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[Campaign] Tears of Northrend

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Tears of Northrend
Part 1: To the ice be cast

Hey everyone, after so many times without posting anything here in the Hive and a few failed projects I'm back and this time with an actual work in progress. This, in fact is the my jewel, I've been working in this story since I first played and finished the Froze Throne campaign, since then I've been creating a lot of material, throwing away a lot of dumb ideas and work and so on. First there was the Armies of Northrend map (original name Ice Elves vs Scourge - blagh), it was an altered melee map that even was available here on the Hive, that was my first attempt to present you the Isciphii (I'll explain it), and I have even posted some lore here (that was really messed up, I've fixed that), after all these years I have been working on improving the Isciphii and their lore to they can properly fit in Warcraf's lore and I think that I have finally made it! So I decided to put every idea to work and began this campaign. Now... I'll talk about it a little bit.

The Story
he Tears of Northrend campaign, or campaigns, will tell you the initial story of Sephyrot, a kaldorei mage that suddenly find himself in Northrend powerless and without knowing how he ended up there, will show you how he managed to join two lost races from Northrend that had nothing, but hatred against each other, rise an entire nation just for the sake of vengeance against those who, back in Kalimdor, were trying to end him. Feel Sephyrot's sorrow as a man who's hated by his own kind and has been suddenly taken away from his way of life, his love and his son. Help him in his fight to save an entire race from corruption, while struggling to free himself from his own corrupted past. Follow him in the path to re-ascension as one of the most powerful mages this world has ever seen and try to figure out how such powerful being was never even mentioned in history. Witness his controversial fate at the hands of his own objectives and discover the truth behind all of Sephyrot's saga.
The campaign takes place a few hundred years after the War of the Ancients when the divided continents of Azeroth was still new to everyone who were used to the single massive land called Kalimdor.
Although Sephyrot seems to suddenly wake up in Northrend something isn't right about the place and its inhabitants, as you will later find out.

The Gameplay
t is a RPG like campaign in which you control Sephyrot as the single playable character.
I've based the combat in the Tyr's Apprentice and Iceborn maps by APproject, where you must "attack on your own" instead of letting the character do it, this means that Sephyrot won't attack by himself (he doesn't even have attack stats), instead the combat is based only on his abilities (that has quick cooldowns for basic attacks), this adds a greater interaction for the gameplay.
Sephyrot develops his skills somewhat like WoW mages, you have three specializations that you can switch from in order to use their unique spells and combat tactics, it is possible to choose between arcane, frost and fire (an additional specialization shall be revealed later), let's talk about them...

The Specializations Mechanic
Sephyrot is constantly carrying four books in his inventory, they will act as your spec change interface, one book for arcane, one for frost, one for fire and one for the still unknown spec. By simply clicking on each book Sephyrot will change to its respective spec, granting you the spec's abilities and adding an orb to his hand that represent the currently active specialization.

Arcane: The arcane specialization is based on strategical combat, most of its spells will stun, slow down or even completely freeze enemies in time so you can avoid damage.
Arcane Missiles: Progression: 4 levels, earned in Arcane Spec 1 | Desc: launches multiple arcane bolts in a target area that deals damage to enemy units and stun them for a quick moment | Usage: basic attack, keep in mind that the stun effect is really quick (less than a second) and is useful only to prevent one or two enemy attacks.
Energy Burst: Progression: 1 level, earned in Arcane Spec 1 | Desc: sacrifices 100 health points to restore 100 mana points | Usage: all abilities require mana and you will constantly end up without any MP left during combat (if you are not carrying potions), this specific ability is the only one that does not require mana, instead it will consume your health to restore MP so you may keep fighting, use it with caution though, may lead to death.
Nullification: Progression: 4 levels, earned in Arcane Spec 1 | Desc: renders a target area frozen in time, preventing enemy units within from moving or attacking | Usage: this is your crowd control spell, use it when facing more than a single enemy or a very powerful one (like a boss - note that bosses will always have auras).
Phase Shift: Progression: 3 levels, earned in Arcane Spec 2 | Desc: teleports you to a target point, at further levels will slow down enemies around the starting point and even damage enemies close to the destination point | Usage: this is very useful to flee from dangerous situations.
Arcane Explosion: Progression: 2 levels, earned in Arcane Spec 3 | Desc: Creates an explosion of arcane energies that will damage enemies around you and slow down their movement, at further levels the effect will stun them instead of just slowing down. | Usage: combined with Phase Shift this is pretty useful to flee from dangerous situations and even allow you to leave a trace of destruction in your path. ;)
Incanter's Ward: Progression: 1 level, earned in Arcane Spec 4 | Desc: Creates a magical shield around you that will absorb damage and convert it to mana, when the shield fades it will create a massive explosion that deals considerable amount of damage to close enemies | Usage: this is your ultimate spell for the arcane spec, it will solve all three major dangerous situations in a single cast... If you're running out of health, use it to absorb damage, if you're also running out of mana and can't afford your health for an Energy Burst, use it to convert any damage taken to mana, if you are surrounded by enemies use it to quickly dispose of them or at least cause some heavy damage!

