[highlight] Version 1.3
[highlight]Map Information :[/code]
The map is built on Ashenvale Tileset. Its Dimensions are 64X64 and its size is tiny.
Its terrain is rough with grass, vines and leaves spread all over the map. A variety
of doodads are used including Trees, birds, bats, waterfall, bushes weed, flowers, statues ,etc.
[highlight]Heroes :[/code]
There a total of 6 heroes ; 3
Panda's and 3
Furbolgs. You can select your hero from the Tavern at the start of the game. Each hero has unique abilities. A hero can level up to a maximum of 30 levels.
[highlight]Shops and Items :[/code]
Currently, there are only 3 shops ;
Consumables, which has all the consumables like
healing salve, clarity potion, Invisibility potion, Dust of appearence ,etc. Also some
interesting items like Scroll of speed which gives you maximum speed for a limited time
and revealing potion which reveals the whole map for a limited time.
The second shop is the
Ancient Artifacts. This shop sells the Abilities items, which have some kind of ability like wind walk, Illusions, blink etc. Also items that can summon other units.The abilities items do not give any stat bonus, just the ability.
The third shop is the
Knight Equipment. This shop sells items that boost your stats, like strength, agility, intelligence, armor, speed, etc. No item from this shop occupies the inventory except for the Mask of Death (because of it being an Orb effect).
[highlight]Map Description :[/code]
You select your hero, buy items for it with the starting gold. Next you can either just go find your enemies and start killing them or rather go farm by killing some neutral creeps.
The Quests can be seen by pressing F9, which will guide you what you should do next.
Once you have leveled up sufficiently, you can also go killing The
Granite Golem or the
Red Drake. Both are giant level 20 creeps protected by other creeps, and both drop unique and useful items. More information about them in Quests.
[highlight]Keepers and Guardians[/code]
There are also 4
Peace Keepers and 3
Ancient Guardians in the map. Both have high HP, Damage and Range and will target any unit that comes within their range. But both of them cant move from their fixed places. Its best to stay away from them early game until you have leveled up sufficiently. More information about them can be found in the quests.
[highlight]Changelog :[/code]
- New Tileset and terrain.
- Added more doodads
- Major bug fixes
- Fixed stats bug
- Fixed Leaderboard
- Added Boots of Speed and Talisman of Evasion buff in status
- Added Keepers and Guardians
- Added Quests
- Added Runes
- 3 new heroes
- Many abilities changed
- Golem now drops one out 3 orbs.
- Some item's prices changed
- Some item's changed
- Golem and Drake's Health lowered.
- Golem protectors now don't have Slow.
- Added -EarthP , -StormP ,-FireP command to repick into Pandas.
- Added -EarthF , -StormF,-FireF command to repick into Furbolgs.
[highlight]Credits :[/code]
Author :
[highlight]dJ @B[/code]
Made it all alone.
[highlight]Updates for Version 1.4 :[/code]
Version 1.4 is under progress. It has many more features some of which are below :
- A new Shop
- More items
- A new Giant
- Some new Abilities
- 6 more heroes
Here are some screenshots :
UPDATED 13/07/2013
Storm earth fire arena hero strategy competitive defense offense assault teams kills neutrals Version3 Golem Dragon first quests Pandas Furbolgs