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[System] Knockback 2D

I don't know if i have problems inside the script,because i coded it in Notepad++ and i don't have any WE or JNGP to check its syntax.

library Knockback2D /* v 1.5
*    Knockback 2D
*        by: Almia aka Radamantus
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*        Description
*        ------------------------------------------
*            Knockback 2D is a system for creating and handling 2D knockbacks.
*            The system features safe-pathing, bounded movement, optional tree
*            destroying which also decelerates knockback speed,destroys knockback
*            when path is blocked.
*            The system safe-pathing recognizes units, destructables and terrain
*            path by collision size. Bounded movement disables units for leaving
*            map bounds.
*            The system also features personal events(onLoop, onEnd),which makes
*            this user-friendly system.
*            The system creates knockback by means of speed and time,but not
*            distance.
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*        Notes
*            - Not recommended for knockbacking crowded units
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*        */ requires /*
*        ------------------------------------------
*        */ Event /*             hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-event-186555/
*        */ GetUnitCollision /*  hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-getunitcollision-180495/
*        */ IsDestTree /*        hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/isdestree-v1-2-a-224623/
*        */ IsTerrainWalkable /* pastebin.com/0zjeaBc7
*        */ MapBounds /*         hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-mapbounds-222870/
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*        Credits
*        ------------------------------------------
*            Nestharus for Event and Collision Libs
*            Vexorian for IsTerrainWalkable Lib
*            Adiktuz for MapBounds Lib
*            Spinnaker for spotting errors
*            Magtheridon96 for explaining public groups properly
*            Bribe for Table
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*        API
*        ------------------------------------------
*        private function PathUnitFilter takes unit u, unit up returns boolean
*        - filter function for enumerating units for pathing
*        private function PathDestFilter takes nothing returns boolean
*        - filter function for enumerating destructables for pathing
*        struct Knockback2D extends array
*            static method find takes unit tu returns integer
*            - checks if a unit is already been knockbacked by finding it inside the list
*            - this is used for rewriting knockback data of the unit for safety
*            static method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
*            - destroys a knockback instance
*            private static method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
*            - periodic method of system
*            - basically, the system core
*            static method add takes unit tu, real tspeed, real tangle, real ttime returns nothing
*            - creates a knockback instance
*            - can also be used for updating knockback data
*            static method registerEvent takes integer KBevent, code c returns nothing
*            - registers a code to the knockback event.
*            - the code will be fired once the event is fired.
*            private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
*            - system initializer
*        function GetKnockbackOnLoopUnit takes nothing returns unit
*        function GetKnockbackOnEndUnit takes nothing returns unit
*        function AddKnockback takes unit u, real speed, real angle, real time returns nothing
*        function DestroyKnockback takes unit u returns nothing
*        function RegisterKnockbackEvent takes code c, integer KBEvent returns nothing
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*        Settings
*        ------------------------------------------
        *    The bonus collision of pathing check
        private constant real COLLISION_BONUS = 50
        *    Percentage of speed to be removed
        *    for deceleration
        private constant real DECEL_SPEED_SCALE = 0.4
        *    System Timeout
        private constant real TIMEOUT = 0.031250000
        *    System Events
        constant integer EVENT_KNOCKBACK_LOOP = 1
        constant integer EVENT_KNOCKBACK_END = 2
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
*        Knockback Struct and Functions
*    --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    *    Misc Globals
        private boolean hit = false
        private boolean hitTree = false
        private timer tm = CreateTimer()
        private unit KnockbackEventOnDestroyUnit
        private unit KnockbackEventOnLoopUnit
        private group g = CreateGroup()
        private hashtable ht
    *    Pathing enum unit filter
    private function PathUnitFilter takes unit u, unit up returns boolean
        return not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)/*
            */ and GetWidgetLife(u) > 0.405     /*
            */ and u != up and u != null        /*
            */ and not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_FLYING)
    *    Pathing enum doodad filter
    private function PathDestFilter takes nothing returns boolean
        local destructable d = GetFilterDestructable()