Frost: The frost specialization is focused in defensive combat, it will significantly increase your defense with specific spells, allow you to summon constructs to fight for you while you assist them by incapacitating enemies.
Ice Shard: Progression: 4 levels, earned in Frost Spec 1 | Desc: launches a magical shard of ice on a target enemy, stunning it and dealing a little amount of damage | Usage: basic attack, this spell is mainly for you to stun your enemies for your summoned units, since the damage it causes is almost insignificant.
Frost Armor: Progression: 1 level, earned in Frost Spec 1 | Desc: surround a target (can be yourself) with a frost armor that will increase your armor stats and slow down attacking enemies | Usage: this is pretty similar to the default Frost Armor spell, the thing here is that it lasts longer, your armor will be HEAVILY augmented and it costs a LOT of mana (for a simple buff spell) and it is kind of essential for the frost spec that focus on defensive combat.
Summon Elemental: Progression: 4 levels, earned in Frost Spec 1 | Desc: Summons a elemental to fight for you, it has frost attack that will slow down enemies and can taunt them if you are in danger, at further levels the elemental will be stronger and will have cleaving attack to deal damage to multiple enemies | Usage: always have your elemental with you, since your basic attack will cause an insignificant amount of damage you must rely on this summoned unit to take down your enemies. Also considering the defensive characteristics of the frost spec, the elemental can taunt enemies away from you.
Summoning Control: Progression: 1 level, earned in Frost Spec 1 | Desc: A list of commands for a more efficient control of your summoned unit | Your elemental is not under your direct control, this mean you can't click on it and issue order by right-clicking stuff, instead you have this controls list (based on the spell book ability that opens an entire new slot buttons panel for you), from it you can order your elemental to follow you, to stop, to hold position, you can change its combat behavior between passive and aggressive, you can dismiss it to restore some of it's health as mana and you can command it to cast it's own spells.
Winter Clouds: Progression: 3 levels, earned in Frost Spec 2 | Desc: creates a freezing cloud that will slow down the attack and movement of close enemies and improve your elemental's health regeneration and attack power | Usage: summon the clouds whenever you can, they will protect you and improve your elemental's combat capabilities.
Freeze: Progression: 2 levels, earned in Frost Spec 3 | Desc: Freezes an enemy unit in a hunk of ice, not allowing the target to move or attack, however rendering it invulnerable, at a further level you can freeze yourself for protection | Usage: crowd control spell, allows you to totally freeze a single target, at a further level you are able to freeze yourself, why would you do that? Well, protection, since this spell will render the target invulnerable. It is not advisable to use it when facing only one enemy, since, well, it will be invulnerable and you won't be able to attack (you still can take advantage of this to recover your strength on second thought).
Frost Bomb: Progression: 1 level, earned in Frost Spec 4 | Desc: Places a Frost Bomb on a target enemy that will slow it down, cause some initial damage and upon detonation will damage and freeze surrounding enemies for a short time. | Usage: this is your ultimate spell for the frost spec, this is both a crowd control spell and a damage spell, one of the few abilities that will really cause significant damage to enemies in the frost spec, it should be used when you find yourself surrounded by so many enemies that your summoned elemental won't be able to handle the situation.

