Terrain development [Help]

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Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Hey guys , I just ran into a problem while making my map. I'm in need of a more medival (realistic) looking bonfire than the default war3 one, but most importantly can anyone please link me to some light models I can use to add the right light effects to places that are close to a light source for my map(e.g. orange light for fires). I am asking here as this is the place where magic in terms of terrain is made and I'm sure you guys could send me in the right direction in getting these. I know I'm asking a lot in a very scrapy manner but any help will be appreciated!



Level 14
Nov 7, 2014
A basic source of light - click (not colored tho)

Some russian guy used Hero Glow model as a source of colored light.
However, it still works like a glowing effect and not quite as something to illuminate bigger spaces (rooms, camps, dungeons). For that cause, you should do some searching on the forums.

I've seen a thread where people posted some colored light models, and they all used a custom texture, but I can't seem to find that thread.

Also it is possible to change lightning color of a model using some modeling tools and programs, but 3D Art is something I'm very far from.


Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Thanks man, I looked around and found a few light models that I applied in my map, but for some weird reason did make a ton of noticeable difference, I'm not sure if i must spam it/ or if i must use a more prominent(heavier) fog to showcase the lighting effects better?

This is the results i gained from applying the light model, not really noticeable, not sure if its because of it being in the editor or maybe its just me?

No Light added(original)


Light added


*Please give your thoughts on this terrain, I plan on posting more screenshots of my terrain and hopefully improve my terrain for the map through community feedback. Will post other WIPs when they are at the state of show casing.
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Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Oh damn, I probably messed up with the paste bin. But I have decided to repost it and show you guys something I've been working on for the past 2 days.I would like your opinions on how i can improve it or any general advice would be appreciated. : D

The previous post:


These are what I have been working, they are very bare right now though.

The Guard Tower you see before you enter a certain temple:


A Mine Entrance that I'm working on:



Sorry for the images not being hidden, I don't know how to do it and if anyone can tell me that would be great! Please give your 2 cents, that you very much! : D



Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Added hidden tags.

For the time being, I can only advice you to add more ruble around the ruins, small stones, weed and small leaves.
Do continue with the guard tower, it get's there. You just need to make it fit into a ruined, nature-wildish thematic. :]

Thanks man, is the rubble problem with the mine area or just the terrain as a whole. And I'll keep working on that guard tower area I have a lot of plans for it. Thanks for the reply!


Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
I'm back with more screenshots of the terrain of my Project. They are still work in progress, so a lot can still change with your help.

~Sanctuary in the makes~

~Guard towers~


~Walls that surround village~


*Your advice would be appreciated, tell me if you think anything looks weird/out of place!
Hello bethmachine,

Sorry for the late reply. As you can see, we usually reply a tad late in a terraining fashion ^^

Sanctuary is a rough layout, I can't advise much just yet. But, will it feature some kind of obelisk plaza in the center loaded with benches/statues around?

I like where you're going with the guard towers so far. Lovely approach with the alley underneath those.
I'd probably go with torches and checkpoints along the alley to further enhance the guarded area feel. Even some broken wood pieces and scattered cobwebs around would help.

Not much to say about the village so far. Since you have those broken walls and that pond, you could go any way with it.
Most likely have a side entrance through the broken walls and some fishers around the pond. Logs and a lumber mill would fit as well.


Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Thanks I will give that a try
Hello bethmachine,

Sorry for the late reply. As you can see, we usually reply a tad late in a terraining fashion ^^

Sanctuary is a rough layout, I can't advise much just yet. But, will it feature some kind of obelisk plaza in the center loaded with benches/statues around?

I like where you're going with the guard towers so far. Lovely approach with the alley underneath those.
I'd probably go with torches and checkpoints along the alley to further enhance the guarded area feel. Even some broken wood pieces and scattered cobwebs around would help.

Not much to say about the village so far. Since you have those broken walls and that pond, you could go any way with it.
Most likely have a side entrance through the broken walls and some fishers around the pond. Logs and a lumber mill would fit as well.
I will give that a try, right now I'm attempting to just get the out skirts of the village and then try my best to detail it as much as possible. But your idea of a central place with chairs sound appealing, like a place with a big ass statue, where everyone comes to stay after a hard day of work and during he game I would like to have npcs five in sacrafices to the god, you can do this as well to get a boost.(They do this to thank the god)
But I will try see what I can do, and will be back with more screenshots.
*Thanks for the reply!


Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Hey bethmachine,

How's it going?
Hey man I haven't made any progress yet as i have been busy with school that recently started and I have been experience a lack of motivation. But your interest has lit my flames again, but if i may ask what do you do when you're lacking motivation to get it back?


Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
I usually look up for other tasks to do. I do however switch constantly between texturing, terraining, learning to model and doing some concepts.

If all the above fails, I search for some music streams to ease up my mood and find motivation while I also look up for images to get inspiration.
Cool ill try those out, thanks for your support man. I was scared that the hive was dead, well maybe at least in the terraining section. But you proved me wrong by being a big help!
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