the right, 2 on the left, 2 on top, 2 below.

If I feel your terrain is appropriate to Paintball TD I will give you full credits as a joint creator of the map, any early beta versions you request will be sent to you, and, of course, you will recieve reputation.

Please ask if any of that description wasn't clear, and I will try to explain it better.
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