Fire: The fire specialization is the pure destructive force of magic, it allows you to quickly dispose of enemies with fearsome spells, however it has some defensive leaks, so you must keep your own safety in mind.
Fire Ball: Progression: 4 levels, earned in Fire Spec 1 | Desc: Launches a fire ball at an enemy target that will damage it and other enemies around | Usage: basic attack, this spell is used as your primal damage source in the fire spec.
Immolation: Progression: 1 level, earned in Fire Spec 1 | Desc: Surround yourself in flames to damage enemies that get too close, but drains mana over time | Usage: this is the simple Immolation spell from the Demon Hunter in WC3, use it whenever you have too many enemies close to you and have some mana to spare.
Counter Heat: Progression: 1 level, earned in Fire Spec 1 | Desc: Melee attackers receive back 25% of the damage they deal to you | Usage: Whenever Immolation is active you will gain this spell, if Immolation is turned off this spell is removed.
Ignite: Progression: 4 levels, earned in Fire Spec 1 | Desc: Ignites an enemy unit in fire causing damage to it and surrounding units for a short period of time | Usage: This can be a good way to cause damage to ranged units that are close to each other, why only ranged? It is because the fire effect will damage yourself too if the target gets too close!
Cauterize: Progression: 3 levels, earned in Fire Spec 2 | Desc: Cauterize your woulds healing and removing any bleeding or frost debuffs, may cause damage if the target has a fire debuff | Usage: Cauterize can be used both as a defensive and attack spell, while it will heal you up and remove certain debuffs it can also be used to increase the damage caused by your remaining spells, as follows: Ignite - if used in a target that has been hit by Ignite it will cause an explosion that will deal massive damage, however it will remove the Ignite debuff as well; Meteor - if used on a target that's close to a Burning Ground (created by a meteor hit) the effect will increase the damage caused over time by the fire; Immolation - this is a negative effect only, if you try to heal yourself with Cauterize while using Immolation the effect will be reverse and instead of healing you up the spell will melt you while Immolation is active.
Pyroblast: Progression: 2 levels, earned in Fire Spec 3 | Desc: Hurls a gigantic ball of fire that will damage any enemies in its path | Usage: This is your second greater source of damage, it will cause significant damage to enemies and does not consume too much of your mana.
Meteor: Summons a gigantic burning meteor that will fall down from the sky, stunning enemies and causing a considerable amount of damage, it will also set the ground in flames where it hit for a short period, the fire will damage any unit that get too close | Usage: This is your ultimate spell for the fire spec, it is very powerful, but you must use with caution, because just like Ignition, the fire effect will damage yourself if you get too close.

Unknown: This is the most powerful (and mana costing) spec, Sephyrot will only find out about it later though, when he begin to discover his true nature.
Haha, I won't reveal those...

And now you think "ok, four books in his inventory to allow you to change specs, won't this leave me only two free inventory slots?", and I say yes, it will, but this is on purpose. To make things harder you are allowed to have only two items ready for use, however this does not mean that you will be able to carry only two, there is an Interaction ability that can be used on items (either on the ground or in your inventory) to send them to your backpack that guess what... Has seven more available slots! Let's talk about the backpack...

The Backpack
This is actually a second hero unit that you can "control", although it can't be seen, can't be moved, can't attack, can't do nothing rather than provide info, it allows you to upgrade your specializations and act as the backpack. This hero unit is called the Character Menu, it is, as I said, a hero unit that has no model, can't walk, can't attack and is hidden somewhere in the map. From the Character Menu you can manage your backpack (send items back to Sephyrot), view the currently active specialization, view the known specializations and upgrade them as you do for Warcraft III hero skills.

Magical Resources
The lumber meter has been replaced with a Magical Resources meter, this special resource is gained from gathering Magical Herbs (50 points each) throughout the map or from quests. It can be used to earn gold, by selling them to any vendor, 50 points is worth 25 gold, or to buy special items from Alchemists (Chapter 3 onwards).

Sephyrot is a little bit unstable, and the high above normal coldness of the place where he is makes things even more difficult. The game has a sanity mechanic that will cause Sephyrot to faint or even die if he is not cautious. Here is how it works: the sanity meter replaces the food meter, it can reach all the way from 0 up to 20 points, the sanity slowly decreases if you're out in the wilds during the night, when it is more cold. To avoid losing sanity, try to use as much daylight as you can, if you have no other choice and must go out during the night try to find warm spots, like torches and campfires, you will suffer no penalty in these places. You will also lose sanity whenever you die, upon death you receive a 6 points penalty, if you don't have enough points it is game over, but if you do have enough, you will be able to ressurect immediatly or give up. To restore sanity you must use some specific items. Below is a more clear explanation of the mechanic:

*During the night
*Using specific spells
*In specific quest situations
*Whenver you die

*During the day
*Close to warm spots (torches and campfires)
*In cities
*Specific spots that might be related to quests
*When using Immolation
*During cinematics

*Using a Potion of the Clear Mind (bough from Arcane Vendor)
*Using Hot Beverage (bough from Generic Vendors)

