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Star Wars Clone Wars Beta 10

This map features the Clone Wars from Star wars. Battle on Kashyyyk, Coruscant, Felucia, Skako, Muunilinst and Mygeeto as the droid armies of the CIS or the clones of the Republic. Blue, Green and Purple also get control of a vast number of jedi. Once you have gathered your forces you can load em up on transports and invade your enemies planet. This map is highly recomended for all Star Wars fans.

Star Wars: Clone Wars is still in beta stages. You may experience unbalanced units and awkword bugs, but ive gotten very posative feedback and its deffinetly worth a try. Feel free to post up any bugs other then the boundry bug and the game text "yo" flashing up on the screen when u enter Mygeeto :p

Models by: olofmoleman and Illidan(Evil)X

Star wars, clone wars, jedi, sith, coruscant, skywalker, space combat, revenge of the sith, attack of the clones, CIS, confederacy, war, count dooko,

Star Wars Clone Wars Beta 10 (Map)

13:56, 29th Jun 2009 Linaze: Entertaining Star Wars map that takes place both in Space, but also on several different planets that have different environment's that certain units couldn't withstand. Space traveling was as simple as it should be, even...




13:56, 29th Jun 2009
Linaze: Entertaining Star Wars map that takes place both in Space, but also on several different planets that have different environment's that certain units couldn't withstand. Space traveling was as simple as it should be, even though the left-most planets were the right-most in space and vice versa. There were lots of hereoes with many different abilities, but mine died before I got a chance to level him up, and I never found out how you resurrected him. The terrain was decent, but some areas (small ones, though) were completely empty without a single doodad, which looked a bit bad, so you should look into that. Finally, the presentation here on the Hive could be improved a bit by adding screenshots (in hidden tags) and some more information.
Approved with a 3/5 (useful) rating.
Level 1
Jun 16, 2008
i am not sure really but i host it and a few mins later
there r error to everyone in the game and warcraft 3 turn off
maybe some one do some action in game like making creep moving ship or whatever is it
but it do not happen everytime
last time i host it and it has to no error in the game
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
ive hosted my map atleast 2 dozen times and never had any problems, especially one like that.

Jailjaibinx all models/skins in my map are free game. however i dont think i specificly linked the pistol to its maker, so if you want to give credit you may have to do a little digging on this site (all models found here).
Level 1
Jun 3, 2008
I love this map and will continue hosting, i havent acutually seen any one else host it... but ill take opinions of the players and post what i find

Many are Saying that the heros/jedi/sith are too weak
and would want to have the jedi model by olof
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Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
if i get an interest back into mapping, i will make a truely great star wars map that towers this. maybe the new clone wars movie/tv show will inspire me. but till then, im in one of those "dont feel like mapping" stages. ive gone through several. im sure i will come back to it by the end of the year (with a SW map out)

Edit: i do appreciate all the support i get, especially from u dedicated star wars fans.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
i also prefer to do single planet places. but if i re-made a map like this, it be titled Star Wars: Clone Wars 2. however im leaning more to a Star Wars: Battle Of (planet) or somthing similar to that. my immediate brainstorming thoughts are to do a battle of Endor, with a hero survival gameplay taking place in space, and an AOS on the ground. but this is all brainstorming right now.
Level 1
Jun 3, 2008
Please stay on this map. I like it a lot more than i would like a planet battle. But there are a few things i noticed a little wrong. Most are my or other ppls opinions. One that the jedi should only be the kael model, looks more like a jedi, plus the jedi should be melee not 150 ranged, and the youngling spawn should be a bit longer, to reduce temple clogedge. And put a limit on the flagships, most games are reduced to who can make the most flagships first. And please please finish the order 66. Or make it where we can unally each otehr after the cis leave, which is normal
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
it is quite possible that i will come back to this map and do a major overhall of everything here and make this map much better. but ATM im working on a star wars game that features the Battle of Naboo, which will feature 1st person space combat as well as 3ed person ground combat. but i most likely will come back to this map.
Level 1
Jun 3, 2008
So i see you acutually went to my profile, makes 2....Can you tell me how to add a picture below my name when i post things, and how to add links and stuff under what i acutually posted?

Nvm acutually i think i got it and im on U.s east DragonReborn. i'd be glad to host/play a map with you some time

but how do i add links below the post??
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Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
well i took normal clone troopers, attatched a jetpack model as an "attatchment", gave the units the ability to turn on or turn off the jetpack and thus you have the Jet Troopers. took about 12 minutes from the time i found the model, to the time i was done making the ability.

except actually there was about 2 days of me figuring out an easy way to have the jet pack use "mana" that drains and then it hits 0 the trooper lands. but that diddnt work so i scratched that part of the map. just like i did with 60 other things :p
Level 2
Sep 5, 2008
haha nice you should show me how to put a lightsaber in some ones hand i looked at the tutorial tried all of them and failed so maybe you can help me! :D

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Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I played the game and yes, it's extremely fun... Just a few requests, could you:

1. Add something like lightsaber dropping maybe after death since General Grevious was supposed to collect the lightsabers of his kills, or maybe just let Grevious start off with 1 lightsaber and as he gets kills he collects up to a maximum of 4.

2. Please state the name of who's lightsaber it is...

3. Umm... I'm not so sure about this one but could you try to make more custom models for other stuff like Yoda and others, good job and all but it'll be great(And laggy) if you added others...

