Tan Wave [V1.0]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Well here's a spell i made with noob friendly customizable Effects and damage.
Named Tan wave cause i used the Tan feature xD

.Period between Deformations
.Deformation Height
.Duration of Deformations
.Speed the deformations travel
.Max Wave Distance
.Deformations? [T/F]
.Travel SFX [T/F]
.Pinnacle SFX [T/F]

Spell Description:
Creates a Shockwave which ruptures the ground at a interval dealing damage at each interval

Any Requests to update it with something tell me~

Tan, WC3, Fire, Terrain, Earthquake, Shockwave, Custom

Tan Spell (Map)

12th Dec 2015 IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected. 19:15, 10th Apr 2013 Magtheridon96: This spell is not MUI, meaning it can only be cast by one unit at a time. Helpful Links: Spell Submission Rules MUI Spells with Artificial...
This spell is not MUI, which violates the terms of the spell submission section, you need to either index your spell instances, or use a hashtable, at the moment casting it twice will confuse up casters, and thusly who gets damaged, and also the damage amounts mix, amongst other things

Also I suggest making every configurable have a base value and a per level value (for real values) so the spell can be made to look different as it gets more powerful