*If it is due to cold weather, the first two times, Sephyrot will faint and be brought back to a safe spot
*The third time he dies
*Due to death, it is game over

The Campaign
Tears of Northrend itself is not a single campaign, it is split into three campaigns that shall be released separately. The first one is To the Ice be Cast, that will tell you how Sephyrot met one of the strange races inhabitants to this new land and formed a pact with them. The second part is From the Ice be Born, here you will find out how he met the second race, managed to achieve peace between the two and used their combined strength to build up a nation and rage war against the opposing Drakari troll empire (don't worry, I promise that I won't kill any official lore here, everything will be explained). The last part is By the Ice be Cursed, here our hero, at least your still calling him like this at this point, will have his nation established and named the Isciphii, this last part of the story will reveal Sephyrot's true nature and objectives when he tries to use the Isciphii to take vengeance upon the kaldorei who so many years ago tried to kill him, only to be betrayed by his own kind and manage to have even one more people to take revenge upon.

The Project
As I said back there, this is already a work in progress, I'm currently working on To the Ice be Cast, and here you can check what I've done so far.

To the Ice be Cast
Maps Completion Progress:
1 of ???
Chapter One - Lost in nowhere (playable)
Sephyrot finds himself in strange and cold cave with almost no power nor memory left, now he must struggle to survive in this unknown land while trying to recover his strength without losing sanity.

Chapter Two - The wolves in the mountains (in progress)
Our hero is rescued by the fellow kmah after fainting in the middle of a blizzard and now owe his life to the wolfmen, he is tasked by their leader to assist in a certain "demon problem" so he can prove himself trustworthy.

Mechanics completion progress: almost there
Specialization change: done
Character menu: done
Backpack: done
Sanity: done
Alchemy: in progress
Arcane spec: done
Frost spec: done
Fire spec: done
Unknown spec: planning

I expect to update this thread once per week with my progress.
If you have any ideas, suggestions or bugs to report, please feel free to post.

In the link below is attached the current playable version of the campaign.
Tears of Northrend - alpha build 07/17


+Added Frost Spec
+Added Fire Spec
+Added a WIP Chapter Two to test Game Cache
+Added the Test Environment chapter to test spells
+Replaced Food meter for Sanity meter (will be used later)
+Replaced Upkeep meter with version info
*Fixed some bugs in Chapter One
*Improved some minor aspects of Chapter One

+Finished chapter 2 terrain main layout (minor changes may happen)
*The camera is not locked to the hero anymore
*Some spells were balanced
*Minor improvements and bug fixes

Note: this alpha build was meant to solely update the chapter 2 terrain. Quests, mechanics and some building collision are still missing

+Added the first main questline to chapter 2
+Added 2 optional quests to chapter 2
+Added the sanity mechanic
+Added a Town Portal mechanic
+Added the cave exit/enter mechanic (now you can leave the starting city)
+Added vendors
+Added several new items for the vendors
+Improved the Interact mechanic with NPCs
+Added more enemy units to the map
+Added mechanic to ping quest locations
*Character menu cannot use items anymore, only carry them
*Fixed some minor bugs
*Balanced some spells

+Added new item models for potions
+Added the Magical Resources system
+Added the next two main questlines
+Added the first boss for chapter 2
+Added a new optional quest
+Added a freeze mechanic that prevent you from entering the high pass before completing the first questline
+Added more items to the Arcane Vendors
+Added a new Arcane Vendor and Generic Vendor to the map, in a convenient spot
+Added a new initial sequence to the intro cinematic
+Added the Immolation spell as part of the Sanity mechanic (while it is active the sanity will not drop)
*Balanced some spells
*Minor bugs fixed
-Sanity no longer drops during a cinematic

+Added a new special event in chapter 1 that will unlock a cinematic sequence
+Added the first part of the cinematic sequence that can be unlocked throughout the campaign: Pieces of the Past: To Please a Queen
+Added a new optional quest that unlocks the second cinematic sequence (still being planned)

+Added several new optional quests to chapter 2
+Added a new mini-boss fight that's related to one of the optional quests
*Minor bugs fixed
*Minor improvements to chapters 1 and 2

