Tech Tree Ideas !?

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Well, it may sound simple, but let me explain. For my project 'Eternal Fall' I decided to give the choice between different races.

Gameplay is basically a mix between Melee/Survival with RPG, LoaP, Strategy and RP elements. Therefore I need ideas for tech and build trees.

Gameplay: You choose a Hero ( different races) and search for a good spot on the small (!) map. Then you start setting up a business and live your life. Yeah, does not sound interesting, but I hope to add a lot of features that improve gameplay and make it interesting.

To give a few examples:
- free alliance system
- realistic animal respawn system
- really, really unique gameplay with each hero
- Ultimate Build that give great advantage against other players
- Huge opportunities to gain money: trading, hunting, mining, farming, fishing, ...
- Races that are not Human, featuring Undead, High Elves and Night Elves ( not wow-lore bound)
- most of the time neutral build that allows allied and (!) enemies to use your builds

Basically I need tech tree ideas now.

You start with a little camp and a camp fire while being alone in the night. team up with other players, preferable human.
After some time, you can build a farm house, set up a plantation and windmills to earn money. Additionally, you can work in a village to earn money or become the major of the village.
Human Male can decide between Magic and Science, having huge influence on future gameplay. Human Female can become a Fairy, but loses her ability to raise children.

Really different Heroes:
Necromancer: Set up portals that allow summon of undeads. He and all his minions are mana dependant, so no mana = death. Later on, he can build a huge flying necropolis OR can link himself to abyss to summon powerful shadow creatures.

Banshee: Being cursed, she is lost in the vale. Gameplay with her features huge amount of story and quests. She has different options how to advance with her cursed life, dependant on her allies. So she can become a witch OR get back parts of her former sorceress ability OR become the powerful Huntress she was before. She actually builds nearly nothing.

Flesh Beast: Being an always hungry creature, you seek for flesh to transmute into new evolution forms, based on the species of your kills. Builds less.

High Elves:

Arcanist: Manipulating arcane magic, he is a powerful wizard that is able to absorb life itself from his victims.

Elementals: Great Summoner and Builder that can decide between mastering his summon arts OR build powerful towers that give huge supportive advantage.


Priestress: -not developed yet-
Druid: -not developed yet-
Huntress: -not developed yet-

Well, okay, now I would like to hear some ideas for Buildings from YOU. What would you like to see in such a map with Heroes as described above ? It is important for me that you also mention not only special buildings, but also common things like Windmills ( Human), Magic Torches ( Undead) or Arcanium ( Arcanist).

Focus lies on Undead Banshee & Flesh Beast and Highelf Arcanist & elementalist.

I would be glad to hear some ideas :)
Tier 1 Buildings :
Elemental Token : A sort of token for some purposes
Elemental Collector : to drop resources(?), or perhaps capturing elemental energies( h
Astral Portal : A portal to summon initial troops
Tier 1 Units :
Zero Element : Worker
Fire Minion : basic fire fighter, has flame strike(?)
Water Minion : basic water fighter
Level 2
Feb 28, 2015
Flesh beast t1 buildings
1: fleshy growth, provides sight and heal radius, probably a hard limit of one. like a nest? use it to gain permanent "evolutions"... maybe he can use man for temporary buffs (like hits harder in a fight for 60 secs?)
2:disgusting sac, placed near a corpse (like how necromancers in vanilla need corpses to summon skellies) converts the corpse into a more usable form, like maybe a weak minion, or health?

Really i imagine that the flesh beast is a solo players gig, really only making alliances of convenience, which is what you are going for right?

Oh, speaking of which, maybe he can infect units for LOS? or even control / mutate them?




Tier 1 Buildings :
Elemental Token : A sort of token for some purposes
Elemental Collector : to drop resources(?), or perhaps capturing elemental energies( h
Astral Portal : A portal to summon initial troops
Tier 1 Units :
Zero Element : Worker
Fire Minion : basic fire fighter, has flame strike(?)
Water Minion : basic water fighter

Elemental Token, interesting idea. Players could build element-based tokens to get access to new tech based on their choice, limited token amount.
But, I am not sure whether do it T1 as it does not match the other aspect, the Towers. I know I gave limited information about Towers so it is my fault. But anyway, I will take your idea and give the opportunity to build tokens that enable his summon arts. :)

Elemental Collector, interesting as well. It really reminds me of Soul Basin, the mana collector of Necromancer. That is the difficult point, as I don't want elementalist to be the 'good' counterpart of Necromancer. Nonetheless, Summons have to be restricted somehow so that they are not overpowered. I think I will think about this and try to find a solution to this issue. Feel free to add further ideas !

