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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The team has already privately discussed the UI several times and that was one of the ideas. However, it'd require a programmer and to play the campaign, you would have to really dedicate yourself to the campaign because you would need to DL a new UI file and replace the old one (which will then disable all other maps) and the only thing you would be able to play is WC3:WoW, it may also crash the game as well, and that is a risk we are not yet willing to take.

About the demo... please read other posts. For the hundredth time, we will not rehost the old demo because it doesn't even look like WoW. Just be patient, even though it may take another 5-10 months until the next demo comes out because of almost no communication between the team.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yeah sorry, it's not really my decision either if the map shall be rehosted. Beantony is the actual leader of the old version and creator, so I would ask HIM permission to allow me to host it.
And about the latest demo, you're not the only one waiting for it! I too have been waiting for this mod to be released the second I saw it's screenshots and read about it. The WC3:WoW Team however is very independant and barely communicates, as I've said many times before.
Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
I'm not playing WoW any longer, so time to surport the WoW mod team again. Got tired of playing WoW lol. Though this has nothing to do with this topic then, How far have you gotten with the project?

And to those curios about some more info on the game, visit http://www.freewebs.com/mand_470/index.htm. This is a small homepage i made to surport the team.
Level 2
Jun 4, 2007
i have some questions is the demo out? and if it is can someone pls put the link here i wanna play it. i wanna see how you gyus made it pls.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
It is fine that you have the old mod yourself Mand_470, but in order to recieve proper credit of being a BETA tester, please do not distribute the old campaign, for not only it is out-dated, but it was created by Beantony.
Thanks in advance for your help and support,


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
ey, i got a "suggestion" for the campaign. i know it will probably be impossible to make a perfect copy of the Wow interface, (or actually i dont cause im a complete noob at WE...) but i just thought like some guy said here on the forums, Wow is not a good game because of the terrain but cause of the gameplay. Ofc i were very impressed when i saw TB and ogrimmar in the demo and thouse darnassus pics look imba!, but it would just make the game a much better experience if you tried to make the gameplay as accurate as possible.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
i thought u you would say something like that, and i know ofc how hard u are working on making this :). Btw will u (not talking about the next demo but the full game) make swimming jumping moving backwards etc. enabled, or is that not possible?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Moving backwards is going to be enabled in the next demo. Swimming? Well... that is possible actually, very easy too. Just would need to make the unit Amphibious and there ya go! Swiming, and we'd need to get an animation for it of course. Jumping might not be featured. But we probably will throw it in, since jumping is required in some places, usually in dungeons.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
ye i knew about swimming (im not complete noob in WE anyway but very sucky :D). Well that sounds very good and that thing about multiplayer is imba, but saddly it makes it even harder to wait :D
Level 5
Jun 26, 2007
A few questions and suggestions:
Are you planning on putting a WoW-like death system in the next version of the Demo?
What about PvP?
And while you are redesigning the Character Creation Map you might as well make it so that you can name your character. Because, in my mind, that is one of the many fun parts of WoW.
Is the arrow key moving system going to be improved? Because it was a bit difficult to use all of the time. I found myself just using the mouse all of the time rather than switching back and forth.
Wait until you have at least a dozen or so quests to release the next demo. It would make it much more interesting.
One final note, make sure you don't make the newer versions of this mod rely totally on other players. Because, yes it is awesome that we will be able to play it online, but a lot of the time I don't want to play with a bunch of noobs. Make on and offline equal​
Anyways, great project guys(even for being a few years old). I had alot of fun! Can't wait for Azeroth to come(my personal fav)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
1)Death System is not included in the demo. Atleast not yet.
2)PvP will be included. However it won't be as intense and since this is single-player(for now), the AI during PvP might be buggy and noobish, but will eventually be fixed up and it will be more real.
3)The team is discussing issues about naming characters. This will be hard because we'll need to make a hero for every class with every name possible. So this feature may never be implemented.
4)The movement has been changed. Better pathing and you will be able to walk backwards. However you will still need to press Escape to toggle through camera modes.
5)Ten quests will be featured for Horde players. Alliance is still under work.
6)This mod will not be playable ONLINE until the entire mod is completed. (All areas of Kalimdor and Lordaeron) and yes, it will be equal to single-player. But we plan to make Single-Player AI of Player-Bots more complex and realistic.
7)Azeroth is the entire world of Warcraft: Northrend, Kalimdor, Lordaeron, etc.

