I have an Item called Mutant blood that has a dummy spell on it. The idea is when it is used, it causes the user to do 10 more damage for 60 seconds. What is the best way to do this?
The way I have it now is this trigger.
I see so many problems with this(Like when many units use it or a unit dies and still has the ability).
I want it to be a buff and have the green damage number next to your damage when this is active.
I will not be able to respond until Sunday so just solutions until then please.
Thank you all and +rep to anybody who answers.
The way I have it now is this trigger.
Disable Mutant Blood
- Map initialization
- Conditions
Player Group - Pick every player in Players and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Player - Disable Acid Damage Spellbook for (Picked player)
Loop - Actions
Player Group - Pick every player in Players and do (Actions)
Mutant Blood
- Unit - A unit Uses an item
- (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Mutant Blood
- Unit - Add Acid Damage Spellbook to (Triggering unit)
- Wait 60.00 seconds
- Unit - Remove Acid Damage Spellbook from (Triggering unit)
I see so many problems with this(Like when many units use it or a unit dies and still has the ability).
I want it to be a buff and have the green damage number next to your damage when this is active.
I will not be able to respond until Sunday so just solutions until then please.
Thank you all and +rep to anybody who answers.