4. Have some other kinds of spells for the units other than Ultimates...?

5. Make Yoda stronger...?

6. Make droids not cost food, since they're robots, and make them much much nerfed, so they won't be too good...

7. Like, an introduction of all the factions in the Quests Menu...?

That would be all, thanks for listening, you can object if you like i'm just giving my requests...

PS: I hope you do add them...

PPS: The Droids really should cost no food...

PPPS: Please inform me of your latest versions, your maps are awesome...
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
well i stopped working on this map a little while ago because i personally really didn't like it. it seemed kinda like a mess and i just could deal with that. however i am making a Star Wars Risk that should be available to the public very soon once i complete some of the heroes (which will be made alot better this time).

IF i was working on the map then that thing with grievous and the lightsabers would be put in. and i do have more room for models for like mace windu and yoda and a standard jedi model. however with droids i cant have them not cost food because of the high risk of massing/lag attack shortly after :(

but i appreciate your suggestions and support :)
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
This is my review on Star Wars Clone Wars Beta 10.

-Decent use of imported models.
-Travelling between planets was nicely done.
-The quests log was very informative for new players.
-Large number of units creates very thrilling gameplay.
-The terrain was decent. Some areas were well done, and others were far from it. Still, it was bearable at all times during the game.
-Quite balanced, although the CIS could be a bit under-powered
-Star Wars, is their anything else to life? ;)

-Lack of abilities. Most jedi only had 1-2 learn-able abilities. Having triggered effects wasn't neccesary either, abilities such as Force Speed could easilly be based off of existing abilities.
-Models were badly used at sometimes. While the selection was great, cosmetically, it was unfitting. For example, Obi-wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi Mundi both had red lightsabers.
-Bad use of sounds. Most units had very unfitting sounds effects. For example, Jedi Interceptors had the sound of a griffin rider, and Shaak Ti had the voice of a Paladin.
-A few events would have been nice, such as Order 66.
-CIS unit carriers didn't work.

Rating: 2.5 and recommended for approval.
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Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
bounty hunter2's Review on Star Wars Clone Wars Beta 10

Star Wars Clone Wars Beta 10 has an interesting idea, however it's not pulled out quite good.

The warcraft icons are quite confusing since they don't fit the space models, and it took my quite some time to realize where can I build ships. The C&C models aren't fitting aswell in the whole Star Wars space concept. Some of the ship models were badly chosen aswell.

The game has some bugs. I couldn't leave a couple of planets with ships. Troops could leave planets, not mine but Rui's. When I went with a ship on another planet I couldn't leave it.

The terrain could use a bit of polishing aswell. The 20 century building don't really fit in the Star Wars universe, don't you think?

Well I think you should fix the things I had mentioned, I would leave this map Pending and 2/5.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Yes this was an older map of mine where triggers were made with no regard to leaks, and overall the map is messy. like the icons are all messed up, planets don't look pretty, you can shoot across them (planet to planet), the win triggers i don't think are set up, etc, etc.

this map doesn't need to be reviewed anymore, i don't mind if its approved. just leave it up here for the die hard star wars fans, as they seem to really like it :p
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Does this mean you plan on continuing work on the map? This would be very pleasing to me.

I am currently helping in the making of this map: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=85918

We currently need modellers/spell-makers for the map. If you have any tips or help you can yield to us, contact me/centurywarlord, please!

I love your map, I just hope it gets more updates and rocks all.

Hey i can help you out with your star wars map im a die hard star wars fan and i know most of the lore well more like all of the lore:cute:
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Erm, where do you get the Jetpack attatchment and Blaster Shot Projectiles? And do you know how to get the Blaster Noise everytime a unit using it shoots?
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
I got all the models from THIS site. For the blaster shot, you have to download a blaster noise from the internet (try findsounds.com), then go to the Sound Editor, find the path that you want to replace (like AxeMediumChop is a good unique one), import the sound with the file path name, save and close. Then change all the units who shoot lasers to have their attack type be AxeMediumChop or whatever, and It should work.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Erm, sorry for the double post, but I must ask you something... How do you make the blaster shot projectiles work so well on the Battle Droids? Could you please show me the specific procedures please? Thank you so much ~
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Well you just have to play around with the Object editor. You can make the projectile go faster slower, come out faster or slower, if you change the unit size you can make the projectile size the same size as the unit. Their are object editor tutorials under the "tutorials" section on this site (At the top).
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I mean, everytime I try to do it, all that comes out is the usual dwarven rifleman's shots (The ones which you can see nothing), please tell me what you did, I would like to do it the same way as you did...

Also, I might want to know, where did you exactly get the Imperial Shuttle model and its animations?

Thank you so much ~
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
What I meant was, how do you make it so that when a unit shoots, you'll see the laser model come out of it rather than nothing coming out of it?
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
This is an example of what one of my units. Again, you can LOOK IN MY MAPS to see all this. :)

Combat - Attack 1 - Projectile Arc 0.00
Combat - Attack 1 - Projectile Art Laser_Blue.mdl <--(the laser model that you have already imported, it might not be this specific path)
Combat - Attack 1 - Projectile Speed 1400
Combat - Attack 1 - Projectile Range 600
Combat - Attack 1 - Targets Allowed Ground, Stucture, Debris, Item, Ward
Combat - Attack 1 - Weapon Type Missile