static method acces to this. methods

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Level 2
Aug 4, 2011
I need to make it worK:
///////GREAT QUEST SYSTEM/////////////////////////////////

interface Quest
   trigger eventTrigger = null
   unit unitGiver = null
   integer rewardXp = 0
   integer rewardGold = 0
   string beginString = ""
   string finishString = ""
   string toFinishString = ""
   trigger eventGive = null
   effect effectGiver = null
   method Reward takes nothing returns nothing
   method Init takes nothing returns nothing

struct KillQuest extends Quest
   integer unitToKill = 0
   integer unitCount = 0
   integer unitTotal = 0
   string killString = ""
   method Reward takes nothing returns nothing
      local integer i = 0
      local player pl = GetOwningPlayer(Heroes[i])
         call AddHeroXP(Heroes[i], this.rewardXp, true)
         call SetPlayerState(pl, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, GetPlayerState(pl, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD))
         set i = i + 1
         exitwhen(i == HeroesCount)
      set pl = null
   method Init takes nothing returns nothing
      set this.eventGive = CreateTrigger()
      set this.unitTotal = this.unitCount
      set this.effectGiver = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\TalkToMe\\TalkToMe.mdl",this.unitGiver,"overhead")
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(this.eventGive, this.unitGiver, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED)
      call TriggerAddAction(this.eventGive, function thistype.onBegin)
   method Death takes nothing returns nothing
      set this.unitCount = this.unitCount - 1
      if(this.unitCount == 0) then
         call this.ToFinish()
         call BJDebugMsg(I2S(this.unitCount) + this.killString + I2S(this.unitTotal))
   static method onDeath takes nothing returns nothing
      call ExecuteFunc("Death")
   static method onBegin takes nothing returns nothing
      call ExecuteFunc("Begin")
   method ToFinish takes nothing returns nothing
      call BJDebugMsg(this.toFinishString)
      set this.eventGive = CreateTrigger()
      set this.effectGiver = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\TalkToMe\\TalkToMe.mdl",this.unitGiver,"overhead")
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(this.eventGive, this.unitGiver, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED)
      call TriggerAddAction(this.eventGive, function thistype.onFinish)
   static method onFinish takes nothing returns nothing
   method Begin takes nothing returns nothing
      call BJDebugMsg(this.beginString)
      call DestroyTrigger(this.eventGive)
      set this.eventGive = null
      call DestroyEffect(this.effectGiver)
      call AddSpecialEffectTarget("Objects\\RandomObject\\RandomObject.mdl",this.unitGiver,"overhead")
      set this.eventTrigger = CreateTrigger()
      call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(this.eventTrigger, Player(12), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH, null)
      call TriggerAddAction(this.eventTrigger, function thistype.onDeath)
   method Destroy takes nothing returns nothing
      call DestroyEffect(this.effectGiver)
      set this.effectGiver = null
      set this.unitGiver = null
      set this.beginString = null
      set this.finishString = null
      call DestroyTrigger(this.eventTrigger)
      set this.eventTrigger = null
   method Finish takes nothing returns nothing
      call DestroyTrigger(this.eventGive)
      set this.eventGive = null
      call BJDebugMsg(this.finishString)
      call this.Reward()
      call this.Destroy()

//////END QUEST SYSTEM/////////////////////////////////////////
So ExecuteFunc("") doesn't work... How can i do that?
You would need to do:
call ExecuteFunc("s__Quest_Death")

Add the same prefix "s__Quest_" to the other function names, and then it should execute. However, you cannot execute normal methods. They have to be static for it to work properly. (However, that means that you need to access this through other means [the instance])

Which means that you have to attach data to the trigger somehow. I recommend that you use hashtables. Here is an example of attaching data to the trigger:
struct Example
    // just an example, this doesn't really do anything special
    private static hashtable Hash = InitHashtable() // you can use any hashtable
    unit ex
    real speed
    static method onDeath takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger  t        = GetTriggeringTrigger()
        local thistype this     = LoadInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0 ) // load it in the "actions"
        call SetUnitMoveSpeed( this.ex, this.speed ) // now you can use "this" as if in a normal method
        set t = null

    static method create takes unit u, real vel returns thistype
        local thistype this   = thistype.allocate()
        local trigger  test   = CreateTrigger()
        set this.ex    = u
        set this.vel   = speed
        call SaveInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(test), 0, this )  // save your instance to the handle id of your trigger
        call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( test, u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
        call TriggerAddAction( test, function thistype.onDeath )
        set test = null
Level 2
Aug 4, 2011
Thank you, i'll try this!


