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Supcom 2 vs Starcraft 2

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Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
Not much has been released on Supreme Commander, but I feel it is the only RTS that has even a remote chance of competing with Starcraft 2. What do you guys think? Starcraft 2 will have a new editor with galaxy (jass) language.

I'll probably like Supcom 2 better for casual play since it isn't as intense as Starcraft, but for multiplayer I'm thinking Starcraft takes the cake.

What you guys think?
Level 9
Aug 28, 2005
Once I heard that Universe at War will be the only game that can compete starcraft 2. SC2 is still in development, UaW is already released and Petroglyph are already making a new game.
SC2 will just outlive its rivals by being release long after them.

They can delay as long as they wish. The fanboys will certainly wait.

SupCom was a great game, but it's somehow different type of rts. I don't think it has any chances against sc2. And I'm not talking about which game is better. It's about which eill be sold better(the winner is SC2).
Blizzard always win even when they lose(wow someone).
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I hated the look of Supcom, so imo no. However my opinion is usually not the masses opinion, so who knows.

But taking on SC2 is as futile as taking on WoW. It can't be done.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Supreme commander 2 and SC2 are pretty evenly matched melee wise.

Supreme commander 2 gives you even more kick ass units with even more fire power and lasers. You also have a awesomly huge map with units which you can upgrade. The commander is also an awesome hero to kick enemies to death with now in combat as well. Ontop of that it is being made with the help of square enix, which does have some weaknesses, but generally they are pretty kick ass music and story wise (where the game uses them).

Starcraft 2 on the other hand is made by blizzard, whos game quality is nearly uncompaired world wide. With all 3 of their last released games (WoW, WC3 and D2) being total world dominators. They also seem less likly to rip people off for money than square enix (as we know how FF11 costs far more to play than WoW and they treat you like shit). On top of that, WC3 was made without much thought for modding and was unmatched, SC2 however is made largly for modding alone, meaning that it will be a totally new level. Their plotlines are a major weakness though, with having well designed and bugfree missions but generally not very complex and with major loop wholes (WoWs major timeline botchup anyone?).

Thus I concluded that Supreme Commander 2 will be better for people who love normal gameplay, as its AI will be next gen and it also will not only look better than the orignal, but also play more ballenced and have the same system requirements as the orignal. The story should also be realitivly kick ass, as you are no longer a faceless person but a person who will fight people with more background behing them. Expansions also promis more content and units even better than before.

SC2 however provides better lifetime expectancy, as there will always be new custom games. The 30 mision single player campaing will keep you busy for a while, and the 2 other expansions will also do so. Even after you are long bored with all the game initially comes to offer, you will always see new custom games, with better stuff like WC3. Thus another game bound to last 6-8 years.

For those who do not know, supreme commander 2 will use simlar graphics to the game Demigod. They however are on a massive scale and everything is highly detailed. The grounds have complex patterns and units have complex designs. Also lag should be a lot less.

SC2 on the otherhand seems to use simpler ground textures, avoiding highly conflicting high rate data but stuff is bound to be more detailed as its on a smaller scale so I suspect 2048*2048 textures would be common on large units with no problems.

Both will use DX10, as it just makes companies look stupid if they do not now days.
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