Astral Portal: Well, No to this idea. BUT I love your ideas ! But as I said ( I hope I did) I want each hero/build-type unique and therefore Elementalist would be way too similar to Necromancer. Soul Portal is the initial troop drop of Necromancer, so you see what I mean ? But, Arcanist could use something like an Astral Rift or something similar, what do you think ?

Zero Element ? What is that ? Initial element ? Well, Elementalist is based on a high-elf/blood-elf, and his summons are his opportunity to get some units. I don't want him to be a mass summoner, but a really limited summoner that can control only a limited amount of summons ( Ohhh, I sense a good system here, what about a system that makes nature ( = fire, water, tree, ..) elements hostile/raging to all players if the summoner is not in a certain range to control and influence them ?)

Flesh beast t1 buildings
1: fleshy growth, provides sight and heal radius, probably a hard limit of one. like a nest? use it to gain permanent "evolutions"... maybe he can use man for temporary buffs (like hits harder in a fight for 60 secs?)
2:disgusting sac, placed near a corpse (like how necromancers in vanilla need corpses to summon skellies) converts the corpse into a more usable form, like maybe a weak minion, or health?

1. Hm, yes, that is an interesting idea, I guess it would be a good idea to give him something like a nest, although he is more a ... hunting hero that evolves by kills. About 'permanent evolutions', I wanted him to evolve, lets say a bit uncontrollable, that means you as a player cannot decide evolving moment, but after some collected essences ( value you get from unit-type ( e.g. arcane = life essence in general, elemental essence, rotten essence, ..) based kills) you will automatically evolve.

2. As you already supposed, Flesh Beast is supposed to be a rather stand-alone hero with no summons and minions. There are already around three summoner ( Necromancer, Elementalist and Druid) and I think it would be too much to give him minions as well. But, I think about giving him some restrictions that don't allow him to evolve too fast ( like hunger <-> saturation)

Really I imagine that the flesh beast is a solo players gig, really only making alliances of convenience, which is what you are going for right?

Yes, you got it right. Although he will be not overpowered in the early game, to prevent early deaths ( no respawn, btw)

Oh, speaking of which, maybe he can infect units for LOS? or even control / mutate them?

very interesting, but too strong on a common hero maybe ? What do you think about giving an evolution of him this ability ?
Elemental Collector can act as resources limitation as you said, so Arcanist isn't rigged :)

For the Astral Rift idea, I agree with the idea to override the portal concept I said before. Still, I'm thinking for some sort to merge the collector and this rift/portal idea to make something special for our little friend Arcanist :)

Well, to think of it, I think it's better making Zero Element a default summon, this summon will grow into certain element based on it's environment or certain spells from the Arcanist :)
If above applies, then the 2 minions should be part of the evolution of Zero Element, and Zero Element shouldn't switch from one element from other, example :
Fire -> Lava -> Magma (this is okay)
Water -> Ice (this is okay)
Fire -> Water (what!?)

Because of above, In my mind, elements growth can be :
Fire -> Lava -> Magma
Water -> Crystal -> Ice
Earth -> ?
Wind -> Tornado
Light -> Holy -> Pure
Dark -> Devil

But that's just ideas ^^ feel free to accept or reject them :>
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Humans Tier 1
Depo>Lumber drop-off and trains workers who harves lumber (limit 5)
Windmill>You can buy seeds and store items in it.
Cottage>Spawn chickens that generate gold +2 per sec (9 limit)
Fenc>Basic structure to protect your territory can be used to isolate chickens as well
Well>Heals friendly unites
Tent>increases the amount of food to produce unites (+3)

Tier 2
Depo>City hall-Improved lumbering(raises the lumbering capacity of the workers by 5),you can train up to 10 workers and can summons two Milita unites for 60 seconds
Tent>House (+6)
Training ground>Axe-man,bow-man contains the poisoned arrow upgrade
Farm>Pigs and Sheeps.After a period of time the sheeps and pigs grow so you can kill them and take the whool from sheeps and meat from pigs
Blacksmith>Mineral drop-off (if you plan to add minerals on your map) contains military upgrades
Fenc>Wooded Wall




Elemental Collector can act as resources limitation as you said, so Arcanist isn't rigged :)

Hm, but Token can act so as well, as they limit production of type and amount, so there wouldn't be need for Elemental Collector, not in this category ? I think it would be a bit double play if you add two different buildings, well, although, maybe it is a good idea as it could function as a research center as well. Well, lets see :)

For the Astral Rift idea, I agree with the idea to override the portal concept I said before. Still, I'm thinking for some sort to merge the collector and this rift/portal idea to make something special for our little friend Arcanist :)

Hm, Yes, that is really useful ! But, I would need a good model for this, but anyway. It could be the main power source for Arcanist, although he use Power Crystals for his buildings, maybe it could be something like the main source of his magic or something similar.

Well, to think of it, I think it's better making Zero Element a default summon, this summon will grow into certain element based on it's environment or certain spells from the Arcanist :)

Interesting thoughts, but I myself am not sure about this. In my opinion, although heroes are supposed to have some interference, I don't want to make Elementalist that dependent from Arcanist. But, maybe you could need something from Arcanist, like the Astral Rift/Portal ?, to get more powerful Tier Summons ?

To the environment, the player would have to place token in a certain environment to summon Elementals, like water into water, although it will be difficult to find a good place for Fire or Wind.

If above applies, then the 2 minions should be part of the evolution of Zero Element, and Zero Element shouldn't switch from one element from other, example :
Fire -> Lava -> Magma (this is okay)
Water -> Ice (this is okay)
Fire -> Water (what!?)

Well, that's for sure ^^ There wont be evolutions between different kinds of elementals .

Because of above, In my mind, elements growth can be :
Fire -> Lava -> Magma
Water -> Crystal -> Ice
Earth -> ?
Wind -> Tornado
Light -> Holy -> Pure
Dark -> Devil

I agree with Natural Elementals, but not with Dark and Light. I think Elementalist should be focused on the Nature itself whereas Dark is supernatural/unnatural the same with Light. They are rather secondary elements, but I doubt I will add them for Elementalist, also because Undead summons already 'Dark' creatures ( like Shadow Arts Path !) and Light, well, it is rather difficult to add someone who can manipulate the holy itself, isn't it ? Just a bit overpowered in my opinion. And not matching, for some reasons, does it ?

But that's just ideas ^^ feel free to accept or reject them :>

I am more than glad you spend your time to help me with my project !!! ^^I am always glad to get more ideas from people as one person has a limited view on his project itself.

DD Mikasa, please, tell me, just a neutral question, did you read 'searching for map name' thread ? I would be interested whether it is understandable or whether I told you guys about a certain aspect of gameplay in Eternal Fall ( yeah, I will look after it myself, too): You cannot train ANY 'living' units ( include some exceptions, like Undead and summons and such.)

Depo>Lumber drop-off and trains workers who harves lumber (limit 5)
Windmill>You can buy seeds and store items in it.
Cottage>Spawn chickens that generate gold +2 per sec (9 limit)
Fenc>Basic structure to protect your territory can be used to isolate chickens as well
Well>Heals friendly unites
Tent>increases the amount of food to produce unites (+3)

Reminds me of Werewolf Transylvania. Well, it is a good idea, but there is one, big point: You cannot train ANY 'living' units. You either have to hire them at the village or do the work yourself/buy the materials. It is just like real-life. I hope I mentioned it before, in case I didn't I am more than sorry as you, of course, couldn't know.

Also, the issue with the passive gold income, in real-life, do you get money just because you have animals in the backyard ? I would like top make it as real as possible. So a chicken farm is a good idea, but you would have to buy the animals at town and then raise them yourself.

Tier 2
Depo>City hall-Improved lumbering(raises the lumbering capacity of the workers by 5),you can train up to 10 workers and can summons two Milita unites for 60 seconds
Tent>House (+6)
Training ground>Axe-man,bow-man contains the poisoned arrow upgrade
Farm>Pigs and Sheeps.After a period of time the sheeps and pigs grow so you can kill them and take the whool from sheeps and meat from pigs
Blacksmith>Mineral drop-off (if you plan to add minerals on your map) contains military upgrades
Fenc>Wooded Wall

Same arguments as for Tier 1. You may understand why it is so difficult for me to find ideas. I don't want, e.g., add a Blacksmith/Lumber Mill where you just drop stuff, I want that if you go mining, then you get items that function as materials. Therefore you could build an Anvil instead to forge materials into Stuff.

But I am glad you spend time to help me, I would be really excited whether you have ideas as well after receiving my limitation on gameplay!
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
What i mean by training is you pay to train or hire if you wanna call it that way ,maybe i dident explain it to well.About the chickens gold they do not generate gold by sitting on the backyard but by making eggs thats what i thought when i made that sugestion.
Something good that just came into my mind.You put inside the blacksmith some ingredents e.x:Stone,stick and the blacksmith gives you an axe as an item for the hero.

You can check out "Founders of the North" map it might help you.




What i mean by training is you pay to train or hire if you wanna call it that way ,maybe i dident explain it to well.About the chickens gold they do not generate gold by sitting on the backyard but by making eggs thats what i thought when i made that sugestion.
Well, I would make one step more. They produce eggs, but you have to sell them, you don't get gold only from have them sitting around.

Something good that just came into my mind.You put inside the blacksmith some ingredents e.x:Stone,stick and the blacksmith gives you an axe as an item for the hero.
Yes, that is what was on my mind, too. And, additionally, I would add a forge system that allows to forge with uneven ingredients, that means you have to learn/figure out the right ingredient proportion, what do you think about this ? Wrong proportion results into failure or bad quality equipment.

You can check out "Founders of the North" map it might help you.
if you would have read my other thread that is linked in the first post, you would have known that is one map I am referring to/ I am inspirited by ;)
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Oh that's why the idea was so similar...Good luck on your jorney.About selling the eggs it can be a little pesky for the player to just go take eggs and then sell them while their hero could be doing more usefull stuff.Unless you plan to add courier type of unites who can do that for the hero.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Banshee: Main mechanic would be the possession of wild creatures to interact with her surroundings (ie, rabbits to get at buried items, rats to steal objects, murlocs to swim, birds to scout), being otherwise ethereal and invisible.

Necromancer: Main mechanic is the creation of structures and summons from corpses. Building stats are better when higher-level corpses are used (can be upgraded into the better versions), the necromancer can create very weak corpses at will. The buildings can be collapsed back into corpses with a Detonate effect.

* Corpse Cart (various models, ultimate is the Meat Wagon): Basic construct, used to hold corpses. Is upgraded by hero skill to be tougher, faster, and hold more corpses. Requires lumber.
* Tomb (Crypt Doodad): Basic building where the Necromancer can rest and regenerate himself. Requires stone.
* Laboratory (Crypt): Upgrade building. Requires stone and lumber.
* Corpselight (Wisp): Binds a ghost to the target corpse so it emits light and restores mana.
* Tower of Flesh (Tentacle): A defensive structure that erupts from the target corpse and lashes out at nearby enemies.
* Great Maw (Forgotten One): Devours nearby corpses to convert them into better ones. Can regurgitate its contents in one go to deal huge damage, stun and poison, but the corpses are lost.

Summons (permanent but limited, crafted from corpses):
* Plague Rat: Reanimates a rat to spread plague.
* Ghoul: Lumber Harvester.
* Zombie: Twists a corpse into a mindless servant. More resistant than a ghoul.
* Patchwork Corpse (Abomination): Heavy melee unit. Can store corpses and regurgitate them as an attack or to heal itself. Requires multiple corpses in an area to be crafted (if not, suffers from severe penalties to health and damage).
* Flesh Golem: Ultimate melee unit. Requires iron.




Oh that's why the idea was so similar...Good luck on your jorney.About selling the eggs it can be a little pesky for the player to just go take eggs and then sell them while their hero could be doing more usefull stuff. Unless you plan to add courier type of unites who can do that for the hero.

Yes, but that's exactly the point. Some heroes like the Arcanist and maybe also Science Path Human will get later maybe some other opportunities, like a magical transport unit or something. Additionally I also think about creating trade routes, so you can pay a trader to get your stuff to the village and sell it.

Good luck on your jorney
Thank you !

