Strange Quest Related Problem

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Level 2
Feb 5, 2011
Hello, I am currently having problems with quests.

I shall give you all a brief idea of the problem and hope that someone out there can enlighten me after looking at my trigger and tell me what went wrong.

This is roughly how I wanted the trigger to work:

Tested out one other friend (total of 2 players), this part has no problems
Players able to buy quest from quest giver. (Let's say the quest is to kill 3 units)
Two quests will be created in Quest(F9) in game (One for me one for friend)
Killing of units is independent, so means each of us has to kill 3 units individually
When 3 units are killed, quest is marked as completed.
Only if the quest is completed can you receive rewards (gain EXP) from quest giver.

Ok, this is the part which I cannot figure out how to fix
When I (Player 1) killed 3 units, the quest in Quest(F9) is marked as COMPLETED and I can claim the reward from the quest giver and repeat quest as per normal.
However, when another player (Player 2) killed 3 units, nothing shows up in the quest in Quest(F9) and the discovered quest will remain only as discovered and not being COMPLETED no matter how many units are killed. Hence Player 2 is unable to claim reward and continue as per normal as only Players with the "Kill 3 units" quest as completed can retake the same quest.

So, the strange thing is that my coding for the trigger is working perfectly fine for Player 1 but it is bugged for Player 2 (and possibly other Players).

I have tried my best to describe the problems I am facing.
As attached is a screenshot of the trigger where something might have ran wrong (the problem with this quest is that only Player 2 (and possibly other players) is unable to mark quest as COMPLETED even though requirements of quest are met and only Player 1 is able to run the quest smoothly).


Please ask me if you do not understand my problem.

Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
A few side-notes:
  • You can easily copy/paste triggers by right-clicking the thing above "Events" and selecting "Copy as Text", then you can paste it here and type [trigger] (pasted trigger) [/trigger].
  • You can show quests ONLY for the player who is on that quest (so although 2 quests will have been created, you can only see 1: the quest you are on).
    How this is done is explained later on.
  • The action "Do Nothing" DOES run a function, but that function doesn't do anything. That means you better delete it (because running a function that doesn't do anything wastes CPU).
  • You can remove the second If/Then/Else-multiple completely and move the actions to the "else"-part of the previous If/Then/Else-Multiple.
    That's because you say if kills < 5 then Act1 else nothing if kills >= 5 then Act2 else nothing - this can be combined to if kills < 5 then Act1 else Act2 (if kills isn't smaller than 5, it has to be greater than or equal to).
  • There is no use for the If/Then/Else-single: You said "if kills >= 5 then if kills >= 5 then actions" - as you can see, the second condition can be removed.

Solution: (maybe)

The condition is wrong.
There is no "buying unit" in your trigger.

Showing quests for only 1 player:

  • Actions
    • Quest - Create a Required quest titled with the description <Empty String>, using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAmbush.blp
    • Set Quest = (Last created quest)
    • Quest - Disable Quest
    • Set Player = Player 1 (Red)
    • Custom script: if GetLocalPlayer == udg_Player then
    • Quest - Enable Quest
    • Custom script: endif
The first part is easy: you create a quest and disable (thus hiding) it for everyone.
I now set a GUI-variable called "Player" for your simplicity: the quest will enable ONLY for the player stored in that variable, so that player will be the only one to see it.
Level 2
Feb 5, 2011
  • Start Track Down The Bandits
    • Events
      • Unit - Fledglings Encampment Quest Giver 0028 <gen> Sells an item (from shop)
    • Conditions
      • (Quest[((Player number of (Owner of (Buying unit))) + 1)] is enabled) Equal to False
      • (Item-type of (Sold Item)) Equal to Track Down The Bandits!
    • Actions
      • Item - Remove (Sold Item)
      • Quest - Display to (Player group((Owner of (Buying unit)))) the Quest Update message: Help! The Bandits h...
      • Quest - Create a Required quest titled Track Down The Band... with the description The Bandits have st..., using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAmbush.blp
      • Set Quest[((Player number of (Owner of (Buying unit))) + 1)] = (Last created quest)
      • Quest - Disable Quest[((Player number of (Owner of (Buying unit))) + 1)]
      • Set Players[(Player number of (Owner of (Buying unit)))] = (Owner of (Buying unit))
      • Custom script: if GetLocalPlayer == udg_Players then
      • Quest - Enable Quest[((Player number of (Owner of (Buying unit))) + 1)]
      • Custom script: endif
I tried using your Single Player Quest system but something else seems to be wrong. some how the trigger cannot be turned on due to 2 errors (it says something wrong with the custom script).

How can I fix it?
Level 2
Feb 5, 2011
Haha yeah ok thanks. but now there is this server split problem i suppose?

After my friend kills one unit after activating the quest, he gets disconnected.

Is there a way to solve this problem?
Level 2
Feb 5, 2011
hmm the problem i face is that the player gets dc after killing a unit, after activating the quest.

i'm not so sure what kind of problem is that though.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
It has to be the system I've given you: GetLocalPlayer() is well-known for desyncing the game.
Very short explanation: the GetLocalPlayer() function takes all player and does the actions ONLY FOR THAT PLAYER (so if you create a unit after GetLocalPlayer(), then the unit is only created in his game - obviously causes a desync).

You should try some of these other options:
  • Actions
    • Set Player = Player 1 (Red)
    • Quest - Create a Required quest titled Title with the description Description, using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAbomination.blp
    • Custom script: if GetLocalPlayer() != udg_Player then
    • Quest - Destroy (Last created quest)
    • Custom script: endif
  • Actions
    • Set Player = Player 1 (Red)
    • Custom script: if GetLocalPlayer() == udg_Player then
    • Quest - Create a Required quest titled Title with the description Description, using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAbomination.blp
    • Custom script: endif
But since even enabling a quest locally desyncs the player according to you, then these might fail as well.
I have question related to quests, I started working on them but I hate error created when I want to display string variable trough quest message, it's seams code for color work but code for new line don't (|n) :(
Still created quest, using same variable, look perfectly fine...

Not such deal, that's just few lines of text, instead of variables, but still I would like to know why? :)
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