Thanks for the support!
Level 5
Jun 26, 2007
The Wikipedia said:
In World of Warcraft, the name Azeroth is used in a handful instances to refer to the southern continent of the Eastern Kingdoms, but almost always denotes the entire world in which the game is set. The kingdom referred to as Azeroth in earlier games is referred to exclusively as the Kingdom of Stormwind.
That is the Azeroth I was referring to.
Craka_J said:
1)Death System is not included in the demo. Atleast not yet.
That alone will make it feel a lot more like WoW.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yeah, but it's kind of dumb to have a spirit healer in every map, which each zone is about atleast two zones (unless a city) But then again... barrens has about three or four. Who knows. We may include it in the next demo, but it is very unlikely. Thank you for your suggestions.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
well in my opinion, it would be nice in the FINAL version to do some tier 0.0 instances (scholo, etc)with AIs and be able to upgrade them ofc. And then the better items from raids u had to get with real ppl. Both cause it would make it alot harder to get better stuff, but also cause i would probably be easier for u than creating ai parties of 40 ppl..

i meant, easier for u, the creators to make
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
We're including almost all instances for sure. We're definately not including any expansion instances though.
In the FINAL single-player version, you'll be able to set up raids for instances. Probably make raids 20 people max. for instances and Battlegrounds(if we implement a BG system).
Q:Why might not as much PvP (or players VS player-bots) be included as PvE?
A: Well one reason for this is because WoW is focussed mainly on levelling. To prepare for the final multiplayer version, we'll probably make people take survays to tell us what they think would help make Wc3:WoW be more PvP than PvE. Although WoW has Arena's, Battlegrounds, and allows people to gank the hostile players, it's more leaned towards PvE simply because of how long it takes to level and how much effort you need to put into levelling your character. We're definately going to make levelling faster.

Q: What benefits does this have that WoW doesn't have?
A: Complete protection from Power Levelers. How? Well when you save a character, the character is saved into the Game Cache but only for your computer. The only way to get Power Leveled is if you mailed your hard drive to the PLer. Gold Farmers can mail money to you so... very doubtful Gold Farmers will be protected. Although, Gold Farmers sort of benefit you I guess.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Well, if u are gonna make 20 ppl (ai's) in a raid how are u gonna control it? i mean, with the current ai control system a mage will run forward into meele and die :)

Current= the last officially released demo
yeye i know but i just read your other post now. So didnt knew it before now
[EDIT] isnt that how u usually do it? or is there a button that automaticly says edit before the edited words?
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Once again, just edit your posts rather than double posting.
And not too sure how you will CONTROL the raid. But the AI of the raid will be made well enough so you don't wipe out... or so you don't wipe out as much. We want this to be fun and at the same time being challenging.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Hey again, i've been in london (vacation) and therefore have not been active on the forums at all, i just thought i would start with a suggestion :p. Somewhere u said something about higher xp rates than real Wow and i rly think that would be a good idea, but dont let it go much over 5x or it will be too easy and not have that "retail server feeling". And btw, its some time since i wrote that about control over raid Ai's, but i think that what i meant were that u could say like "1 warrior attack" and then the first warrior Ai in ur group attacked your selected target, dont think this will not be like Wow, in real Wow i've lead raids and its rly similar to that in a way.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Welcome back from your vacation. :)

Well in the real WoW, most GOOD raids are controlled by vent and voice communication. Unfortunately we'll for sure never have voice communications to command bots in Wc3:WoW. However we might add that feature for the player to type a specific command. If we don't, we'll make the AI smart enough it self to know what to do, and if a raid fails, it'd either have to do with gear, lack of raid members, or because of you. :)
Raids are not really much of our concern right now though since we won't add an actual need for raiding for a while. Why would you start a raid at level 10 in Mulgore if you can't even get to a town you can actually lay an attack upon? Once we finish making level 30-40 zones such as Arathi Highlands, we'll most likely add some sort of raiding system. It will take a pretty long time to make I'll bet, but I'm sure it'd be worth it. :)
Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
Cya all, going on a vacation for about a little week, so i won't be on for a while.

I've got a little idea for the mod, and that is the ability to customize your characters appearence. This ain't very important, but it'll get abit closer to the real WoW if you could do that. This Little pack included a few models, + some different hairstyles and items. I though it was quite cool, that you could customize your character abit, as you can do in most rpg's. Even though you need a few modellers to make models and hairstyles to do this, it could be a possibility in the future.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Is wc3:WoW going to exceed WoW when you have everything that WoW has, such as adding northrend or something like that?

