Tutorial Reviewer
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- Jun 9, 2011
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Another problem came up however.
id is private so it cannot be changed from another trigger, and it is not used anywhere else within the class.
static method create(integer upgrade, integer g, integer l, integer num, real val) -> thistype {
thistype this = thistype.allocate();
tech = upgrade;
gold = g;
lumber = l;
id = num;
BJDebugMsg(I2S(id)); //writes out a number properly
value = val;
return this;
BJDebugMsg(I2S(; //writes 0 and yes, I tried without this. as well
if(u == null) {
} else if(GetUnitTypeId(u) == id) { //this never works
id is private so it cannot be changed from another trigger, and it is not used anywhere else within the class.
//! zinc
library ResearchUtils
function filter() -> boolean{
return UnitAlive(GetFilterUnit());
public struct info {
public unit u;
public boolean check;
public string reason;
static method create(boolean tcheck) -> thistype {
thistype this = thistype.allocate();
check = tcheck;
reason = "Default";
return this;
public struct Research {
integer tech;
integer gold;
integer lumber;
private integer id;
real value;
static method create(integer upgrade, integer g, integer l, integer num, real val) -> thistype {
thistype this = thistype.allocate();
tech = upgrade;
gold = g;
lumber = l;
id = num;
value = val;
return this;
method isUpgraded(player p) -> boolean {
return GetPlayerTechCount(p, tech, true) > 0;
method canAfford(player p) -> boolean {
return GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) >= gold && GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) >= lumber;
method filter() -> boolean{
return UnitAlive(GetFilterUnit());
method canUpgrade(player p) -> info {
unit u;
group g;
info i;
i = info.create(true);
if(!isUpgraded(p) && canAfford(p)) {
g = GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, Condition(function filter));
while(true) {
u = FirstOfGroup(g);
GroupRemoveUnit(g, u);
if(u == null) {
} else if(GetUnitTypeId(u) == id) {
if(u == null) {
i.reason = "No unit to do the upgrade";
i.check = false;
return i;
} else {
i.u = u;
if(isUpgraded(p)) {
i.reason = "Is already upgraded";
i.check = false;
if(!canAfford(p)) {
i.reason = "Cannot afford";
i.check = false;
return i;
//! endzinc
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