Sudden Death

User who uploaded this Presents

Sudden Death
Created by normalice

Map Info:
Experimental design for 'fast' FFA games.

Starting mines have 13.5k. All expansion mines have only 6.5k. In a standard game each player is given two expos (for a total of 12.5x3=37.5k gold), but this one allots four expos per player (13.5+6.5x4=39.5: The extra 2k is to cover the added costs of town halls/workers/towers).
Other than that, has one marketplace and four of each: shop, observatory, tavern. Highest level drop is level 6 (corner mines) - no artifact drops on this map. (It's my general policy to not have artifact drops on a 4-player map unless it is on an island or something..)
Creeps are sparse because FFA games tend to not really 'start' until all the creeps are crept.

added some flowers


Other work:

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

Sudden Death (Map)

17:03, 10th Mar 2014 Hell_Master: Map set to Needs fix and rated 2/5 based on eubz's review: 21:06, 29th Mar 2014 Hell_Master: Map approved with a rating of 3/5 (Acceptable). See mini-mod's (eubz's) review regarding the map:




17:03, 10th Mar 2014
Hell_Master: Map set to Needs fix and rated 2/5 based on eubz's review:

eubz;2497214 said:
20 goldmines in a 4-player map is too much. 8-16 gold mines are enough.
Downloading so I can give you the full review.

Reduce goldmines to eight, one main and the other one expansion for each player. Grasses are scattered in some places and somewhat placed randomly. I have not seen any neutral units to spice the map. No weather effect and such. Four taverns for a 4-playered map is too much, reduce that to one. For item drops, it is better if you used custom item table rather than the item table from map.

For now, this map needs improvement and should be updated for good.
Rating 2/5 needs fix

21:06, 29th Mar 2014
Hell_Master: Map approved with a rating of 3/5 (Acceptable). See mini-mod's (eubz's) review regarding the map:

eubz;2505102 said:
The Hive Workshop Official

Map Reviewer: eubz
Map Name: Sudden Death
Map Author: normalice
Map Uploader: normalice



The presentation is done nicely using kobas' template.
Score: 75/100


You used variation of tiles, The terrain has slopes, this gives you a plus yet there are minor flaws like the waters near the taverns. Grasses and flowers are randomly placed which I do think not that good to look at. Still, I couldn't see any neutral units to make your map lively.
Score: 60/100


1. Using too many goldmines is not really a good idea. But giving them smaller amounts is acceptable.

You don't actually just think of one design for your map when you upload it publicly. You have to think of other posibilities and usefulness of your map to others who would like to play your map in other strategies aside from being FFA.

3. Four taverns are close to each other which is better if you just reduce it to one unless you place them near the base camp of each player. This is not actually ideal for a 4-player map to have 4 taverns. Your reason is clear to me but as I have said, the taverns are very close.

4. The use of item table is acceptable.

Score: 55/100


Taverns can be placed near to base camps of each player or reduce them to one.
Add neutral units to make your map lively.
You might want to use terrain fog, global weather, and custom sound environment.


Final Score: 63.333/100
3/5 Vote for Approval


Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Not bad but it has some bad things. Here is my review:-

- The screenshots should be seen in your description and not by opening your album. If you don't know how to do this, have a look at the suggestions
- The terrain is flat in many places
- The grassy parts are pretty bad. You put the "Dark Grass" all together and randomly put some "Rough Dirt" on the Grass so everything turned out slightly bad
- Tile variation wasn't manipulated very efficiently because I noticed some places in your maps that I didn't like a lot
- Looking at the parts of the Gold Mines, I found some Shrubs and Flowers spammed everywhere and I really didn't like that. You didn't apply them wisely
- Having a look at the south-east of the map, I noticed that you have access to the back part of the cliffs which is completely empty. So I had a look at the other corners of the map and noticed that you don't have access to the back parts of the cliffs. It's a very little issue but it's annoying

At least the items' drop was well done and the creep camps too.

- For the problem of the screenshots, simply open them in your album, right click on one of them and click "Copy Image URL".
Then, update your map and type
just beneath the subtitle "Screenshots". If you did everything well, your screenshot will appear in the description
- Make the terrain more hilly
- The grassy parts should be improved by spreading the Dark Grass through all the grass and not keeping it concentrated in one point. Also, you might consider adding "Grassy Dirt" inside the Grass, not only around it
- Block the access to the back of the south-eastern cliffs

For now, I give this 2.5/5, rate 3 and vote for APPROVAL!
Level 6
Aug 2, 2013
Review: Sudden Death
Good points
Terrain is fine
Fun gameplay
Bad points
Description could be improved
Even though terrain is fine it could really be improved
Improve the terrain because you can do better than that
Improve description a little
20 goldmines in a 4-player map is too much. 8-16 gold mines are enough.
Downloading so I can give you the full review.

Reduce goldmines to eight, one main and the other one expansion for each player. Grasses are scattered in some places and somewhat placed randomly. I have not seen any neutral units to spice the map. No weather effect and such. Four taverns for a 4-playered map is too much, reduce that to one. For item drops, it is better if you used custom item table rather than the item table from map.

For now, this map needs improvement and should be updated for good.
Rating 2/5 needs fix
Last edited:
Level 13
Mar 13, 2013
20 goldmines in a 4-player map is too much. 8-16 gold mines are enough.
Downloading so I can give you the full review.

Reduce goldmines to eight, one main and the other one expansion for each player. Grasses are scattered in some places and somewhat placed randomly. I have not seen any neutral units to spice the map. No weather effect and such. Four taverns for a 4-playered map is too much, reduce that to one. For item drops, it is better if you used custom item table rather than the item table from map.

For now, this map needs improvement and should be updated for good.
Rating 2/5 needs fix
The map is designed for one thing: fast FFA games. There are a couple of suggestions you listed that are contrary to this idea.
-The creeps are sparse because FFA games tend to not really 'start' until all of the creeps are crept.
-There are four taverns because any less than that and it would impede at least one player's access to the taverns, which isn't fair to that player.
-the sixteen expansion mines are simply the 'flare' of the map. You may notice they don't have a lot of gold in them.

The item table thing is subjective. I prefer to use tables as it makes changing the drops a lot easier.
Last edited:
The Hive Workshop Official

Map Reviewer: eubz
Map Name: Sudden Death
Map Author: normalice
Map Uploader: normalice



The presentation is done nicely using kobas' template.
Score: 75/100


You used variation of tiles, The terrain has slopes, this gives you a plus yet there are minor flaws like the waters near the taverns. Grasses and flowers are randomly placed which I do think not that good to look at. Still, I couldn't see any neutral units to make your map lively.
Score: 60/100


1. Using too many goldmines is not really a good idea. But giving them smaller amounts is acceptable.

The map is designed for one thing: fast FFA games.
You don't actually just think of one design for your map when you upload it publicly. You have to think of other posibilities and usefulness of your map to others who would like to play your map in other strategies aside from being FFA.

3. Four taverns are close to each other which is better if you just reduce it to one unless you place them near the base camp of each player. This is not actually ideal for a 4-player map to have 4 taverns. Your reason is clear to me but as I have said, the taverns are very close.

4. The use of item table is acceptable.

Score: 55/100


Taverns can be placed near to base camps of each player or reduce them to one.
Add neutral units to make your map lively.
You might want to use terrain fog, global weather, and custom sound environment.


Final Score: 63.333/100
3/5 Vote for Approval


Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers)