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[Solved] Struct member returns 0

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Another problem came up however.

static method  create(integer upgrade, integer g, integer l, integer num, real val) -> thistype {
                thistype this = thistype.allocate();
                tech = upgrade;
                gold = g;
                lumber = l;
                id = num;
                BJDebugMsg(I2S(id)); //writes out a number properly
                value = val;
                return this;
BJDebugMsg(I2S(this.id)); //writes 0 and yes, I tried without this. as well
if(u == null) {
} else if(GetUnitTypeId(u) == id) { //this never works

id is private so it cannot be changed from another trigger, and it is not used anywhere else within the class.

//! zinc
    library ResearchUtils
        function filter() -> boolean{
            return UnitAlive(GetFilterUnit());
        public struct info {
            public unit u;
            public boolean check;
            public string reason;
            static method create(boolean tcheck) -> thistype {
                thistype this = thistype.allocate();
                check = tcheck;
                reason = "Default";
                return this;
        public struct Research {
            integer tech;
            integer gold;
            integer lumber;
            private integer id;
            real value;
            static method  create(integer upgrade, integer g, integer l, integer num, real val) -> thistype {
                thistype this = thistype.allocate();
                tech = upgrade;
                gold = g;
                lumber = l;
                id = num;
                value = val;
                return this;
            method isUpgraded(player p) -> boolean {
                return GetPlayerTechCount(p, tech, true) > 0;
            method canAfford(player p) -> boolean {
                return GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) >= gold && GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) >= lumber;
            method filter() -> boolean{
                return UnitAlive(GetFilterUnit());
            method canUpgrade(player p) -> info {
                unit u;
                group g;
                info i;
                i = info.create(true);
                if(!isUpgraded(p) && canAfford(p)) {
                    g = GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, Condition(function filter));
                    while(true) {
                        u = FirstOfGroup(g);
                        GroupRemoveUnit(g, u);
                        if(u == null) {
                        } else if(GetUnitTypeId(u) == id) {
                    if(u == null) {
                        i.reason = "No unit to do the upgrade";
                        i.check = false;
                        return i;
                    } else {
                        i.u = u;
                if(isUpgraded(p)) {
                    i.reason = "Is already upgraded";
                    i.check = false;
                if(!canAfford(p)) {
                    i.reason = "Cannot afford";
                    i.check = false;
                return i;
//! endzinc
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