        if d != null then
            if GetWidgetLife(d) > 0.405 then
                if IsDestTree(d) then
                    set hitTree = true
                    call KillDestructable(d)
                    set hit = true
        set d = null
        return false
    private module Init
        static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call init()
    struct Knockback2D extends array
        *    Linked List
        private static thistype ic = 0
        private static thistype array rc
        private static thistype array n
        private static thistype array p
        private static integer c = 0
        *    Events
        private static Event onLoop
        private static Event onDestroy
        *    Iteration and Instance Var
        private static unit array u
        private static real array speed
        private static real array angle
        private static real array time
        private static real array csize
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            set KnockbackEventOnDestroyUnit = u[this]
            call FireEvent(onDestroy)
            set rc[this] = rc[0]
            set rc[0] = this
            set n[p[this]] = n[this]
            set p[n[this]] = p[this]
            call SaveInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u[this]), 0, 0)
            set u[this] = null
            set speed[this] = 0
            set angle[this] = 0
            set time[this] = 0
            set csize[this] = 0
            set c = c - 1
            if 0 == c then
                call PauseTimer(tm)
        private static method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
            local real x
            local real y
            local rect r
            local unit tu
            local thistype i = n[0]
                exitwhen 0 == i
                if 0 < time[i] then
                    set time[i] = time[i] - TIMEOUT
                    set KnockbackEventOnLoopUnit = u[i]
                    call FireEvent(onLoop)
                    set x = GetUnitX(u[i]) + speed[i] * Cos(angle[i])
                    set y = GetUnitY(u[i]) + speed[i] * Sin(angle[i])
                    if MapContainsX(x) and MapContainsY(y) then
                        set r = Rect(x - csize[i], y - csize[i], x + csize[i], y + csize[i])
                        call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, Filter(function PathDestFilter), null)                    
                        call RemoveRect(r)
                        set r = null
                        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, x, y, csize[i], null)
                            set tu = FirstOfGroup(g)
                            exitwhen null == tu
                            if PathUnitFilter(tu, u[i]) then
                                set hit = true
                            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, tu)
                        if hitTree then
                            set speed[i] = speed[i] - (speed[i] * DECEL_SPEED_SCALE)
                        if hit or not IsTerrainWalkable(x, y) then
                            call i.destroy()
                        call SetUnitX(u[i], x)
                        call SetUnitY(u[i], y)
                        call i.destroy()
                    call i.destroy()
                set hit = false
                set hitTree = false
                set i = n[i]
        static method add takes unit tu, real tspeed, real tangle, real ttime returns nothing
            local integer i = GetHandleId(tu)
            local thistype this = thistype(LoadInteger(ht, i, 0))
            if this == 0 then
                set this = rc[0]
                if 0 == this then
                    set this = ic + 1
                    set ic = this
                    set rc[0] = rc[this]
                set n[this] = 0
                set p[this] = 0
                set n[p[0]] = this
                set p[0] = this
                set c = c + 1
                if 1 == c then
                    call TimerStart(tm, TIMEOUT, true, function thistype.periodic)
                set csize[this] = GetUnitCollision(tu) + COLLISION_BONUS
                set u[this] = tu
                call SaveInteger(ht, i, 0, integer(this))
            set speed[this] = tspeed * TIMEOUT
            set angle[this] = tangle * bj_DEGTORAD
            set time[this] = ttime
        static method registerEvent takes integer KBEvent, code c returns nothing
            if KBEvent == EVENT_KNOCKBACK_LOOP then
                call onLoop.register(Filter(c))
            elseif KBEvent == EVENT_KNOCKBACK_END then
                call onDestroy.register(Filter(c))
        private static method init takes nothing returns nothing        
            set onLoop = CreateEvent()
            set onDestroy = CreateEvent()
            set ht = InitHashtable()          
        implement Init
    *    Wrappers
    function GetKnockbackOnLoopUnit takes nothing returns unit
        return KnockbackEventOnLoopUnit
    function GetKnockbackOnEndUnit takes nothing returns unit
        return KnockbackEventOnDestroyUnit
    function AddKnockback takes unit u, real speed, real angle, real time returns nothing
        call Knockback2D.add(u, speed, angle, time)
    function DestroyKnockback takes unit u returns nothing
        local Knockback2D i = Knockback2D(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), 0))
        call i.destroy()
    function RegisterKnockbackEvent takes code c, integer KBEvent returns nothing
        call Knockback2D.registerEvent(KBEvent, c)

struct Test extends array
    private static method periodic takes nothing returns boolean
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl", GetUnitX(GetKnockbackOnLoopUnit()), GetUnitY(GetKnockbackOnLoopUnit())))
        return false
    private static method run takes nothing returns boolean
        local unit target
        local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
        local real x = GetUnitX(caster)
        local real y = GetUnitY(caster)
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, x, y, 500, null)
            set target = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen target == null
            if target != caster then
                call AddKnockback(target, 500, Atan2(GetUnitY(target) - y, GetUnitX(target) - x) * bj_RADTODEG, 1.25)
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, target)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
        set caster = null
        return false
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function thistype.run))
        call RegisterKnockbackEvent(function thistype.periodic, EVENT_KNOCKBACK_LOOP)
        set t = null

- Release
- Fix code errors(thanks to Spinnaker
- Added wrappers
- Fix code.
- code now stable
- Added test map.
- Optimized code.
- Cleaned some leaks.
- Add Table as a required library for finding unit index.
-Updated version,still buggy.

(Test map code is outdated,due to update)


  • Kb2d.w3x
    44.8 KB · Views: 94
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For Gods sake IsDestTree is pity requirement since it isn't yours. Link proper library: IsDestructableTree. The fact that mod aproved ur lib dones't mean it's ur resource, and you havent even gave credits - your lib still differs from Bribes version by dummy id.

method onInit must be static.
elseif GetWidgetLife(d) > 0.405 missing then.
elseif KBEvent = EVENT_KNOCKBACK_END thenoperator conflict; you require comparison operator instead of assign one.

KnockbackEventUnit misses.
method find takes unit tu - in loop you probably meant to use tu instead of u. Even if not, u is missing it's index.

Knockback periodic - typo: if MapContainsX(x) and MapContains(y) then ->> MapContainsY(y)
static method add - typo: you probably meant unit tu instead of u in: local thistype this = Knockback2D.find(tu)
static method registerEvent typo - parameter KBevent -> KBEvent or change the reference to given local within method.
method .register via Event API requires boolexpr instead of code thus: .register(Filter(c))
I told you its that library is mine.I coded it by myself.And that day,i didn't know about PitzerMike's so i coded my own.
There are some reasons why it is from me:
1) That resource was first a pure GUI resource and only features Destroying Trees.
2) I saw a resource from Chaosy(his IsDestTree) so i got the idea of updating my own resource.
3) I updated the resource from GUI to vJASS. First,i was planning to use Pure JASS but its gonna waste my time,so i coded it in much easier and faster way. The code was based on my way of checking and destroying trees,the IsDestructableTree function came from Magtheridon.

Thanks for spotting those,i can't install WE here because my sister is a mad owner.
im too young to buy my own. (15)

And here is the status of my lib :
Uploaded: 10:49, 26th Oct 2012
Last Updated: 16:36, 17th Feb 2013

You can also ask Mag if my lib is not mine.
Also here is another one,I saw Maddeem's crazy IsDestructableTree lib and there are no other libs approved that does that function.So i wrote it.

I have 0(except this) programming language knowledge.
IsDestructableTree function came from Magtheridon.

Well, just the inlining version :v
The method was used ages before though.
Only thing I haven't seen on wc3c.net is a destructable test function that inlines while using the harvest method, so this is probably the closest I'm getting to making something original for wc3 :p

Your demo doesn't compile.
When you declare a variable public, you refer to it like this outside the library: LibraryName_variableName
Don't use public variables here, just make functions for event data. (like GetTriggerUnit)
Thanks for knowing that. I was also gonna make some wrappers for struct methods ( Knockback2D.add == AddKnockback) so that it will have readability and much better syntax.

We have a few knockback systems in vJASS.
Cokemonkey's is not destructable friendly.
The one in the spell's section(forgot) is not user-friendly.

My system was just an easier version of my Knockback 2D.

Script Updating. Gonna check this if the system works fine and if it compiles error.

Updated. View changelogs for updates. Haven't tested the script yet.

Updated again.
Found some errors and now system works properly.
Added a test map for demo.
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- You don't need to null r and g at the end of the periodic function.
- You're leaking the local destructable in the dest filter function. Null it.
- You should not be using an O(n) find function. Use an O(1) Table lookup instead. set instances[GetHandleId(myUnit)] = this when you create an instance and set it to 0 when you destroy the instance.
- Use a global group instead of a locally created one. You'd still be able to handle recursion so it's totally fine.
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
Distinguish between addVel and setVel.

Adding velocity should take the current knockback and speed into account.
Setting velocity ovverides the current knockback.
If there is no current knockback running for a unit addVel equals setVel.

velX = speed*Cos(angle)
velY = speed*Sin(angle)

set x = GetUnitX(u) + velX
set y = GetUnitY(u) + velY

I recommend to use a static rect