+Added two new main questlines
*Minor bugs fixed

+Added respawn mechanic, death does not mean instant game over anymore, if you have enough Sanity points
+Added Magical Resources selling mechanic
+Added to the Frost Spec the ability to command your elemental to cast Frost Nova
+Added to the Fire Spec the Counter Heat ability
+Added in Chapter 2 an interaction option with one of the citizens that will reveal the most important spots in the city (so you may know where to go upon starting the chapter)
+Added some a health meter UI for the Brood Mother fight in Chapter 1
+Added a heavy hitting Impale ability to the Brood Mother that can be avoided, so the fight may look more like a boss encounter
*Replaced some of Sephyrots audio files so his voice lines may better fit with the character
*Replaced loading screens texts
*Fixed and rebalanced Fire Spec
*Rebalanced Frost Spec
*Rebalanced the gold cost of some items
*Minor bugs fixed

+Added a new optional quest
*Minor bugs fixed

+Added a new Campaign Screen
*Minor quests tweaking
*Minor bugs fixed

*Remember to turn on your specializations, otherwise you won't be able to attack
*Remember that Sephyrot won't auto-attack, you must always manually use his spells for combat
*The default attack spell is mapped with the letter A
*The other spells are always mapped in Q, W, E and R, for the respective slot order.
*Exploring might lead you to treasures, quests and bonus endings ;)
*Sanity is now part of the game mechanic, keep an eye on it

Champara Bros
Ujimasa Hojo
Mc !
Wandering Soul

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Level 3
Jul 16, 2014
Sounds awesome dude, looking forward to trying it :)
Would change the title to "Tears of Northrend" instead if it was me though :xxd:

Anywho, good luck with it. Will check back once in a while to see your progress :)
I think the story is a little.. boring. Person who has lost his/her memories is so cliché :p you should add some unique touch to it.

+1 for good thread structure and the combat system plan though.

Thanks for the reply, Chaosy.
Regarding the story, it is actually deeper that what I wrote here, I just don't want to spoil anything :zip:


Edit (08/08):

Main post updated with more info about the story (hope it isn't that superficial and boring now lol) and about the current progress.


Edit (08/10):

Main post updated with more info about the frost specialization spells


Edit (08/19):

Main post updated with the current progress in the fire spec, the attached campaign file has not been updated yet, but I should upload a new file until the end of the day.
Haha, that's because I didn't add the fire spec yet.
The campaign file attached to the main post hasn't been updated, I'll do it today as soon as I finish balancing the spells.

Thanks for the comment!

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Edit (08/25):

Main post updated with the complete fire spec, changelog, info about chapter two and a new campaign file has been added with the following:

-Fire and Frost specs ready and playable, might require balancing
-Chapter Two WIP, intro cinematic ready and initial scenario, the map isn't playable yet though, most part is still blank and no quests can be completed, this was mostly so I could test the Game Cache
-Test Environment chapter added, this specific map is only for testing purpose, if you are curious about the available spells you can check all of them here
-Check the main post changelog for more info

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Edit (08/28):

Some screenshots of Kash'Morar, the kmah city in the mountains.
This is the starting area of Chapter Two, it servers as a safe haven and mostly from where you will pick up your quests.
Note that the screenshots are of a WIP.

And before anyone say anything about it... Nope the kmah are not worgen and are not inspired on them, my first map featuring the Isciphii (which had the kmah as playable units) dates from before WoW Cataclysm and the whole idea of this race dates from even before Wrath of the Lich King.


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I had to pause the project for a while due to lack of time between college and my job, but things are way calmer now so I am resuming the work on it.

I am currently working on balancing the spells, specially for the arcane spec (it is way too overpowered), and finishing the second chapter. Unfortunately I had to re-image my computer since the last time I've worked in the campaign and I've lost some of my progress in the map terrain, this means that some things will be different from the last posted screenshots.

The next update on the alpha build should come next week, with some playable quests in the second chapter and possibly a boss fight test. The attached screenshots are from another piece of the map, where the boss fight will take place.


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Chapter 2 terrain is 99% finished, I may apply some changes to it as I work on the questline now.

I hope to release a new alpha build until the end of the week to try out possible quests, the boss battle and some mechanics.

Here are a few screenshots for the current terrain (+1 rep to whoever realize about a tiny detail there, lol):


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Level 12
May 11, 2014
I saw this project some time ago but i thought it is dead . Anyway good luck , the pictures look promising.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

This project looks really nice ! Good Luck!!!
Thank you guys!

A new alpha build has been uploaded (check the attached file in the main post). I did some tweaks here and there (more details in the changelog) and have finished the chapter 2 terrain, there is no quests and most of the mechanics are still missing, but I felt on posting this so you could check the map layout (since Sephyrot cannot leave the starting zone yet you will need to use the "iseedeadpeople" cheat to check the rest of the map).

