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Terrain Pathing. Which one is unflyable but buildable+ walkable?

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Level 4
Jun 26, 2010
Ok, so there was another wc3 editor site that i went to that had all the different colors terrain pathings could be and what they meant, but now it is gone. every where i go to fine the answers, the people saying they know everything about pathings think that there are only 5. what is the specific color for:
buildable, unflyable, walkable

the ones i do know:
black - buildable - flyable - walkable
purple - unbuildable - flyable - unwalkable
white - unbuildable - unflyable - unwalkable
teal - buildable - unflyable - walkable
blue - unbuildable - flyable - walkable

the ones i dont:
green ???
red ???
yellow ???

what i need the specific one for:
a map where people(flying) CAN NOT stand on their counters, and bugs CAN stand/walk AND BUILD on the counters of these people.
Level 4
Jun 26, 2010
i would not be asking this if i didnt look at the tutorials

i would not be asking this if i didnt look at the tutorials.
and the guy who wrote that tutorial, only included 5. i want to check oout what the other 7 look like
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