Banshee: Main mechanic would be the possession of wild creatures to interact with her surroundings (ie, rabbits to get at buried items, rats to steal objects, murlocs to swim, birds to scout), being otherwise ethereal and invisible.
That is the reason why I asked ! I would never get such an idea :)
Although I am not sure about possession. It is a great idea, but I should make sure that Banshee is not limited on Possession. As I said, she is a heroine with rather story and quest background. Nevertheless, it could be interesting to make her possessing animals and spy other players and such, additionally, if your player colour is neutral/changeable and you never know whether the little bird is a spy or just a bird.
I also like the idea of buried stuff and stealing, but I think it is very difficult to create systems for them.

Necromancer: Main mechanic is the creation of structures and summons from corpses. Building stats are better when higher-level corpses are used (can be upgraded into the better versions), the necromancer can create very weak corpses at will. The buildings can be collapsed back into corpses with a Detonate effect.

That is also interesting ! But very hard in the early game as Necromancer is rather physical weak. But I guess I could give it a try.
Buildings could also return corpses after being destroyed by violence, but less than they would drop if recycled.

* Corpse Cart (various models, ultimate is the Meat Wagon): Basic construct, used to hold corpses. Is upgraded by hero skill to be tougher, faster, and hold more corpses. Requires lumber.
Hm, hm, probably something Necromancer really need.

* Tomb (Crypt Doodad): Basic building where the Necromancer can rest and regenerate himself. Requires stone.
Already added one exactly the way you describe it ;)

* Laboratory (Crypt): Upgrade building. Requires stone and lumber.
Same as Tomb, but it is called Shrine, Altar; Spire. Maybe I change some things because a laboratory is quite a good idea.

* Corpselight (Wisp): Binds a ghost to the target corpse so it emits light and restores mana
Hm I sense a strong nerf about this one, but good idea. A mobile mana refresh is surely useful.

* Tower of Flesh (Tentacle): A defensive structure that erupts from the target corpse and lashes out at nearby enemies.
A creative one, saw a Zombie model somewhere at Hive that seems to match perfectly. Will probably be a tech you can research.

* Great Maw (Forgotten One): Devours nearby corpses to convert them into better ones. Can regurgitate its contents in one go to deal huge damage, stun and poison, but the corpses are lost.
Hm, maybe another ultimate build. But, how is he hatched, where does he come from ? ( lore, story)

Summons (permanent but limited, crafted from corpses):
* Plague Rat: Reanimates a rat to spread plague.
* Ghoul: Lumber Harvester.
* Zombie: Twists a corpse into a mindless servant. More resistant than a ghoul.
* Patchwork Corpse (Abomination): Heavy melee unit. Can store corpses and regurgitate them as an attack or to heal itself. Requires multiple corpses in an area to be crafted (if not, suffers from severe penalties to health and damage).
* Flesh Golem: Ultimate melee unit. Requires iron.

Yes, some I already thought about, others a good, new ideas ! There will be two different kinds of Undead, I think: Those how are summoned by mana and magic and those who are rotten beings that don't die from mana out.

I won't add all ideas to my map, it may sound that way, but you gave me some really good ideas !
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Possession would be the main mechanic, but as she goes up levels she would get death and screaming-based spells as well.

Another idea is to make her slightly more corporeal as she gains levels, and on the final level she becomes a living huntress again (for example, level 1 has 100% evasion and no damage, level 2 has 90% evasion and 10% damage, etc.)

As for the digging/stealing, you could make items that only appear when the banshee is possessing the appropriate animal, or have it as part of quests to restore her life by restoring items she lost in death.

Great Maw: Not much of a backstory to give it, as it's basically a corpse-conversion building (say the necromancer creates 10 rat corpses, the maw swallows them, and can either barf them all out, turn them into 5 ghoul corpses, 3 zombie corpses or a single abomination corpse, and can then turn those new corpses into better ones or use them).
Some other ideas include making it an item shop that crafts held corpses into various potions or weapons, or for the Necromancer to enter it to become an superpowered hero Flesh Golem as his ultimate goal.




Possession would be the main mechanic, but as she goes up levels she would get death and screaming-based spells as well.
Well, I am not sure about this, I don't want her to become a spell caster. I think scream spells are a good idea as banshees in general are associated with screams and being deadly.

