*Clicks Pending Map*
*See map from another Classic Melee Mapper*
*Plays the map*
20 mins later
The above RP should explain it all but for the love of God I'll elaborate it. Seeing another work from one of my favorite mapper just really made my day and is it fate that its also the day that I got my allowance?! Damn I'm so happy. Another map from Remixer and Ken-E announced that we should expect a new melee from him made this second half of the year super fucking exciting.
So lets head to the review shall we?
How fucking nice it is to see a proper manipulation of tiles and the use of imported materials both in the same map, it just made the terrain so attractive. I really love how you visualize the swamp terrain, its eerie, dark, realistic and yet so refreshing, you should be thankful on how you use the tiles here cause they just blend perfectly on the fog and how you made those cliffs using the height tools is just really nice, some terrainers are already happy if they were able to use the height tool to make a few bumps, hills and mountains which is so basic. My only complain is that even though your terrain is so seductive its still empty, flat and wide open on a lot of parts, I dunno if you just run out of ideas or got lazy or something but you should try to work on those empty parts more. And since you already imported some materials why not push it to the fullest? Like my In the End map or something like that.
Anyway about the gameplay, I really love the Swampling guy, I trained a few knights and some riflemen and attacked it with my level 7 Blood Mage and thought I can take it down until the moment when he summoned some Thunder Lizard that raped my army. I also noticed that after I killed Mr. Swampling I can hear thunder or something like that. What is that? Sounds cool IMO. Anyway, drops are fine and there are enough neutral creeps to farm with, neutral buildings placed perfectly, there are a lot of routes to build strategical points and I think having two taverns are fine.
In my book, this melee map is just sexy and should inspire a lot of melee mappers who spend some fucking few hours thinking they did something great. Good job good sir.
And fuck orcy for reviewing this first. I was here for a good damn 30 minutes writing my sexy review. ;p