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i've made a struct that allows you to bind a trigger to a double click on a trackable,
basicly, it uses trackable2, allthought it probably shouldn't,
but i guess it is better for now, since it also allows me to use the event registry, and get the activating player, any how, heres the code and a example code:
The commands from onDoubleClick struct:
in register, the returned EventReg contains the struct index, so you can use it aswell, heres an example on how to use it:
I have no clue if this actually worths behing submitted here, but atleast i'd like to get feedbacks/etc, thanks =]
basicly, it uses trackable2, allthought it probably shouldn't,
but i guess it is better for now, since it also allows me to use the event registry, and get the activating player, any how, heres the code and a example code:
library OnDoubleClick requires Trackable2
constant integer Max_Instances = 10
// This value will indicate how many trackables are allowed to be followed per struct.
// When you reach limit, it will not allow you to create any more.
struct onDoubleClick
private static hashtable TimerHash = InitHashtable()
public static integer InstanceCount = 0
public integer c
public Trackable2 array tra[Max_Instances]
public Event array ev[Max_Instances]
public trigger array tri[Max_Instances]
public timer array tim[Max_Instances]
public real array timeout[Max_Instances]
public boolean array two[Max_Instances]
public player array last[Max_Instances]
public Trackable2 lastTrack
public player lastPlayer
public static method create takes nothing returns thistype
local integer this = thistype.allocate()
set InstanceCount = InstanceCount + 1
return this
public method register takes trigger callback, Trackable2 listened, real timeDiffrence returns EventReg
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local EventReg r
set c=c+1
if c <= Max_Instances - 1 then
set .ev[c] = Event.create()
set r = ev[c].register(callback)
set r.data = this
set .tri[c] = callback
set .tra[c] = listened
set .tim[c] = CreateTimer()
set .timeout[c] = timeDiffrence
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(function thistype.onClick))
call listened.registerClick(t)
debug call BJDebugMsg("|c00FF0000[ERROR]|r |c000000FFonDoubleClick: |r|c0000FF00Trying to register more then " + I2S(Max_Instances) + " trackables into a single struct.|r")
return null
return r
private static method resetData takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local thistype id = LoadInteger(TimerHash, GetHandleId(t), 0)
local integer c = LoadInteger(TimerHash, GetHandleId(t), 1)
set id.two[c] = false
set id.last[c] = null
private static method onClick takes nothing returns boolean
local Trackable2 tracked = GetTriggeringTrackable2()
local thistype t = 1
local integer c = 1
local integer co = 1
exitwhen c>=InstanceCount + 1
set t=thistype(c)
exitwhen co>=t.c + 1
if t.tra[co] == tracked then
set t.last[co]=GetTrackedPlayer()
set t.lastTrack=tracked
set t.lastPlayer=t.last[co]
if t.two[co] then
call t.ev[co].fire()
set t.two[co]=false
return false
set t.two[co]=true
call TimerStart(t.tim[co], t.timeout[co], false, function thistype.resetData)
call SaveInteger(TimerHash, GetHandleId(t.tim[co]), 0, integer(t))
call SaveInteger(TimerHash, GetHandleId(t.tim[co]), 1, co)
set co=co+1
set c=c+1
return false
The commands from onDoubleClick struct:
public static method create takes nothing returns thistype
public method register takes trigger callback, Trackable2 listened, real timeDiffrence returns EventReg
in register, the returned EventReg contains the struct index, so you can use it aswell, heres an example on how to use it:
library CreateHero initializer onInit uses OnDoubleClick
private function OnDoubleClick takes nothing returns boolean
local Trackable2 tr
local player tp
local integer id
local EventReg ev
local onDoubleClick odc
//2 ways to create the unit
//Option #1 // Okay, basicly, the 2 options
set tr = GetTriggeringTrackable2() // are same, its better to use first option,
set tp = GetTrackedPlayer() // but if you want to use solely the
set id = tr.userData // OnDoubleClick library, i'd sugguest
call CreateUnit(tp, id, tr.X, tr.Y, tr.Facing) // using the second option, but you must remember
set tp = null // the second option uses exactly what the first option
//Option #2 // uses, its just that the second option automaticly sets
set ev = Event.getTriggeringEventReg() // it as variables, with Trackable2 call
set odc = ev.data // while the first option is using Trackable2 callbacks directly.
set tr = odc.lastTrack // I have no clue what is better to use, but thats up to you i guess..
set tp = odc.lastPlayer //
set id = tr.userData // Happy coding =]
call CreateUnit(tp, id, tr.X, tr.Y, tr.Facing) //
set tp = null
return false
private function onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local Trackable2 tr = Trackable2.create("units\\human\\HeroPaladin\\HeroPaladin.mdl",0, 0, 0, 180)
// Paladin From Human Race Model Path x=0,y=0,z=0 facing = 180 = downwards,
// downards makes it look better.
local onDoubleClick c = onDoubleClick.create()
set tr.userData = 'Hpal'
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(function OnDoubleClick))
call c.register(t, tr, 0.5)
I have no clue if this actually worths behing submitted here, but atleast i'd like to get feedbacks/etc, thanks =]
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