As a former war3 player, what I do not like with SC2 is that as you mentioned, the game is WAYY NOOB friendly... but since it is all about $$ which comes from the majority that are casuals... you know.
So many automated things, if in SCBW you had to select worker 1 by 1 and the controls were just lacking. Here, HotS brings you automated SCV gather on start and a whole lots of automated controls... like micro seriously cut?? which is why IMO, war3's controls were the best - not too much, not too little. I have a former GM friend that went back to war3 for similar reason.
Away from the easier controls (now grab 100+ lings in ctrl 1) which I personally didn't care, the real issue is that skill is too unstable towards other players. In war3 when you are skilled, when you have stopped Tower rushes, multi expands... you generally are always winner, the better player almost always wins WHILE in SC2, cheese - ok you didn't expect it after 50 games no one did it to you - lose,
war3 in Hu vs Hu, I've stopped 5-6 gryphons with ground after learning about them late, and in no time 2x workshops with multi build workers, gyro and i win the game with also better micro, in SC2 if you don't scout early enough, you LOSE... War3 melee was more fun for sure. Also SC2 people learn too fast, you can easily be left behind in skill if you don't play regularly... again SC2 not that stable in skill. I've seen pro players losing to other NEW STARS only because the new stars (such as Life (Zerg)) became very active towards such that played a little less in their practice for tournaments.
But we have to move on, War3 old, SCBW more.. HotS has amazing graphics, cinematics, if you do futuristic maps and stuff like I do, HotS is the best. You know what, this gave me incentive to do also editor stuff a lot more, sometimes even more than playing although I should catch up with some guys in melee skill even though on the less fun melee.