• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Sylvanas & Vereesa Windrunner

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Finally, I can release these!!

Been sitting on these two skins for awhile! Basically have been working on them ever since Tauer finished Alleria's texture, which was a couple years ago now.

As y'all might be able to tell, Vereesa was finished long before Sylvanas (I did a Sylvanas skin first, then Vereesa, then I scrapped the old Sylvanas skin and did a brand new one like a year later) so her reskin is a bit more simplistic. Will probably get around to redoing Vereesa later on, but I'm happy enough with it for an initial release.

Update: Added in-game screenshots.

Sylvanas Windrunner (Texture)

Vereesa Windrunner (Texture)

Approved. Please add an ingame screenshot.
The WarCraft story's been retconned countless times, but I can understand the layout.
  • Alleria Windrunner + Blond Hair = "Lady Sun"
  • Sylvanas Windrunner + Pale Blond Hair = "Lady Moon"
  • Vereesa Windrunner + White Hair = "Little Moon"
Anyway, great job on the skinz!
Thank you very much! And yeah, those nicknames were part of the reason I went with those designs, as well as to just give each sister more differentiating looks. ^.^
Level 5
Sep 11, 2016
Really awesome, they both looks great! I think the only thing I find odd would be the mark on Sylvanas's face (tear mark that was burned onto her face when Arthas tore her soul out and transform her into a banshee). I personally don't think it should be there for her living version.

Regardless, really well done!
Really awesome, they both looks great! I think the only thing I find odd would be the mark on Sylvanas's face (tear mark that was burned onto her face when Arthas tore her soul out and transform her into a banshee). I personally don't think it should be there for her living version.

Regardless, really well done!
Yeah, I debated with myself on that one, but it was a creative decision to create more variation between the three sisters. For the eventual Dark Ranger Sylvanas skin I'll do, the tears marks will definitely be expanded and more noticeable, but I liked the idea of a more subtle, makeup version for her living form.

That aside, thank you very much!

good work, gentlemen
Tauer's the only gentleman on the team, here, but thank you, regardless! :wink:
Level 5
Sep 11, 2016
Basically, it looks too good to the point when if you want to use it with WC3 models. The style and quality would crash with one another, creating inconsistency in visual. I don't believe OutsiderXE mean to offend anyone by this input, and merely stated he wish the quality of all WC3 models has this standard and quality.

I really do like this myself, especially Ranger General Sylvanas skin.
I weish all models had this quality. The only thing preventing me from getting this is the fact that it will stand out from all the other models.
Yeah, that is a "downside" to Tauer's style, but he and I tend to agree that Hero units in particular should be allowed to stand out a bit, haha. The style is close enough to the original that I personally don't find it too distracting, but fair enough if you disagree.

Maybe someday Tauer will have a ton of free time and he can revamp the whole game! We can only hope~
Yeah, that is a "downside" to Tauer's style, but he and I tend to agree that Hero units in particular should be allowed to stand out a bit, haha. The style is close enough to the original that I personally don't find it too distracting, but fair enough if you disagree.

Maybe someday Tauer will have a ton of free time and he can revamp the whole game! We can only hope~
Tell me about it. If he were to have free time, I personally wouldn't mind him updating the Alleria model, so she goes dual as part of her alternate animation when we toggle, because even Zul'jin has that.
Of course, I wouldn't bother him because it's all up to him to decide.
Tell me about it. If he were to have free time, I personally wouldn't mind him updating the Alleria model, so she goes dual as part of her alternate animation when we toggle, because even Zul'jin has that.
Of course, I wouldn't bother him because it's all up to him to decide.
I'm sure it's on his list of eventualities! But I also know he hates making alternate animation sets (Zul'jin nearly killed him, lmao), so it's probably pretty low priority. :xxd: