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- Aug 13, 2007
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In my map, Impossible Odds, I generate all my terrain randomly. Right now it can create a terrain with rocks, dead trees, flowers, & ferns that looks really nice. When players reach a very high wave (difficulty peak is at its max) and they survive I want to have em' "fly off" and everything blacks out, then a new terrain is generated, and they are in a 'new area'.
I can't seem to generate anything else in a nice way though. I've been experimenting with different ways to generate forests, fields, and so on but nothing is working out really well. I think part of the problem is the models selection...
I also can't figure out a way to modify terrain height or textures. I also want to have a weather system & be able to change the day-light settings.
Here's my current script for generating forests:
This is I use for creating crops:
This is what I do to generate the terrain I currently use:
Blizzards terrain textures & the shaders for them are so ugly btw D:.
Edit: nvm what I said about weather, those weather effects really lag the game. I might still be able to do day/night.
I can't seem to generate anything else in a nice way though. I've been experimenting with different ways to generate forests, fields, and so on but nothing is working out really well. I think part of the problem is the models selection...
I also can't figure out a way to modify terrain height or textures. I also want to have a weather system & be able to change the day-light settings.
Here's my current script for generating forests:
void gf_ForestGenerator (string lp_plant) {
// Implementation
const fixed lv_xEnd = 116;
const fixed lv_yEnd = 106;
const fixed lv_xStart = 12;
const fixed lv_yStart = 10;
fixed lv_x = lv_xStart;
fixed lv_y = lv_yStart;
int lv_i = 1;
int lv_i2;
point lv_pt;
unit lv_u;
point[12] lv_dpt;
fixed lv_distance2;
fixed lv_distance;
while(lv_i < 12) {
lv_dpt[lv_i] = Point(RandomFixed(lv_xStart, lv_xEnd), RandomFixed(lv_yStart, lv_yEnd));
lv_i += 1;
while(lv_y <= lv_yEnd) {
lv_pt = PointWithOffset(Point(lv_x, lv_y), RandomFixed(-0.5, -.5), RandomFixed(-0.5, 0.5));
lv_distance2 = 10000.0;
lv_i = 1;
while(lv_i < 12) {
lv_distance = DistanceBetweenPoints(lv_pt, lv_dpt[lv_i]);
if (lv_distance < lv_distance2) {
lv_distance2 = lv_distance;
lv_i += 1;
lv_i = RandomInt(0, 100);
if ((lv_distance2*lv_distance2 / 520)*20 >= lv_i) {
UnitCreate(1, "DeadTree", 0, 0, lv_pt, RandomFixed(0.0, 360.0));
lv_u = UnitLastCreated();
lv_i2 = RandomInt(65, 110);
libNtve_gf_UnitSetVariation(lv_u, lp_plant, RandomInt(1, 5), "");
UnitSetScale(lv_u, lv_i2 + RandomInt(-15, 15), lv_i2 + RandomInt(-15, 15), lv_i2 + RandomInt(-15, 15));
lv_x += 1.0;
if (lv_x > lv_xEnd) {
lv_x = lv_xStart;
lv_y += 1.0;
Wait(0.0, c_timeGame);
This is I use for creating crops:
void gf_CropGenerator (string lp_plant, int lp_angle, point lp_point, fixed lp_size) {
// Implementation
const fixed lv_xEnd = 116;
const fixed lv_yEnd = 106;
const fixed lv_xStart = 12;
const fixed lv_yStart = 10;
fixed lv_x = lv_xStart;
fixed lv_y = lv_yStart;
region lv_reg = RegionRect(PointGetX(lp_point) - (lp_size/2), PointGetY(lp_point) - (lp_size/2), PointGetX(lp_point) + (lp_size/2), PointGetY(lp_point) + (lp_size/2));
int lv_crov = RandomInt(1, 5);
int lv_i = 1;
int lv_i2;
point lv_pt;
unit lv_u;
lp_angle = lp_angle - (lp_angle%45);
gf_DebugMsg("lp_angle = " + IntToString(lp_angle));
gf_DebugMsg("lv_crov = " + IntToString(lv_crov));
CameraPan(1, lp_point, 1.0, -1, 10, false);
while(lv_y <= lv_yEnd) {
lv_pt = PointWithOffset(Point(lv_x, lv_y), RandomFixed(-0.5, -.5), RandomFixed(-0.5, 0.5));
if (RegionContainsPoint(lv_reg, lv_pt)) {
UnitCreate(1, "Plants", 0, 0, lv_pt, lp_angle);
lv_u = UnitLastCreated();
lv_i2 = RandomInt(100, 120);
libNtve_gf_UnitSetVariation(lv_u, lp_plant, lv_crov, "");
UnitSetScale(lv_u, lv_i2 + RandomInt(-15, 15), lv_i2 + RandomInt(-15, 15), lv_i2 + RandomInt(-15, 15));
lv_x += 1.0;
if (lv_x > lv_xEnd) {
lv_x = lv_xStart;
lv_y += 1.0;
Wait(0.0, c_timeGame);
This is what I do to generate the terrain I currently use:
// Trigger: Terrain Generator
bool gt_TerrainGenerator_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
// Variable Declarations
int lv_i;
int lv_i2;
int lv_i3;
int lv_i4;
point lv_pt;
unit lv_u;
const fixed lv_xStart = 12.0;
const fixed lv_xEnd = 116.0;
const fixed lv_yStart = 10.0;
const fixed lv_yEnd = 106.0;
// Variable Initialization
lv_i = 1;
lv_i2 = 1;
lv_i3 = 1;
lv_i4 = 1;
lv_pt = null;
lv_u = null;
// Actions
if (!runActions) {
return true;
libNtve_gf_SetPlayerGroupAlliance(gv_team1, 2);
// Dead Trees
while (lv_i <= 50) {
UnitCreate(1, "DeadTree", 0, 0, PointWithOffset(gv_waveSpawnPoint, RandomInt(-60, 60), RandomInt(-60, 60)), RandomFixed(0.0, 360.0));
Wait(0.0, c_timeGame);
CameraPan(1, UnitGetPosition(UnitLastCreated()), 0.0, -1, 10, false);
lv_i += 1;
// Rocks
lv_i = 1;
while (lv_i <= 3) {
lv_pt = PointWithOffset(gv_waveSpawnPoint, RandomInt(-40, 40), RandomInt(-40, 40));
lv_i2 = 1;
while (lv_i2 <= 12) {
UnitCreate(1, "DeadTree", 0, 0, PointWithOffset(lv_pt, RandomFixed(-8.0, 8.0), RandomFixed(-8.0, 8.0)), RandomFixed(0.0, 360.0));
lv_u = UnitLastCreated();
libNtve_gf_UnitSetVariation(lv_u, "Rock", RandomInt(1, 14), "");
UnitSetScale(lv_u, RandomInt(80, 150), RandomInt(80, 150), RandomInt(80, 160));
UnitSetState(lv_u, c_unitStateInvulnerable, true);
lv_i2 += 1;
Wait(0.0, c_timeGame);
CameraPan(1, UnitGetPosition(UnitLastCreated()), 1.0, -1, 10, false);
lv_i += 1;
// Shrubs
lv_i = 1;
while (lv_i <= 40) {
lv_pt = PointWithOffset(gv_waveSpawnPoint, RandomInt(-40, 40), RandomInt(-40, 40));
lv_i2 = 1;
lv_i3 = RandomInt(3, 15);
while (lv_i2 <= lv_i3) {
UnitCreate(1, "Plants", 0, 0, PointWithOffset(lv_pt, RandomFixed(-3.0, 3.0), RandomFixed(-3.0, 3.0)), RandomFixed(0.0, 360.0));
lv_u = UnitLastCreated();
lv_i4 = RandomInt(75, 150);
if (RandomInt(0, 8) == 0) {
lv_i4 = RandomInt(55, 85);
libNtve_gf_UnitSetVariation(lv_u, "BelShirLushShrubs", RandomInt(1, 5), "");
UnitSetScale(lv_u, lv_i4 + RandomInt(-15, 15), lv_i4 + RandomInt(-15, 15), lv_i4 + RandomInt(-15, 15));
Wait(0.0, c_timeGame);
CameraPan(1, UnitGetPosition(UnitLastCreated()), 0.0, -1, 10, false);
lv_i2 += 1;
lv_i += 1;
lv_i = 1;
while (lv_i <= 8) {
//gf_CropGenerator("AgriaCrops", RandomInt(0, 360), Point(RandomFixed(lv_xStart, lv_xEnd), RandomFixed(lv_yStart, lv_yEnd)), RandomInt(12, 16));
lv_i += 1;
return true;
void gt_TerrainGenerator_Init () {
gt_TerrainGenerator = TriggerCreate("gt_TerrainGenerator_Func");
TriggerAddEventTimeElapsed(gt_TerrainGenerator, 0.0, c_timeGame);
Blizzards terrain textures & the shaders for them are so ugly btw D:.
Edit: nvm what I said about weather, those weather effects really lag the game. I might still be able to do day/night.
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