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Stomping Ogre, can it be done?

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Level 3
Oct 19, 2008
Hey everybody, as you can probably guess from the title I need to make an ogre stomp, more specifically, I need to make a custom orge lord hero stomp when I use thunder clap with it.Is that possible?If not could I use his showckwave animation?I tried switching out his file for cairnes and he stomps when I use thunder clap, just the model file.But it doesn't look good if he just stands there when I use thunder clap with him.If I can't get him to stomp I'll have to replace the ablility, and I don't want to do that, it'll throw him off.I appreciate any help that is given.
Level 13
Sep 14, 2008
Making the Ogre model "stomp" is not possible. You need to change the animations and that can only be done through editing the model.

When you look at the ability there is a row called animation: (or somehting like that)

There you can say which animation should be uses.

You can check the ogres animations through double placing one in the map.
While doing that the ogre should appear in the left part of the we.
There you can have a look at his animations.
Level 3
Oct 19, 2008
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that editing the model is pretty hard.So if I wanted to make an ogre apear to stomp I'd have to reskin Cairne or something?well, I'm looking for animations in art in the ability editor and I don't see anything, am I looking in the wrong place by any chance?
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