I will work on the initial questline now and hope to post a new build with it until the end of the week.

Any suggestions are highly appreciated :)

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Edit (06/19):

There we go, as planned I am posting a playable version of the chapter two now (check the attached file in the main post).
I've added the first main questline and some optional quests as well as a few mechanics to the game. Also there was some spell balancing, bug fixing and stuff, for more info check the main post changelog.

The main update to the overall gameplay is the sanity mechanic, described in the main post, but I will copy it here to make things easier:

Sephyrot is a little bit unstable, and the high above normal coldness of the place where he is makes things even more difficult. The game has a sanity mechanic that will cause Sephyrot to faint or even die if he is not cautious. Here is how it works: the sanity meter replaces the food meter, it can reach all the way from 0 up to 20 points, the sanity slowly decreases if you're out in the wilds during the night, when it is more cold. To avoid losing sanity, try to use as much daylight as you can, if you have no other choice and must go out during the night try to find warm spots, like torches and campfires, you will suffer no penalty in these places. To restore sanity you must use some specific items. Below is a more clear explanation of the mechanic:

*During the night
*Using specific spells
*In specific quest situations

*During the day
*Close to warm spots (torches and campfires)
*In cities
*Specific spots that might be related to quests
*When using Immolation (not yet implemented)

*Using a Potion of the Clear Mind (bough from Arcane Vendor)
*Using Hot Beverage (bough from Generic Vendors)

*The first two times, Sephyrot will faint and be brought back to a safe spot
*The third time he dies
This is awesome, how many chapters in this campaign?

Up to this point there's one and a half, lol. I am currently working on the chapter two.
In total, I can't really tell for sure, the original plan was for 4 chapters (for pt 1), however if I can figure out how to make a decent map transition (just like in the frozen throne orc campaign) then at least 4 more will be added.
Currently working on the second and third main questlines, again I hope to post a new update to the alpha build until the end of the week.

Chapter 2 is by far the longest in this campaign, once I'm done with it the next updates will bring more stuff than what they are currently doing. It should have a total of 4 main questlines at the end, I am almost done with the second and third (currently testing balance and bugs) and will start the fourth right after, hopefully at the start of the next week.

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Edit (06/26):

New alpha build!
I've added two new main questlines to chapter two and some minor changes/updates/additions as well, including the first boss fight (for more details check the changelog in the main post).

Also I am working on an alchemy system now, still not sure on how it is going to work, but this system will be a big deal in the chapters to come. You can already gather resources, the resource meter replaces the lumber meter, but will not be able to spend them just yet, they will only be usable after chapter 2.

I'm really excited with the project, it is becoming freakin' epic, just like what I want it to be, and at least I'm having a lot of fun testing the maps, I hope you people are enjoying as well and please, if you have any comment, suggestion or bug to report, feel free to post it!

Next major update will hopefully be next Friday.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Okay so I played through the demo map...And here's what I got out of it :

The terrain was umh...average but more doodads could have been used like ice claws. A snowy weather effect, some ice tiles and a music could also make the day. But as of now, it looks more like underground terrain. So just be a bit more creative in case of tiles and doodads and it'll look really good.

That was inside the cave. Outside the cave, its :

The terrain was average wc3 one until sephyrot's feet touch water cause then there is plain snow and snow and snow and nothing else. You MUST use doodads there and som decorative claws and blocks.
The gameplay was satisfying because of the systems you've put in and all the effort along. The spell book idea is great and is much different from AP's maps. The spells level system was good aslo. However the gameplay effect was like a maze but enjoyable to give it a try. Now what it lacks is a path. I had to troll around for like 1/2 an hour in order complete the 1st chapter just because there was nothing to notify me that the game is still good and going.All I saw was snow snow and snow and finally I couldnt help using the iseedeadpeople cheat. even then it took time for me to discover the route cause of the huuuuge plain lands.
Cinematics 3/5
If you would have added some music effects, special effects etc then this could have been better. The camera play was average as this is definitely not a cinematic map. So all I can say is good but can be better
Very original and effective story even if the campaign needs a nice and elaborated prologue to flash some base story, design, location, how this happened and stuff but a 5/5 because of the story sounds good to me. And I cant subtract points for the ingame presentation here. Keep it up !
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Okay so I played through the demo map...And here's what I got out of it :

TERRAIN 2.75/5
The terrain was umh...average but more doodads could have been used like ice claws. A snowy weather effect, some ice tiles and a music could also make the day. But as of now, it looks more like underground terrain. So just be a bit more creative in case of tiles and doodads and it'll look really good.