static method create takes unit questGiver, integer rewardXp, integer rewardGold returns thistype
      local thistype this   = thistype.allocate()
      local trigger  eventTrigger   = CreateTrigger()
      set this.rewardXp    =rewardXp
      set this.rewardGold   = rewardGold
      set this.questGiver   = questGiver
      call SaveInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(eventTrigger), 0, this )  // save your instance to the handle id of your trigger
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( eventTrigger, questGiver, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( eventTrigger, function thistype.onTalk )
      set eventTrigger = null

Throws an error: "Missing return" :goblin_jawdrop:


return this -> everything okey.
Thanks, it works!!!

How to "clear" hash value? I want to recreate trigger "t" and save it to the hash.
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Level 2
Aug 4, 2011
struct SpeakQuest
   integer rewardXp = 0
   integer rewardGold = 0
   unit questGiver = null
   unit questFinisher = null
   string stringBegin = ""
   string stringFinish = ""
   static method onTalk takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger  t        = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      local thistype this     = LoadInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0 ) // load it in the "actions"
      call DestroyTrigger(t)
      set t = CreateTrigger()
      call CreateFloatText(this.stringBegin, 100, 100, 100, GetUnitX(this.questGiver), GetUnitY(this.questGiver))
      call SaveInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0, this )  // save your instance to the handle id of your trigger
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, this.questFinisher, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( t, function thistype.onFinish )
      set this.questGiver = null
      set t = null
    static method onFinish takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger  t        = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      local thistype this     = LoadInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0 ) // load it in the "actions"
      call Reward(this.rewardXp,this.rewardGold) /*doesn't work (Reward function is ok) */
      call CreateFloatText(this.stringFinish, 100, 150, 100, GetUnitX(this.questFinisher), GetUnitY(this.questGiver)) //doesn't work
      call DestroyTrigger(t)
      set this.questFinisher = null
      set t = null
   static method create takes unit questGiver, unit questFinisher, string stringBegin, string stringFinish ,integer rewardXp, integer rewardGold returns thistype
      local thistype this   = thistype.allocate()
      local trigger  eventTrigger   = CreateTrigger()
      set this.rewardXp    =rewardXp
      set this.rewardGold   = rewardGold
      set this.questGiver   = questGiver
      set this.questFinisher   = questFinisher
      set this.stringBegin   = stringBegin
      set this.stringFinish   = stringFinish
      call SaveInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(eventTrigger), 0, this )  // save your instance to the handle id of your trigger
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( eventTrigger, questGiver, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( eventTrigger, function thistype.onTalk )
      set eventTrigger = null
      return this
method onFinish can't use this.* somewhy... everything becomes null.

i think i did something wrong here:
static method onTalk takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger  t        = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      local thistype this     = LoadInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0 ) // load it in the "actions"
      call DestroyTrigger(t)
      set t = CreateTrigger()
      call CreateFloatText(this.stringBegin, 100, 100, 100, GetUnitX(this.questGiver), GetUnitY(this.questGiver)) // works!
      call SaveInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0, this )  // save your instance to the handle id of your trigger
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, this.questFinisher, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( t, function thistype.onFinish )
      set this.questGiver = null 
      set t = null

method onFinish is calling okay, but loading "this" doesn't works there... Help pls!
Level 2
Aug 4, 2011
static method onFinish takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger  t        = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      call BJDebugMsg(I2S(LoadInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0 )))
      local thistype this     = LoadInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0 ) // load it in the "actions"
      call Reward(this.rewardXp,this.rewardGold)
      call CreateFloatText(this.stringFinish, 100, 150, 100, GetUnitX(this.questFinisher), GetUnitY(this.questGiver))
      call DestroyTrigger(t)
      set this.questFinisher = null
      set t = null

BJ debug returns 0 (null)... Look like saveinteger saves null trigger... but:
local thistype this     = LoadInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0 ) // load it in the "actions"
      call DestroyTrigger(t)
      set t = null
      set t = CreateTrigger()
      call CreateFloatText(this.stringBegin, 100, 100, 100, GetUnitX(this.questGiver), GetUnitY(this.questGiver))
      call BJDebugMsg(I2S(GetHandleId(t)))
      call SaveInteger( Hash, GetHandleId(t), 0, this )  // save your instance to the handle id of your trigger
Looks okay :goblin_jawdrop:
Level 2
Aug 4, 2011
Or just use the name field

call ExecuteFunc(

Then again, why would you prefer ExecuteFunc over TriggerExecute/Evaluate or the vJass abbreviations call thistype.Death.execute()/evaluate()?