Another idea is to make her slightly more corporeal as she gains levels, and on the final level she becomes a living huntress again (for example, level 1 has 100% evasion and no damage, level 2 has 90% evasion and 10% damage, etc.)
Hm, interesting, although 100% evasion is not that...good ? I don't know about a 100%. About levelling, it is not like in default that you get level for fighting, but she could also get experience and therefore level if she does her quests and advance in story ( then there is the problem to create good stories so that you want to play her again and again and not only once). so that's no problem I guess. Good suggestion !

As for the digging/stealing, you could make items that only appear when the banshee is possessing the appropriate animal, or have it as part of quests to restore her life by restoring items she lost in death.

Do there exist systems that allow visibility of items to only one player ? I don't want her allies to see those items, too.
But, seriously, the idea with searching for her former items is great as it perfectly matches her role as a story hero ! And as final item, she will receive her former bow.

Great Maw: Not much of a backstory to give it, as it's basically a corpse-conversion building (say the necromancer creates 10 rat corpses, the maw swallows them, and can either barf them all out, turn them into 5 ghoul corpses, 3 zombie corpses or a single abomination corpse, and can then turn those new corpses into better ones or use them).
Hm, okay, it is really interesting ( I see myself requesting a lot of systems one day...) Would you limit his merge ability to rotten or raised units ( I hope you understood what's the difference, if not, please ask, well, nah, I just explain it shortly. Raised will be summoned with Portal or Ability and die if mana runs out. Rotten will be raised from dead or infected from living units)

Some other ideas include making it an item shop that crafts held corpses into various potions or weapons, or for the Necromancer to enter it to become an superpowered hero Flesh Golem as his ultimate goal.

Well, for crafting I added a building called 'Collection'. It contains all bones and collected dead materials the Necromancer summons and allows to craft new items like staffs and armor ( thinking about a manually support of weapons and armor to your raised units).

About Hero evolution, I am not sure. I ma sure it wont be a flesh golem, but maybe a Lich ? There are a few really decent Lich models and it would fit the necromancer story.

Thanks again !! I would be glad to hear more !
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Maybe you could restrict the items by only making them accessible to her in the animal form she's in (and as a failsafe, instadropping them from any hero that tries to pick them up). For example, using pathing blockers to make a trail only a small unit like a rat can go through, or giving the rabbit a digging ability that sometimes turns up small items like coins or crafting ingredients (roots, acorns...).

As for replayability... Maybe each important item has a different backstory, and getting one eliminates the others not of that set?

Say you need her to pick up her boots, cloak, knife, panther's collar and bow in order to make her a huntress again (each item has part of her backstory in its description). And let's say there are two or three backstories to her being turned into a banshee (she used to be good/neutral/evil). When she picks up the good/evil/neutral item, the remaining gear that isn't good/evil/neutral is removed from the map.

As for the necromancer's transformation, I think it makes more sense to turn into something made out of corpses.

Maybe you could make it a defense mission, where once the necromancer enters the maw and starts the ritual, all manner of hostile creatures attack, with the necromancer able to use his spells from inside until he emerges a few minutes later.




Maybe you could restrict the items by only making them accessible to her in the animal form she's in (and as a failsafe, instadropping them from any hero that tries to pick them up). For example, using pathing blockers to make a trail only a small unit like a rat can go through, or giving the rabbit a digging ability that sometimes turns up small items like coins or crafting ingredients (roots, acorns...).

Yeah that is a simple, good idea, but imagine you would also have items like stones, lumber, bushes, berries and much, much more. I don't want to have spammed items all over the ground :/

As for replayability... Maybe each important item has a different backstory, and getting one eliminates the others not of that set?

Say you need her to pick up her boots, cloak, knife, panther's collar and bow in order to make her a huntress again (each item has part of her backstory in its description). And let's say there are two or three backstories to her being turned into a banshee (she used to be good/neutral/evil). When she picks up the good/evil/neutral item, the remaining gear that isn't good/evil/neutral is removed from the map.

Yes, that could be a good opportunity to make her gameplay vary each time. Players can decide about gameplay based on good/neutral/evil and the decision influences gameplay. About the items in the map, I don't think it is wise to spam them around. I would rather make them quest-rewarded, what do you think ? To give an example why, there is a cloak of her, another player grabs it and gameplay with banshee becomes impossible. of course, I could limit take condition, but that's similar to the argument at the top. Additionally, I don't want the map to become a 'you have to be X to use this'-kind.