Well, actually there is weather effects, and more terrain variation outside the initial cave in chapter 1, you start the game in a cave and that's why it looks like underground (because it actually is lol), there is no music on purpose, to give a better impression of desolation. Chapter two has all of that, including themed music. I guess I could work a little bit more on the underground terrain in chapter two, the problem is that the map is almost reaching the doodads limit already.

The gameplay was really satisfying because of the systems you've put in and all the effort along. The spell book idea is great and is much different from AP's maps. The spells level system was good aslo. However the gameplay effect was like a maze but enjoyable to give it a try.

Thanks, the idea for the combat system is really to be different from AP's, it is just inspired on his maps (that are amazing by the way), but I felt that I needed to make my own thing, so it wouldn't be a simple ctr+c / ctrl+v. I worked a lot on it, and I'm still improving the system, specially regarding spell balance and bug fixing.

Cinematics 3/5
If you would have added some music effects, special effects etc then this could have been better. The camera play was average as this is definitely not a cinematic map. So all I can say is good but can be better

Again, the first chapter has no music on purpose. Play the second chapter and you'll see that things get better. About the cameras... Well, I was never the best guy regarding cinematic making lol, I'll try to improve though.

Very original and effective story even if the campaign needs a nice and elaborated prologue to flash some base story, design, location, how this happened and stuff but a 5/5 because of the story sounds good to me. And I cant subtract points for the ingame presentation here. Keep it up !

Thanks again, I've been developing this story for a couple of years now, to make sure it fits in Warcraft lore. There's even more stuff to it that I didn't reveal to avoid major spoilers.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

You can use JNGP to surpass the doodad limit and remove all limits !

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

A lot !! But I dont use it unless I want more tiles in a chapter.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

BUG !! BUG !!!! BUG !!!

I FOUND A BUG !!! not a major one though..
In chapter one beginning, I was playing it the second time and when sephyroth used his arcane tome in the cave after the 1st cinematic the nerubian came and attacked me suddenly.So I killed him and when i went near the archway the 2nd cinematic began but there was no nerubian in it.... You can solve this simply by using a "Create unit" trigger during the cinematic.

Also can u make cinematics skippable ? Just asking cause players will be bored 2 watch the same cinematics again and again.

Please fill something in the terrain for ch1 when sephyroth has 2 find a safe place cause the snow confused whether this is the right path and the way is tooooo faaar with a laaarge amount of space. SO it a lot diificult to find exactly the location, it needs a fix.
BUG !! BUG !!!! BUG !!!

I FOUND A BUG !!! not a major one though..
In chapter one beginning, I was playing it the second time and when sephyroth used his arcane tome in the cave after the 1st cinematic the nerubian came and attacked me suddenly.So I killed him and when i went near the archway the 2nd cinematic began but there was no nerubian in it.... You can solve this simply by using a "Create unit" trigger during the cinematic.

Hmm, I'll take a look on it, maybe I forgot to turn off the cinematic so it wouldn't happen again. Thanks for pointing this out!

Also can u make cinematics skippable ? Just asking cause players will be bored 2 watch the same cinematics again and again.

I plan on allowing them to be skipped, but in the future only, when I release the definitive version, that's not a priority for now.

Please fill something in the terrain for ch1 when sephyroth has 2 find a safe place cause the snow confused whether this is the right path and the way is tooooo faaar with a laaarge amount of space. SO it a lot diificult to find exactly the location, it needs a fix.

It doesn't need fixing, that's on purpose, the whole thing about chapter 1 is Sephyrot being lost, the vast "snow desert" is there to purposely make you lose the path and wander a little bit.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Actually even if you think that is in accordance with the lore but...... The players will look at it as un-terrained lazyness so please add some doodads there. Maybe a forest look could work.
I'll consider that, but it would change the whole idea behind the first chapter so most likely I'll simply put something in to show that the "blankness" is on purpose.

Now about the progress, I've put aside the quests for chapter 2 a little bit and am now working on a bonus cinematic interlude that reveals a little bit more about Sephyrot's past. This cinematic can be unlocked in chapter 1, but if you play through it without completing the requirements for the bonus the interlude will be skipped.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I'll simply put something in to show that the "blankness" is on purpose.

