The problem with haveing the unit locust attack the target is the fact that there attack animation is like them just hovering... so i try to assign them to swarm a dummy unit then have that dummy unit chase the target... it hasnt worked yet but there has to be a way..
Handlers huh? have to take a look at that
The only other spells that might give me some issues are:
ICE... i would like to give him an ultimate based of the spell on this website called TheFrozenThrone.. however i will need to add levels and would like it to deal damage gonna try to give him a move called humber... that on first level halfs HP and MP of units around, second 1/3 it, and last puts both to 10 (or something low)
another move for fire was a move that just did pillar of fire, only for a very long time... however since i dont know how to adjust the animation, it looks like i will just have to make a dummy unit contiuously cast it.... which wont look as cool
The current elements are Rock, Fire, Ice, Water, Undead, Forest, Lightning, Air, and Holy.. and i used mainly skins abnd models from this site