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[vJASS] Syncing Data

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I just want to check if I'm doing this right. I want to store real values in local code and then sync it to all players:

        if p = GetLocalPlayer() then
            // do stuff
            call StoreReal(gcSM, k, I2S(GetPlayerId(p)), value)
            call SyncStoredReal(gcSM, k, I2S(GetPlayerId(p)))
            // do more stuff

Is it really this simple?
edit: seems to be working in a quick lan test

edit: can data from any player be synced at any time from anywhere? or does it need to be synced within the respective player's local code?

i.e. can I do something like this?
function storestuff takes player p, real value returns nothing
        if p = GetLocalPlayer() then
            call StoreReal(gcSM, k, I2S(GetPlayerId(p)), value)

function loadstuff takes player p returns real
        call SyncStoredReal(gcSM, k, I2S(GetPlayerId(p)))
        return GetStoredReal(gcSM, k, I2S(GetPlayerId(p)))

joining lan games for my test map is constantly failing so it's hard for me to test this :(
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