Hmm....thats good (If u think that the doodads in the desert will ruin your story)

So...I'll keep on testing and you keep on working !!!
New alpha build, I've added the first part of the cinematic sequence that can be unlocked throughout the game, for testing purposes all maps are already visible on the main menu, but later on, upon the campaign release, these kind of cinematic will only be available if the player completes certain objectives or go through hidden events.

The event that unlocks this specific part has been added to chapter 1, but as I said, it is not required yet as the cinematic button is visible right away. Also, the event that unlocks the next part has been added to chapter 2, but the next part itself hasn't been created yet.
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And here we go, new alpha build!

I've added a couple of new optional quests to chapter 2 while I continue to work on the ideas for the rest of the main questline.

One of the optional quests involves a mini boss, the boss mechanics can be tested in the new campaign button: Boss Test, however it is not in it's latest version, the boss itself in chapter 2 should work better than the one from the test environment.
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Edit (08/01):

A minor alpha build this week, I had some issues with my internet yesterday so the update ha been postponed. This is a simple update that added two new main questlines to chapter 2. I'm only 1 questline away from finishing the chapter, so most likely next week's update will have the full chapter ready.

After chapter 2 has been fully implemented, I will begin the boring part of spec balancing, I must make sure that the three specializations are as efficient as they should be in both chapter 1 and 2. This will then be the last open alpha build, as soon as I start working on the next chapters I will no longer post the playable campaign file, only screenshots, to avoid spoiling anything.
Whoa...! Issues with my PC, still sorting it out, so I am delaying the next update.
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Edit (01/11):

Everything back to normal now. Next alpha build should be released soon. I'm working on skippable cinematics, because they became quite a nuisance for testing.

Thats nice , so chapter 1 and 2 are completely made ?

Chapter 1 and the first bonus cinematic yes, I'm still working on chapter 2, it is a very long one, almost done though
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Edit (01/27):

Next alpha build has been uploaded, I've added the feature to skip cinematics and it works for every single one. Before each cinematic you will have a black screen with a 3 sec timer, if you press esc before the timer expires the cinematic will skip, but after the 3 seconds, if you did not press esc, the cin will play normally and you won't be able to skip it anymore. Also, you do not face game over anymore when Sehpyrot dies, instead there is now a 6 sanity points penalty for respawning, but if you die with less than 6 sanity points, you will then lose.

Also the frost and fire specs received some more balancing, the last added quests had a lot of bugs and they are all fixed now (I hope).

The only things remaining are to create the final boss fight, the ending cinematic, a little bonus event that's hidden in the map and to fix some optional quests. Hopefully I'll have the chapter two at 100% until the end of February.
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Edit (07/03):

Well, that took longer than expected, but here it is, the new alpha build has just been uploaded! I've added a bunch of mechanics and have done some much needed bug fixing here and there, more information please refer to the changelog in the main post.

Anyone willing to help me with map testing is more than welcome :)

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

nice to see its still there !! awesome !! :D
nice to see its still there !! awesome !! :D

Yes, the work never stopped actually, I just didn't have enough time to apply significant changes, but now I'll try to retake the weekly update schedule as it was when the project started. And talking about weekly updates, the new alpha build has been uploaded, added a new optional quest (optional, but quite important for the lore) and did some bug fixing.

Just to reinforce, I'm looking for dedicated alpha testers, if anyone is interested.


[Edit: 07/17]

New alpha build, a minor one, but I've spend quite some time to get it right. I've decided to change the campaign screen, the old one was a mess... The new one is still nor perfect, but I'll tweak it later if I have time to spare.
Even though there hasn't been any update here for quite some time, the project isn't dead. I just decided to focus on some other parts of the story first. I felt that releasing Tears of Northrend now would spoil way too much of the story I want to tell, that's why I've decided to work on my altered melee map and then the campaign based on it, that campaign will take place in the same alternate universe as this one, and will be the starting point for the Isciphii plot, after that I'll resume Tears of Northrend that will work as an exposition dump xD
Level 5
Aug 25, 2015
Even though there hasn't been any update here for quite some time, the project isn't dead. I just decided to focus on some other parts of the story first. I felt that releasing Tears of Northrend now would spoil way too much of the story I want to tell, that's why I've decided to work on my altered melee map and then the campaign based on it, that campaign will take place in the same alternate universe as this one, and will be the starting point for the Isciphii plot, after that I'll resume Tears of Northrend that will work as an exposition dump xD
ejeje thx
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