And I surely hope that the characters aren't going to look like WC3 characters, becouse.. it just doesn't fit the terrain ^^ it's like placing 8 bit characters in a 16 bit game ^^.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Well once we've added all of Kalimdor and Lordaeron, we'll probably take a break from creating new stuff for Wc3:WoW. But we'll most likely add new areas like Northrend and possibly Outlands and other areas that Blizzard intends to add in the future of World of Warcraft.

Of course we won't use Warcraft III characters for this, especially by the time we get to the multiplayer phase, it will be extremely unlikely that we'll have atleast one playable character using a Warcraft III model. However many creeps will be Warcraft III models; such as boars, bears, wolves, etc.

What other new stuff will we add once we're 100% complete even with the multiplayer version? Probably new items and little small things like that. Of course the terrain will be a little different in some areas as well too.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Yes but then you've just killed everyone in a town, you haven't taken it in possesion of your faction/race, I would like it if there were special people (or a special person) in every town, if you kill that special person, you have taken over the town.
Level 2
Jul 16, 2007
Well in the real WoW, most GOOD raids are controlled by vent and voice communication. Unfortunately we'll for sure never have voice communications to command bots in Wc3:WoW. However we might add that feature for the player to type a specific command. If we don't, we'll make the AI smart enough it self to know what to do, and if a raid fails, it'd either have to do with gear, lack of raid members, or because of you. :)
Raids are not really much of our concern right now though since we won't add an actual need for raiding for a while. Why would you start a raid at level 10 in Mulgore if you can't even get to a town you can actually lay an attack upon? Once we finish making level 30-40 zones such as Arathi Highlands, we'll most likely add some sort of raiding system. It will take a pretty long time to make I'll bet, but I'm sure it'd be worth it. :)

About the voice feature, can't we use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo or somethin' to talk to other players?
Oh yeah, and one more question: Will WarSoc work on WC3: ROC? :grin:
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Wc3:WoW will not work at all if you don't have Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne fully installed. WarSoc may not work either for most or all maps.

About the gaining control over towns, I for one, like the idea. In fact, it's what I've always wanted for WoW. It'd actually make the game into an RvR genre (Realm vs Realm) if there was just one more playable faction, such as the Scourge or something like that. And as good of an idea this is, Blizzard will not add this type of gameplay to their game, therefor, being that Wc3:WoW is meant to reflect the gameplay, Wc3:WoW will not be RvR based unless if an expansion for WoW comes out and includes some pretty awesome RvR... actually... all RvR pretty much rocks!

We will of course add new elements and features of course to the Wc3:WoW campaign, but nothing that will drasticly change the gameplay such as RvR or Player Housing (Which would be awesome if WoW had Player Housing :D).
I've been getting some private questions about an Underwater & Swimming system and how some features which are still pending whether they will be added to Wc3:WoW or not will work in-game.
Under Water System: The Under Water System (If we ever gain the patience to redo pathing in all maps) would probably feature the ability to swim up and down and so on in the water to give it that swimming under water feel. We'd need to add new animations to all player models which would also take some time. How the visuals will work when the player submerges into the water and swims back up is still in thought as well...

Flight Paths: The problem with Flight Paths is pathing and how they'll work when zoning into another area and even the camera may be screwy and buggy as well. A hero may spawn under the control of the the same player on the Wyvern or whatever and that'd definately screw with the cameras and movement.

Zepplins and Ships: The plan of adding Zepplins and Transport ships is to be like WoW and allow the player to run around while the Zepplin/Boat is in motion to show off scenery and give it that WoW feel. One again, pathing will definately be an issue when it come to this. Especially when the Zepplins go over hills and mountains. Even if we have a trigger to set the height of the zepplin to something specific every X seconds, the zepplin will tilt and look rather odd in-game. Another issue is keeping the unit moving in the direction the zepplin is moving while the unit is ordered to run somewhere on the zepplin, so the unit can for example run to the end of the zepplin/boat while the zepplin is turning or moving in some direction and moving the unit in a direction, but without the player really noticing.

I really want to get the second and third feature in the next public release, but there is a really strong chance that an Under Water System will not be included, but we may add a swimming system.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Hmm Diving is necesary to come in some places if I'm right, and, very maby I may have a solution about the tilting, that is if you can make 3 walking animations (one for normal flight, one for uphill and one for downlhill) that if you get at the foot of the hill, and at the start that it's tilting, activate the uphill animation, wich will let the ship tilt forward, wich means that it would seem like it is just moving horizontally. It has a high probebillity that it doesn't work though (becouse this is just a theory I just made up)
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