As for the necromancer's transformation, I think it makes more sense to turn into something made out of corpses.
Hm makes sense, of course, but I don't like the idea of a golem.
Lich makes less sense as Lichs are raised Necromancers and the Necromancer Hero is already raised.

Maybe you could make it a defense mission, where once the necromancer enters the maw and starts the ritual, all manner of hostile creatures attack, with the necromancer able to use his spells from inside until he emerges a few minutes later.

Hm, I would change that to a global message guess, or strongly limit the attackers. Who attack ? Why do they attack ? Not only spammed units that are used for splatter battle. What do you think ?
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Use a Harvest ability. Using the ability on the source (boulder, tree, bush...) gets you the item (stone, lumber, berries...). Or you could have a separate craft materials inventory system via scoreboard by making them powerups, allowing you to make different-priced buildings.

As for quest rewards, maybe you could make only the first item be chooseable and the others will follow the first's backstory, though this does limit replayability.

Necromancer... well, it'd be like every "defend the channeling hero" in Blizzard games, the enemies sense that if they don't act now their life is going to be a lot harder.




Use a Harvest ability. Using the ability on the source (boulder, tree, bush...) gets you the item (stone, lumber, berries...). Or you could have a separate craft materials inventory system via scoreboard by making them powerups, allowing you to make different-priced buildings.

Harvest Ability ? Well, I will check it out, never hear that you could use it for this purpose. I would have chosen any target ability, but that is good as well.

About scoreboard resources, I don't think it would be that useful for Eternal Fall as you basically have only Precious Materials ( =gold) and Raw Materials ( =lumber), and special stuff like bones or other things that are used as items will be used as stacked items, I think.

I will probably keep your idea with Harvest on Trees and so on, but please explain a bit in detail how it works, I would ne glad not to have to try the opportunities until I find the right one.

As for quest rewards, maybe you could make only the first item be chooseable and the others will follow the first's backstory, though this does limit replayability.
Hm, I would have suggest that the player chooses 'his story' and depending on his choice, he gets randomized quests and random items. Basically, you would get a final item like bow or staff or sth based on your decision. but there is a lot time until I will develop her gameplay as I focus on Necromancer and Human at the moment.

Necromancer... well, it'd be like every "defend the channeling hero" in Blizzard games, the enemies sense that if they don't act now their life is going to be a lot harder.
Yes, that is certainly a good solution.

I am really impressed by your effort and that you keep helping me with ideas !




No, not the "Gather Resource" ability, an ability where you target the ressource and the useable ingredient appears as an item. I'm fairly certain there's survival maps that uses this mechanic under the name "Interact" or such.

Oh yes, I know what you mean, I saw it in a blizzard mini game and also in survival games. So I trigger it like, units using ability and create item of item-type at position and so on ?




Good, now I have a lot suggestions I can work on, thank you guys, I really appreciated your ideas !

Note: Feel free to post more ideas if something comes to your mind.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Flesh Beast: Main mechanic is the gain or loss of stat points when eating enemies. For example, eating a rabbit gains a point of agility but loses one of strength, eating a bear does the opposite. If eating an animal possessed by the banshee, gets double the stat gain and no loss.

After reaching a certain level, can specialize in Ambush (Int, lays traps), Chase (Agi, outruns enemies) or Apex (Str, fights enemies).

Hibernate: Sleeps to restore health.

Devour: Only works on enemies of a lower level (level limit increases with level.

Bite: Bites down hard on an enemy, leaving a gaping wound that deals damage over time, cripples it, and restores a small amount of health.




I can't give precise ideas, but you could make choices based on religion ( for example, you might be able to choose which god to worship and gain different things based on your religion ). Also, technology vs religion, strength vs intellect etc. You could try that :D
Good luck, fellow bee!
"Drain" Research Complete!
*Goes down the drain*

Thank you, it is already in development !
Especially Nightelf Priestess will be able to choose between Spirits and Religion, but I doubt I will add this option for multiple races as it minors unique gameplay, in my opinion.

About Religion vs. Technology, I will make Human choose between Science and Magic, so it is similar to your idea :)

Thank you !
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