Well, it may sound simple, but let me explain. For my project 'Eternal Fall' I decided to give the choice between different races.
Gameplay is basically a mix between Melee/Survival with RPG, LoaP, Strategy and RP elements. Therefore I need ideas for tech and build trees.
Gameplay: You choose a Hero ( different races) and search for a good spot on the small (!) map. Then you start setting up a business and live your life. Yeah, does not sound interesting, but I hope to add a lot of features that improve gameplay and make it interesting.
To give a few examples:
- free alliance system
- realistic animal respawn system
- really, really unique gameplay with each hero
- Ultimate Build that give great advantage against other players
- Huge opportunities to gain money: trading, hunting, mining, farming, fishing, ...
- Races that are not Human, featuring Undead, High Elves and Night Elves ( not wow-lore bound)
- most of the time neutral build that allows allied and (!) enemies to use your builds
Basically I need tech tree ideas now.
You start with a little camp and a camp fire while being alone in the night. team up with other players, preferable human.
After some time, you can build a farm house, set up a plantation and windmills to earn money. Additionally, you can work in a village to earn money or become the major of the village.
Human Male can decide between Magic and Science, having huge influence on future gameplay. Human Female can become a Fairy, but loses her ability to raise children.
Really different Heroes:
Necromancer: Set up portals that allow summon of undeads. He and all his minions are mana dependant, so no mana = death. Later on, he can build a huge flying necropolis OR can link himself to abyss to summon powerful shadow creatures.
Banshee: Being cursed, she is lost in the vale. Gameplay with her features huge amount of story and quests. She has different options how to advance with her cursed life, dependant on her allies. So she can become a witch OR get back parts of her former sorceress ability OR become the powerful Huntress she was before. She actually builds nearly nothing.
Flesh Beast: Being an always hungry creature, you seek for flesh to transmute into new evolution forms, based on the species of your kills. Builds less.
High Elves:
Arcanist: Manipulating arcane magic, he is a powerful wizard that is able to absorb life itself from his victims.
Elementals: Great Summoner and Builder that can decide between mastering his summon arts OR build powerful towers that give huge supportive advantage.
Priestress: -not developed yet-
Druid: -not developed yet-
Huntress: -not developed yet-
Well, okay, now I would like to hear some ideas for Buildings from YOU. What would you like to see in such a map with Heroes as described above ? It is important for me that you also mention not only special buildings, but also common things like Windmills ( Human), Magic Torches ( Undead) or Arcanium ( Arcanist).
Focus lies on Undead Banshee & Flesh Beast and Highelf Arcanist & elementalist.
I would be glad to hear some ideas
Gameplay is basically a mix between Melee/Survival with RPG, LoaP, Strategy and RP elements. Therefore I need ideas for tech and build trees.
Gameplay: You choose a Hero ( different races) and search for a good spot on the small (!) map. Then you start setting up a business and live your life. Yeah, does not sound interesting, but I hope to add a lot of features that improve gameplay and make it interesting.
To give a few examples:
- free alliance system
- realistic animal respawn system
- really, really unique gameplay with each hero
- Ultimate Build that give great advantage against other players
- Huge opportunities to gain money: trading, hunting, mining, farming, fishing, ...
- Races that are not Human, featuring Undead, High Elves and Night Elves ( not wow-lore bound)
- most of the time neutral build that allows allied and (!) enemies to use your builds
Basically I need tech tree ideas now.
You start with a little camp and a camp fire while being alone in the night. team up with other players, preferable human.
After some time, you can build a farm house, set up a plantation and windmills to earn money. Additionally, you can work in a village to earn money or become the major of the village.
Human Male can decide between Magic and Science, having huge influence on future gameplay. Human Female can become a Fairy, but loses her ability to raise children.
Really different Heroes:
Necromancer: Set up portals that allow summon of undeads. He and all his minions are mana dependant, so no mana = death. Later on, he can build a huge flying necropolis OR can link himself to abyss to summon powerful shadow creatures.
Banshee: Being cursed, she is lost in the vale. Gameplay with her features huge amount of story and quests. She has different options how to advance with her cursed life, dependant on her allies. So she can become a witch OR get back parts of her former sorceress ability OR become the powerful Huntress she was before. She actually builds nearly nothing.
Flesh Beast: Being an always hungry creature, you seek for flesh to transmute into new evolution forms, based on the species of your kills. Builds less.
High Elves:
Arcanist: Manipulating arcane magic, he is a powerful wizard that is able to absorb life itself from his victims.
Elementals: Great Summoner and Builder that can decide between mastering his summon arts OR build powerful towers that give huge supportive advantage.
Priestress: -not developed yet-
Druid: -not developed yet-
Huntress: -not developed yet-
Well, okay, now I would like to hear some ideas for Buildings from YOU. What would you like to see in such a map with Heroes as described above ? It is important for me that you also mention not only special buildings, but also common things like Windmills ( Human), Magic Torches ( Undead) or Arcanium ( Arcanist).
Focus lies on Undead Banshee & Flesh Beast and Highelf Arcanist & elementalist.
I would be glad to hear some ideas