Okay, i'll try this...

evaluate() - > don't know what is it)))

TriggerExecute - > i don't use conditions

Evaluate - > don't know what is it

call thistype.Death.execute() -> is it possible? looks strange!

i'll try everything) thank you
Level 2
Aug 4, 2011
struct SpeakQuest
   integer rewardXp = 0
   integer rewardGold = 0
   unit questGiver = null
   unit questFinisher = null
   string stringBegin = ""
   string stringFinish = ""
   method onTalk takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
      call CreateFloatText(this.stringBegin, 100, 100, 100, GetUnitX(this.questGiver), GetUnitY(this.questGiver))
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( t, this.questFinisher, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( t, function thistype.FonFinish )
      set this.questGiver = null
      set t = null
   static method FonTalk takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger  t        = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      call DestroyTrigger(t)
      call ExecuteFunc(
      set t = null
   static method FonFinish takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger  t        = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      call DestroyTrigger(t)
      call ExecuteFunc(
      set t = null
   method onFinish takes nothing returns nothing
      call Reward(this.rewardXp,this.rewardGold)
      call CreateFloatText(this.stringFinish, 100, 150, 100, GetUnitX(this.questFinisher), GetUnitY(this.questGiver))
      set this.questFinisher = null
   static method create takes unit questGiver, unit questFinisher, string stringBegin, string stringFinish ,integer rewardXp, integer rewardGold returns thistype
      local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
      local trigger  eventTrigger   = CreateTrigger()
      set this.rewardXp    =rewardXp
      set this.rewardGold   = rewardGold
      set this.questGiver   = questGiver
      set this.questFinisher   = questFinisher
      set this.stringBegin   = stringBegin
      set this.stringFinish   = stringFinish
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( eventTrigger, questGiver, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( eventTrigger, function thistype.FonTalk )
      set eventTrigger = null
      return this
Causes fatal error :goblin_cry:
I'm out of breath! Give me an example pls !!!

It works, i did it ! :D
struct SpeakQuest
   integer rewardXp = 0
   integer rewardGold = 0
   unit questGiver = null
   unit questFinisher = null
   string stringBegin = ""
   string stringFinish = ""
   trigger eventTrigger = null
   static hashtable hash = InitHashtable()
   static method onFinish takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger trig = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      local integer id = GetHandleId(trig)
      local thistype this = LoadInteger(thistype.hash, id, 0)
      call FlushChildHashtable(thistype.hash, id)
      call DestroyTrigger(trig)
      call Reward(this.rewardXp, this.rewardGold)
      set trig = null
   static method onTalk takes nothing returns nothing
      local trigger trig = GetTriggeringTrigger()
      local integer id = GetHandleId(trig)
      local thistype this = LoadInteger(thistype.hash, id, 0)
      call FlushChildHashtable(thistype.hash, id)
      call DestroyTrigger(trig)
      set trig = CreateTrigger()
      call SaveInteger(thistype.hash, GetHandleId(trig), 0, this)
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( trig, this.questFinisher, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( trig, function thistype.onFinish)
      set trig = null
   static method create takes unit questGiver, unit questFinisher, string stringBegin, string stringFinish ,integer rewardXp, integer rewardGold returns thistype
      local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
      set this.eventTrigger = CreateTrigger()
      set this.rewardXp    =rewardXp
      set this.rewardGold   = rewardGold
      set this.questGiver   = questGiver
      set this.questFinisher   = questFinisher
      set this.stringBegin   = stringBegin
      set this.stringFinish   = stringFinish
      call SaveInteger(thistype.hash, GetHandleId(this.eventTrigger), 0, this)
      call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( this.eventTrigger, questGiver, EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED )
      call TriggerAddAction( this.eventTrigger, function thistype.onTalk)
      set this.eventTrigger = null
      return this
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