ok here we go!
I have been a starcraft fan ever since the game came out, i have been a competitive player ever since it came out. and now that starcraft 2 is out i need to get it. only problem is, my computer is eleven years old!! my parents are in the best shape money wise and i don't have a job considering the fact im 15. so im stuck here starcraftless watching everybody else have fun with the game. are you in this position? do you wanna become part of something BIG! are you good at using world edit??
i know for a fact that if we finished this mod it would be the most popular mod to ever of been revealed. this mod would be for all those people who cant afford a new computer or the ridiculous price of starcraft 2. i need a good friendly team for this, if you have the skill i need then your in! i just need you!
but seriously this is a serious matter.
here are the types of people i need:
Trigger Editor eg (zerg larva, protoss shields, and terran lift off)
Ideas person
sound editor
campaign editor
skin editor, for custom command cards/interface
and maybe perhaps a model editor just in-case there are some models that we need that don't exist.
I will be copying blizzard in how they release there game.
i will make the terran campaign first ONLY i will have the multi-player have only 1 race which is terran, then i will do the same thing for all races. once i am done with all races i will release them in a pack all together. I am doing this so you guys can get your hands on this asap, and also for the big fans of each race, there will be a very compelling storyline that i have come up with, took me a whole year to do
thank you for your consideration and time! and i hope this sinks into your mind and all those who fit my requirements may help me out in this epic mod!
ok here we go!
I have been a starcraft fan ever since the game came out, i have been a competitive player ever since it came out. and now that starcraft 2 is out i need to get it. only problem is, my computer is eleven years old!! my parents are in the best shape money wise and i don't have a job considering the fact im 15. so im stuck here starcraftless watching everybody else have fun with the game. are you in this position? do you wanna become part of something BIG! are you good at using world edit??
i know for a fact that if we finished this mod it would be the most popular mod to ever of been revealed. this mod would be for all those people who cant afford a new computer or the ridiculous price of starcraft 2. i need a good friendly team for this, if you have the skill i need then your in! i just need you!
but seriously this is a serious matter.
here are the types of people i need:
Trigger Editor eg (zerg larva, protoss shields, and terran lift off)
Ideas person
sound editor
campaign editor
skin editor, for custom command cards/interface
and maybe perhaps a model editor just in-case there are some models that we need that don't exist.
I will be copying blizzard in how they release there game.
thank you for your consideration and time! and i hope this sinks into your mind and all those who fit my requirements may help me out in this epic mod!